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=Alternate Revan Romances REDUX=




AUTHOR: Leilukin
ORIGINAL MOD AUTHOR: felixfelicitas
FILE NAME: Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.7z
CONTACT: E-mail to contact@leilukin.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream





In KotOR II: TSL, players are given options to set Revan's gender and alignment during the first conversation with Atton on Peragus. However, the game always assumes a male Revan is romantically involved with Bastila, while female Revan is romantically involved with Carth.

In March 2015, felixfelicitas released his Alternate Revan Romances mod to remedy that problem. His mod allowed players to set Revan's love interest(s), or lack thereof, and the rest of the game will have different variations of dialogue to reflect that change. Most notably, Bastila can be chosen as female Revan's love interest, and Carth can be chosen as male Revan's love interest.

Unfortunately, the original mod also had multiple bugs, including game-breaking ones. After becoming a modder myself, I had been trying to fix the bugs with felixfelicitas' mod, and was eventually successful. With felixfelicitas' permission, I release this updated version of the Alternate Revan Romances mod.

Changes since the 2.0 version of felixfelicitas' original mod:

  • Many bug fixes, including fixing the game-breaking issue with the 904kreia.dlg file from the original mod.
  • The WAV files of the custom voice-overs have been converted to MP3 format to make this mod compatible with the Aspyr patch version of TSL.
  • Improved compatibility with the latest version of The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM).
  • Restructured the installation process of the mod by setting up TSLPatcher to patch relevant dialogue files instead of replacing dialogue files to improve compatibility with other mods.
  • Tweaked the dialogue options to choose Revan's love interest(s).
  • The player character now refers to Bastila by name when talking to T3 about Bastila’s hologram message, as the secret tomb on Korriban reveals that the PC knew Bastila.

Starting from version 4.0, Alternate Revan Romances REDUX also provides an optional add-on to make Juhani actually appear in the TSL game, with fully-voiced new dialogue, if you choose her as Revan’s love interest, remedying the fact that Juhani gets zero content in the entire TSL game even in cut content. Note that Juhani is available as a romance option for female Revan only.

Content from the Juhani cameo add-on:

  •  Juhani will leave hologram message to T3, with variations depending on Revan’s alignment.
  •  If Revan is light side, Juhani will appear and have a brief conversation with Carth after Carth’s meeting with the player post-Ravager. If both Juhani and Bastila are chosen as Revan’s love interests, Juhani and Bastila will show up together in this scene.
  • Kreia will reference Juhani in the ending when the player asks Kreia about Revan.

Juhani’s texture and model are ported from KotOR 1, while the voice-overs of the new dialogue from this add-on were voiced by Adriana Kovacs, who volunteered for this mod. Kreia’s new voice line was generated by HappyPenguin by using XTTS from Caqui AI.

Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English versions of TSL and TSLRCM.



First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work.

!! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here.

I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2.

Download and extract the Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.7z archive to you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory.

Run Install.exe, select ONLY ONE of the “Main” installation options depending on if you have any of the following mods installed:


If you want to install the add-on to make Juhani appear in the game if you choose her as Revan’s love interest, after installing any of the “Main Installation” options of this mod, select one of the “ADD-ON: Juhani Cameo” options depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP), WildKarrde's TSL Expanded Ending, both or neither, then select your KotOR 2 directory path, and click the “Install” button. Make sure you have installed the Main component of the mod before installing this add-on.


When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod.

The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod.



Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod.

If you have also installed the Juhani Cameo add-on, it will uninstall the add-on first. After uninstalling the add-on, you need to select Yes to delete the most recent backup folder, then select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup” from the drop-down menu again to uninstall the main part of the mod.



For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough.

During your first conversation with Atton on Peragus, after setting Revan's alignment and gender, you will be given dialogue options to set Revan's love interest(s). Regardless of Revan's gender and alignment, you can choose Bastila, Carth, or both as Revan's love interest(s). If you set Revan as female, you will also get the option to choose Juhani as Revan's love interest. If Revan is both light side and female, you can choose any combination of Juhani, Bastila and Carth as Revan’s love interests.

Alternately, you can even choose to make Revan not having any love interest.

