#7: Mod Roundup (April 2019)



The semi-regular report on my extraneous activities continues. I spent the better part of March breaking and then fixing my computer, but there's some new stuff too. Here’s what’s been going on since last time:



Odyssey++ - Recent updates to Notepad++ radically altered the file structure, so I’ve updated Odyssey++ to keep up with that.


New Mods

Feat Fixes for K2 - Fixes some feat stuff for K2. Several feats weren’t available to certain classes for reasons unknown, and Finesse: Lightsabers didn’t do anything Finesse: Melee Weapons wasn’t already doing so it had to die.

Security Spikes for K1 - Security spikes never did anything on the PC version of K1. I’ve replicated their intended function as best as I could, so when you use the item you get a temporary bonus to your Security skill. Or, if you prefer, you can choose the other option that removes them from the game altogether.

Mandalorian Armor for K1 - Makes the wearable Mandalorian armor more consistent with other Mandalorian armor in the game so they follow the usual blue/red/gold rank system. Also fixes a few other oddities with Mandalorian-related items.

Backstroke of the Old Republic - Edits all text in the game to provide a... different experience.


Something Completely Different

A while back, @A Future Pilot recruited @DarthParametric and myself to help with the next update to the K1 and K2 Community Patches. We’ve mostly been working on the K1 one first. AFP had a list of issues he’d been collecting since the last release, almost a year ago now, and we’ve checked off just about everything on that list. Between those and the other issues we found while fixing those, plus some more that were reported in the interim, I think we’ve easily doubled the amount content in the Community Patch.

You can follow our endeavors on GitHub.


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