#8: Mod Roundup (August 2019)



I meant to post this back in June, but I forgot. It was supposed to be a quarterly thing, but it remains a semi-regular thing.



Supermodel Fix for K2 - Fixed a facial issue and updated K1 style running to match what I did with it in my supermodel port. Yay for consistency.

Minor Fixes for K1 - Minor updates for minor fixes. Fixed some leaf textures and converted them and others to superior TPC format.

Darksaber for K1 and for K2 - Made new blade textures using the Saber plug-in for After Effects. Fixed the hilt alignment because apparently I had people holding it sideways before. Flipped Y-axis on the normal map so it doesn't look like it came from the mirror universe, and maybe made other improvements, hard to say. Converted other textures to superior TPC format.

Security Spikes for K1 - Fixed an issue with the code that let it open doors the player normally couldn't interact with, like ones meant to seal holes in the fabric of the universe.

Lightsaber Visual Effects for K2 - Added optional textures for the new colors added by the Ultimate Saber Mod, in case you want to use that and have consistent blade quality.

Mandalorian Armor for K1 - Fixed a minor issue with Option A & the upgrade screen.


New Mods

Robe Adjustment for K1 - Two options to give you additional robes on Dantooine. The first option gives you robes to actually wear during the montage; they have the stats of clothing, so the change is merely aesthetic. The second option makes Zhar give you the robes he normally gives a bit earlier, right when you can start wearing them. They can be installed separately or together.

Jedi Tailor for K1 - Adds a Trandoshan who will tailor your robes for you. He'll change the color between brown, black, red, and blue without affecting the robe stats. He also sells stuff and gossips.


Something Completely Different

My pick for this entry is Sith Armor - Freelook Filter Mod by @ebmar. It's such a simple and in retrospect obvious thing to add, but at the same time it's one I doubt I ever would've thought of or bothered with doing myself, so it's especially nice that somebody else did.

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