Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP? (version 1.5)

Sith Holocron


In your own words, can you tell me what you like and/or love about the M4-78 Enhancement Project.  At the very least, it would be amusing to read some short entries about what you thought was worthy about the mod.  If I were to work on the documentary again, it also might prove to be a helpful repository of quotes I could work.

If you dislike the M4-78 Enhancement Project, I have a whole other blog dedicated for that topic.  I’m just trying to keep these areas separate. It’s just easier to make a pros and cons list if I have the two columns separated. Yes, you can hate and like things but use the separate blogs.

Note: This is only regarding the version 1.5 of the M4-78 Enhancement Project.  I am completely uninterested in previous versions as some complaints may have been fixed by later versions.


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Gotta say the story is good, and the journal entries have improved compared to the previous versions, where it was really easy to get stuck without any clues. The separation of Industrial Zone into smaller chunks has eliminated the long standing lag problem in the reactor corridor, which is also a big plus.

Instant warping into the relevant parts of the planet during the initial radiation flood stage also eliminated the tedious back-and-forth that was present previously, which I appreciate, given the sheer size of the long corridors with little to do in them.

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Regarding M4-78 enhancement project in general, the main point to appreciate is a herculean amount of work that was required to recreate several modules of content from the scaps present in the original game. The content complements the original game nicely, fitting the Star Wars universe quite seamlessly with a new dose of industrial cityscape action in a fairly unique setting. Even though little is given away about the history of the planet, a sufficiently determined player with high enough skills/stats is able trace the origins of this world, which is a nice touch (being able to learn the origins of each world is one of the points that made the first KOTOR so awesome, and which its sequels desperately lacked for the most part).
Regarding version 1.5.1 specifically, very few positive enhancements were made since 1.3; that includes minor cosmetic fixes, greater freedom of exploration (where Environmental Zone can be visited before Industrial Zone) and better framerate in the Industrial Zone. The negatives, unfortunately, far outweigh the positives.

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A few things though I prefer 1.2 overall.

1. The teleportation system is good. Less walking that way (can take forever as we all know lol).

2. The gonk droids were a nice touch.

3. I liked Kaah being in the central zone after clearing everything up.

4. Separating the modules in the industrial zone was a good idea.

5. All the new droid voices were nice plus. 

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1. Liked the Teleportation system

2. Liked Kaah being in the Central Zone after dealing with the Enviro-Zone

3. Liked the presence of Gonk droids.

4. Liked how you handled the lag in the Industrial Zone

5. Loved all new droid voices and wonder if there will be voices for the rest of protocol droids.

6. Liked being able to sequence break with Bao-Dur.

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On 3/31/2019 at 12:27 PM, Nsinger998 said:

4. Liked how you handled the lag in the Industrial Zone

I'm not part of the team so I didn't handle anything for 1.5.  I didn't even run the beta.

On 3/31/2019 at 12:27 PM, Nsinger998 said:

5. Loved all new droid voices and wonder if there will be voices for the rest of protocol droids.

The rest of protocol droids where exactly?   I am not sure what you exactly mean by this, I'm afraid.   Could you expand on that?

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Well, Off the top of my head, IS-18 and one of the droids arguing about who stole a part use machine speak.

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32 minutes ago, Nsinger998 said:

Well, Off the top of my head, IS-18 and one of the droids arguing about who stole a part use machine speak.

I thought that might be where you were going.  I'll send you a PM about this as to not distract people from the main thrust of this blog.

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On 2/3/2019 at 4:45 AM, Kainzorus Prime said:

Gotta say the story is good, and the journal entries have improved compared to the previous versions, where it was really easy to get stuck without any clues. The separation of Industrial Zone into smaller chunks has eliminated the long standing lag problem in the reactor corridor, which is also a big plus.

Instant warping into the relevant parts of the planet during the initial radiation flood stage also eliminated the tedious back-and-forth that was present previously, which I appreciate, given the sheer size of the long corridors with little to do in them.

@Kainzorus Prime: Care to be on the documentary with your thoughts?  More details can be found here.

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3 minutes ago, Kainzorus Prime said:

I have very little time these days, as much as I'd like to be.

Thanks for your interest and taking time to respond!

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