#6: Airing of Grievances



I got a lot of problems with you people. Now you're gonna hear about it.

I'm trying something new again, though I've been thinking of doing it for a while. I noticed the site update changed the way it manages updates to mods. I think the new way makes more sense than the old way, but it does mean it's easier for updates to go unnoticed to anyone who isn't specifically following the mod page for that. So I figured I'd do a sort of mod roundup every so often to shout into the void about what I've been up to.



The primary point of this format - new updates to old mods that you might've missed.

Supermodel Fix for K2 - Added some fixes for dual saber animations. And apparently I broke TSLRCM's lean animations at some point, so I fixed those too.

Slave Bastila - I spent a good part of the summer putting out fires for this mod. Then after I thought it was done, there was some more weird stuff that wasn't even my fault. Nobody's reported anything for a couple months so I think it's safe now.

Handmaiden Sisters - This was the first mod I submitted to Deadly Stream, though it wasn't the first mod I made, not by far. So it didn't have much sentimental value and I neglected it. It had been out of date for a while. I ended up redoing it from scratch for the update.

Korriban: Back in Black - By request, there are new options for Uthar and Yuthura. And also a fix for a weird bug with a guy on Manaan.


New Mods

Some fine additions to your collection.

Vision Enhancement - Makes the player stop going to bed wearing armor and teleporting to the Ebon Hawk in their sleep.

Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 - Ports those K2 robes with cloaks to K1. Possibly the #1 request since Deadly Stream started accepting ported mods, if we aren't counting "hey why don't you port the entire game" as one mod.

Force Knock - Adds a Force power to replace the need for the Security Use skill.


Modding Tools & Resources

Stuff of no interest to non-modders but of potential non-zero interest to modders.

Cloaked Jedi Robes & Supermodel Port for K1 - Mod resource version of what makes the Cloaked Robes and Slave Bastila work.

Odyssey++ - User-defined languages for Notepad++. Suggests stuff as you type. Makes scripting for KOTOR easier.


Something Completely Different

In this section I'll post something recent that I didn't make but I think is cool and deserving of attention. This time, without a doubt, it's the CSLU Toolkit revival by @Jenko. The CSLU Toolkit is what KOTOR mods have always used to generate lip files because that's what was available back in 2005 when JdNoa made her LipSynchEditor. It was a convenient, free resource... at the time. Recently, it's been impossible to get a hold of the software. The CSLU server has been offline for over a year, meaning nobody could install the Toolkit. Even if they had the installer, it wouldn't work without the server available to confirm the license.

I remember problem-solving this when the server first went offline. I even sent over my registry files, hoping we could get a new installation to recognize my license - just so we'd have the option of transferring a totally legitimate installation to a new machine when the time came. But nothing worked. It was oddly secure for freeware. Ultimately, it took him single-handedly pestering the staff at Oregon Health & Science University, getting his emails sent down a chain of several people in the hopes that it would finally reach somebody who actually worked on the thing. And it did. It was a Festivus miracle.

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 I spent a good part of the summer putting out fires for this mod. Then after I thought it was done, there was some more weird stuff that wasn't even my fault. Nobody's reported anything for a couple months so I think it's safe now.

Hopefully, you never know, had a year go by on one of my mods before learning it didnt' even work....


Handmaiden Sisters - This was the first mod I submitted to Deadly Stream, though it wasn't the first mod I made, not by far. So it didn't have much sentimental value and I neglected it. It had been out of date for a while. I ended up redoing it from scratch for the update.

I didn't know that, I'll have to check that out...



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I don't have the game on Android, but my understanding is that you typically have to run TSLPatcher on a desktop and then copy the files to your mobile device. If you just copy files from the tslpatchdata folder, it won't work because it needs to patch your baseitems.2da and spells.2da files and then assign the right information to all the toolbox items.

The toolbox is spawned after the initial conversation with Carth, so I'm guessing that's what is causing the crash. From the timing, it's also possible that the Android version doesn't like my new camera model for the cutscene in which you acquire the toolbox, but I was under the impression that models generally behave the same way. I would suggest checking your baseitems.2da and spells.2da files to make sure they were patched correctly.

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