6 Screenshots

About This File

This is a small skin pack I had laying about. It just improves Calo Nord, the bounty hunter.
You'll get two variants, in this pack, each has its own folder.

The "Gamelook", as the name implies, is Calo in his blue vest outfit and white hat. 
Second folder, QsLook, is a minor recolor of my own choice. It gives him a tanned darker vest.
And black hat. Other details remain just the same.

He now has a mustache! I know! It just made sense to me 😄

To install; unpack and then copy the contents to your override folder. 

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On 7/1/2022 at 10:33 PM, eduardolsd said:

This makes Calo super shiny to me for some reason 

Do you have any mod that replaces the CM_Baremetal texture?
I've had the same issue before on other textures suddenly be super shiny.

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Love the moustache.  Calo Nord is now a villain from the '70's.  Yeah, the 3970's BBY, but still the '70's, man.  Groovy!

Speaking of the '70's, I was just inspired to adapt a famous song from that era.  Here goes:

This is Major Carth to Fleet Control
I’m stepping through the hatch
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Endar Spire just blew
And there’s nothing I can do

Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles
I’m feeling very still
And I hope my space pod knows which way to go
Told my wife I loved her very much
She knew

Fleet Control to Major Carth
Your comm’s gone dead, there’s something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Carth?
Can you hear me, Major Carth?
Can you hear me, Major Carth?
Can you….

Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the world
Planet Taris is blue
And there’s nothing I can do.

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On 7/6/2022 at 7:12 AM, Quanon said:

Do you have any mod that replaces the CM_Baremetal texture?
I've had the same issue before on other textures suddenly be super shiny.

I would just like to confirm that I, too, am getting the shiny Calo Nord bug with the "GameLook" option. :(


I am using no other HD mods nor is the CM_Baremetal texture in the Override.




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Both textures in the "game look" folder have an alpha mask and a TXI specifying CM_Baremetal. I assume it's just a duplicate of the other folder. You could always just delete the alpha channel manually to prevent the issue.

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