Expanded lore friendly Mandalore's mask with matching armor and icons (upscaled high quality textures) 2.0.0

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Does it bother you reading lore on Revan + Mandalore & then simplistic that ugly mask on Canderous?

Me too, so this mod features:
-Matching HD icon in three different variations (two matching the armor and zoomed out and one zoomed in where you cannot see the armor that matches vanilla game)
-Upscaled base texture thx to ShiningRedHD
-25% more reflective & color corrected beskar texture all over (with Damascus steel overlay lightly showing like on the ingots in the mandalorian tv show)
-Mandalores mask matches the KOTOR comicbook style (partially hand drawn but heavily modified to preserve the proportions while still fitting the vanilla model)
-Custom hand drawn vambrace + shoulder pad 
-Optional matching chest piece version (I prefer this version)
-Optional all silver coating version
-Optional white war paint version with clan ordo symbols
-Optional dark brown version (mask now matches the vanilla shoulder pauldron color)
-Optional obsidian/dark grey version
-Restored content mod compatible (simply put in override folder)

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First off this is marvelous. I wanted this since first meeting Mandalore the Preserver in Kotor 2.

I am really struggling, whether Canderous would paint the Mask or not.

It was worn by Mandalore the First -> Mandalore the Indomitable -> Mandalore the Ultimate -> and finally Canderous Ordo, Mandalore the Preserver, after which it was not passed on. (Presumably the dark saber would soon replace the role of the mask.)

(There is an obscure peace of information, that the Ultimate was not a true Mandalore, but was aided by the Sith and basically replaced an unidentified Mandalore. After the death of the Ultimate and after Revan had told Canderous the location of the Mask, Canderous met the unidentified Mandalore, who was dying and told Canderous to take his armour and gave Canderous his blessing to become the Preserver, who would now be the rightful next Mandalore.)

Under those circumstances, would Canderous paint the Mask?

Reasons for painting the mask a different colour

  • People in-game don't seem to notice Mandalore himself walking past them.
  • Canderous wants to change tradition for now. He is rebuilding the Clans. Only the next Generation will return to the way of the warriors.
  • The Mask would be a target pinned to his face. It would be a symbol for the old ways of war.
  • (The Mask seems to lose relevance in its' history at this point. Perhaps painting it is one of the causes? Grand Admiral Thrawn ends up having the Mask of Grievous, the Mask of a Jedi Temple Guard, the Helmet of Clone Commander Gree (who tried to kill Yoda), but even Thrawn does not end up getting the Mask of Mandalore; He only has holo-images of ancient paintings.)

Reasons against painting the mask a different colour

  • Mandalorians have a proud tradition, from which they do not seem to deviate, even if it would wipe them out.
  • The Mask would be the icon and evidence of his rightful rule as the new Mandalore.
  • He went through so much effort to find the mask. Would he now hide its' golden colour?
  • Regardless of whether he paints it, the galaxy at large would not be pleased to learn about the Mandalorians trying to rebuild. Canderous would have many enemies either way and it was unlikely any of the would return to Dxun, where the Mandalorian Wars began.
Edited by Allien
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Thank you both for the comments!  Loving the lore discussion also. I agree that there are various reasons why to use or not use different versions of the painted or unpainted mask. I personally change it up throughout my playthrough. Other characters change their entire armor on a whim, why can't Canderous simply apply some war paint?!

I usually do this by replacing the files in the override folder and reloading the save (no game restart necessary). A future update might have it so he can change this through an item, but I don't have the coding knowledge to be able to change Mandalores armor at all right now :( Perhaps in a future update!


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On 3/11/2021 at 3:42 AM, Allien said:

First off this is marvelous. I wanted this since first meeting Mandalore the Preserver in Kotor 2.

I am really struggling, whether Canderous would paint the Mask or not.

It was worn by Mandalore the First -> Mandalore the Indomitable -> Mandalore the Ultimate -> and finally Canderous Ordo, Mandalore the Preserver, after which it was not passed on. (Presumably the dark saber would soon replace the role of the mask.)

(There is an obscure peace of information, that the Ultimate was not a true Mandalore, but was aided by the Sith and basically replaced an unidentified Mandalore. After the death of the Ultimate and after Revan had told Canderous the location of the Mask, Canderous met the unidentified Mandalore, who was dying and told Canderous to take his armour and gave Canderous his blessing to become the Preserver, who would now be the rightful next Mandalore.)

Under those circumstances, would Canderous paint the Mask?

Reasons for painting the mask a different colour

  • People in-game don't seem to notice Mandalore himself walking past them.
  • Canderous wants to change tradition for now. He is rebuilding the Clans. Only the next Generation will return to the way of the warriors.
  • The Mask would be a target pinned to his face. It would be a symbol for the old ways of war.
  • (The Mask seems to lose relevance in its' history at this point. Perhaps painting it is one of the causes? Grand Admiral Thrawn ends up having the Mask of Grievous, the Mask of a Jedi Temple Guard, the Helmet of Clone Commander Gree (who tried to kill Yoda), but even Thrawn does not end up getting the Mask of Mandalore; He only has holo-images of ancient paintings.)

Reasons against painting the mask a different colour

  • Mandalorians have a proud tradition, from which they do not seem to deviate, even if it would wipe them out.
  • The Mask would be the icon and evidence of his rightful rule as the new Mandalore.
  • He went through so much effort to find the mask. Would he now hide its' golden colour?
  • Regardless of whether he paints it, the galaxy at large would not be pleased to learn about the Mandalorians trying to rebuild. Canderous would have many enemies either way and it was unlikely any of the would return to Dxun, where the Mandalorian Wars began.

You're overlooking the fact that the Mask of Mandalore has yet to be integrated into the new canon at all. 😛 And that a lot of Legends' Old Republic stuff would need some tweaks to fit. Also, even if it did exist Thrawn might not be able to get his hands on it.

I had a thought about reconciling the mask's integration with the helmet we see in vanilla TSL: What if the mask was integrated behind the beskar of the helmet?

 In any case, this is the best Mandalore mask skin I've seen yet. It truly looks like the TotJ mask and the TSL helmet have been made one.

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