If you install this mod after playing past the initial conversation with Atton, and still want to customize Revan's romance choice, you can change it by using the KotOR Savegame Editor (KSE). Create a new save after installing this mod. Open KSE, expand a save file, and look for Globals > Booleans. At the bottom of the list of global booleans, there should be three new options:

  • llk_revrom_bast — Checks if Bastila is chosen to be Revan’s love intrest
  • llk_revrom_carth — Checks if Carth is chosen to be Revan’s love interest
  • llk_revrom_juh — Checks if Juhani is chosen to be Revan’s love interest

Select any of these global booleans, then select “Yes” or “No”, click the “Apply” button, and click the “Commit Changes” button.

NOTE: Even if you set Juhani as Revan’s love interest during your first conversation with Atton or in KSE, you must install the Juhani cameo add-on to make Juhani appear in the game. On the other hand, you will not get any of Juhani’s content if you do not set Juhani as Revan’s love interest, even if you have installed the add-on.



None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know.



Apart from TSLRCM, which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify any of the following content may conflict with this mod:

  • T3-M4's main dialogue (t3m4.dlg)
  • Atton's initial conversation on Peragus (101atton.dlg)
  • Dialogue of Carth's meeting after the Ravager (carthend.dlg)
  • Kreia's endgame dialogue (904kreia.dlg)

I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files.

If you want to use M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP), you need to install M4-78EP first, then select the “M4-78EP Compatible” option(s) when you install my mod.

If you want to use JCarter426’s Thematic Obscured Mausoleum Burial, you need to install Thematic Obscured Mausoleum Burial first, then select one of the “TOMB Compatible” options when you install my mod.

If you want to use WildKarrde’s TSL Expanded Ending, you need to install TSL Expanded Ending first, then select the “Expanded Ending Compatible” option(s) when you install my mod.

This mod is compatible with my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.

If you want to use DarthTyren’s PartySwap and/or my Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance, you need to install this mod after PartySwap and/or my Handmaiden/Disciple same-gender romance mod.

This mod is not compatible with my Consistent Bastila Recognition. Note that Alternate Revan Romances REDUX has implemented similar changes by making the player character refer to Bastila by name during T3’s conversation, so if you use this mod, you do not need Consistent Bastila Recognition.

The Juhani Cameo Add-on of this mod is compatible with KotOR 1 mods that modify Juhani’s textures (in TGA, TPC or DDS format), but not compatible with KotOR 1 mods that modify Juhani’s models (in MDL and MDX format) unless they are ported to TSL.



You may modify this mod for your personal use. However, if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, you must credit me and the original author felixfelicitas when you release your mod.

If you want to create your own mod that makes Juhani appear in TSL, I have uploaded the ported Juhani textures and models separately as part of my Missing K1 Party Member Ports for TSL modder’s resource, which also includes a character template file (in UTC format) that allows you to spawn Juhani as an NPC.

I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop.



felixfelicitas for making the original Alternate Revan Romances mod, as well as giving me the permission to use, update and re-upload his mod
WildKarrde for giving me the permission to make my mod compatible with TSL Expanded Ending
Adriana Kovacs for volunteering to voice Juhani for the Juhani cameo add-on
HappyPenguin for generating Kreia’s new voice line with XTTS from Caqui AI
Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool
Cortisol for Holocron Toolset
tk102 for DLG Editor
JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler and KotOR Lipsynch Editor
KobaltBlu for KotOR Scripting Tool
bead-v for MDLedit
Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher



What's New in Version 4.4   See changelog


  • The player character will now refers to Bastila by name when talking to T3 about Bastila's holo message.
  • Fixed missing script for checking if the player meets Carth for some of the TSL Expanded Ending compatible installations.
  • Like 4
  • Thanks 2

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Thank you very much! You are the best! It always irked me that Obsidian gave players the ability to choose Revan's gender and alignment, but then, without asking, canonized his/her romantic interests and completely ignored the romance with Juhani as if she never existed.

I was so disgusted when at the end of the game Exile met Carth, and he started talking about his love for Revan, and that she supposedly loved him, although I chose Juhani in the first game!

I hate how the developers persistently and brazenly impose this idiot Carth on Female Revan, and impose the bastard Atton and the spineless fool Disciple on Female Exile!

By the way, I like the idea that the Female Revan had two girlfriends at the same time, Bastila and Juhani)

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So I downloaded the mod but after I selected that revan fell in love with a jedi turning her back from the lightside. It skipped passed the whole t3-m4 section while atton was still in the force cage and when I got to the ion tunnel te wasnt there. did I do something wrong?

