About This File
This is a collection of various things that I found annoying enough to alter. It started with that crazy window on Nar Shaddaa, by the landing pad, that would mysteriously render anything that was behind it invisible. It turned out to be as simple as a missing TXI. But it was at this point that I decided to start collecting little things like that into a single mod, to be released to the general public when it became more substantial.
Due to the nature of this mod, I haven't bothered to make a proper installer with the TSL Patcher. Just install whatever you want to install. Don't install what you don't want to install.
Some of these fixes are included in TSLRCM, while others are not. Either way, it's compatible. Other mods may not be compatible; contact me if you have any questions.
What's New in Version 1.0 See changelog
- Window in the Swoop Garage fixed so characters and placeables will be drawn properly.
- VIS for 301NAR edited so the swoop platform doesn't disappear as you are entering or exiting the alley adjacent to the landing pad.
- All Ebon Hawk textures replaced with the highest resolution texture I could find in the game assets. By Ebon Hawk textures I mean the ship's exterior.
- Swapped the colors on the pazaak card placeable and item around so nobody's cheating anymore.
- Alpha channels for some grass textures improved. Shouldn't have any missing bits anymore. I haven't done them all yet, though.
- Turbolaser palette for the battle of Telos swapped to their match the colors elsewhere in the game. Citadel Station and Republic fighters will now fire green; the Ravager and Sith fighters will now fire red. The loadscreen for 221TEL has been corrected in the same manner.
- Fixed the window in the door in the Jedi Council chamber on Coruscant just like the one on Nar Shaddaa.
- Vash's head edited to make her hair less horrible looking.
- Ditto for Dillan's head.
- Some small adjustments to Mira's clothing. Green where there shouldn't be green, mostly, now removed. Not compatible with any other mods that alter Mira's clothing, of course.
- Replaced the Rakatan imagery on the flags around the Mandalorian camp with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader symbol. Loadscreen for 403DXN has been updated to reflect this.
- Citadel Station skybox completely redone, based on high resolution renders of the Citadel models with 3ds Max. New texture resolution is 4096x4096.
- Ravager texture redone, based on a snapshot from one of the prerendered Bink videos. By Ravager texture I mean the ship's exterior, which appears during the Battle of Telos.
- Republic and Sith fighter textures replaced with the highest resolution textures I could find in the game assets.
With version 1.0:
- Download