1 Screenshot

About This File

This mod is designed to work like the "Return to Ebon Hawk" button in KotOR I.
It consists of a new useable item, called "Rapid Transit System". It appears
in the shields menu. Clicking it will transport the player from their current location
to their base (usually the Ebon Hawk, but the apartment on Telos if you're on Telos).
Clicking the item again while at the base will return the player and their party to
their previous location.

The item is given to you on Telos, after you are moved to the apartment in Residential 082.
Otherwise you can give yourself the item by typing "giveitem di_rts_01" into the console and hitting

Double click on "Install TSL Rapid Transit System", and hit the "install mod" button.

Remove the following files from your Override folder:

Credits and Thanks
Thanks to DarthParametric for allowing me to bounce ideas off him,
and particular thanks to JCarter for fixing my wonky scripting.


All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware.

Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith.

I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed

as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.

Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must

ask for my permission first.


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I noticed there are three, possibly more mods that do something like this now! It was interesting to take a look at the source and see how differently each modder has achieved this.


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On 7/19/2023 at 4:45 AM, Thor110 said:

I noticed there are three, possibly more mods that do something like this now! It was interesting to take a look at the source and see how differently each modder has achieved this.


... There are?

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On 7/27/2023 at 9:59 PM, InSidious said:

Huh, I had no idea.

Just been tinkering with my own script again and while considering using GetAreaUnescapable like you are, I came across the fact that the following levels are not set to be unescapable in the .are files.


Plus all of Telos ( though you handled that with a global variable check )

and thought it might be worth noting here for you.

Though most of these are levels that the user is unlikely to use them in, except for perhaps Onderon.

Edit : Also, if you were to travel to a new planet after warping back to the Ebon Hawk, you would be able to warp back to a planet you just left! I had to add a Boolean and set it during the galaxy map script to deal with this.

Edited by Thor110

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Hello, I have a problem with the mod: When I arrive in Telos, after I move into the apartment in Residential 082.

It appears that I have obtained the item, but it does not appear in the quick bar, so when I check the inventory it does appear, but when selecting it it tells me the following: "this item cannot be used or equipped"

So I don't know what to do.

Edited by Rock33

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