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7 hours ago, Jedimaster-909 said:

So I downloaded the mod but after I selected that revan fell in love with a jedi turning her back from the lightside. It skipped passed the whole t3-m4 section while atton was still in the force cage and when I got to the ion tunnel te wasnt there. did I do something wrong?

Are you using any other mods? Are you using the Steam Workshop? Did you get any errors when you installed my mod?

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Idk think so. I may have the corusant mod from steam but that's the only one I'm using from steam and No errors. Every other mods I'm using is from deadlystream

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8 minutes ago, Jedimaster-909 said:

Every other mods I'm using is from deadlystream

What are these other mods? You need to list ALL the mods you are using, so I can know if your issue was caused by mod conflicts or not.

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Coruscant Jedi Temple is also available on Deadly Stream , so I strongly recommended that you install the Deadly Stream version, especially since you are already using multiple mods downloaded from Deadly Stream.

Other than Coruscant Jedi Temple, did you make sure you do not have any other files or folders in your Steam Workshop folder? Note that unsubscribing from a Steam Workshop mod does not always delete all the mod files, so you may need to delete the files yourself too.

DId you start a new game after installing the mods you are using?



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I started a new game but when I meet atton he doesn't say nice outfit cause i have the other mod that the male exile gets the disple and the female exil gets the handmaiden he says a different line. by saying are "you angel?"  then goes on saying i hope a young kid doesn't use that line and I wasn't meant to be in the game  then after that the doors open and attaon is still in the force cage. It's like the game just skips the whole t3-m4 section

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18 minutes ago, Jedimaster-909 said:

I started a new game but when I meet atton he doesn't say nice outfit cause i have the other mod that the male exile gets the disple and the female exil gets the handmaiden he says a different line. by saying are "you angel?"  then goes on saying i hope a young kid doesn't use that line and I wasn't meant to be in the game  then after that the doors open and attaon is still in the force cage. It's like the game just skips the whole t3-m4 section

What is the name of the mod that allows male Exile to recruit Disciple and female Exile to recruit Handmaiden, exactly? Therea are more than one mod that do such thing out there. You really should have mentioned this mod in your original reply. I already emphasised that you needed to list ALL the mods you're using, not just a few. Is there any other mods you're using that you haven't told me yet?

However, none of the mods that allow male Exile to recruit Disciple and female Exile to recruit Handmaiden modifies Atton's dialogue on Peragus. Atton saying "are you an angel?" and "I hope a young kid doesn't use that line" are NOT bugs. They're Easter egg dialogues that already exists in the vanilla game, and are meant to happen after you complete KotOR 2 twice, once light side and once dark side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Dn0iggviGE

What did you mean by "the doors open"? What door? Could you still talk to Atton after he said "i hope a young kid doesn't use that line"?

You still haven't answered this question I asked, "Other than Coruscant Jedi Temple, did you make sure you do not have any other files or folders in your Steam Workshop folder? Note that unsubscribing from a Steam Workshop mod does not always delete all the mod files, so you may need to delete the files yourself too. "

When you're encountering an issue and the mod author is answering you quesitons, please answer ALL the quesitons.

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okay when I talk to atton while in the force cage about are you a angel. It gave me a option to tell atton that revan was in love with juhani etc. Then there was a cutscene showing the doors to the mining tunnels opening before I let atton out and when I did  t3 was not in the hanger bay at all.  and I have no other steam mods


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31 minutes ago, Jedimaster-909 said:

okay when I talk to atton while in the force cage about are you a angel. It gave me a option to tell atton that revan was in love with juhani etc. Then there was a cutscene showing the doors to the mining tunnels opening before I let atton out and when I did  t3 was not in the hanger bay at all.

This is a very strange bug, because I never encountered such a problem, and I never heard anyone else having such an issue. I even use KotOR SaveGame Editor to make Atton say the "Are you an angel?" Easter egg dialogue, and there was no problem about skipping T3's section.

Can you try verifying your game files and see what will happen? Right click KotOR 2 on Steam, then go to Properties > Installed Files, then click "Verify integrity of game files".

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I just unistall the game and deleted everything so  I'm trying again. Will let you know what happens 

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