Blog #91 - Set Decoration: Peragus and the Harbinger

Sith Holocron


For this blog, I’m not covering other larger mods and their compatibility patches.  These will be simple quality of life selections that will – in my humble opinion – enhance your play-through.  As this section is essentially an opinion piece, your mileage may vary. This section covers the first part of the game, namely the Peragus Mining Colony and the Harbinger.  All mods of the mods listed are compatible with TSLRCM.

Peragus Tweak 1.4 by VarsityPuppet

Adds dead miners to replace the burned and desiccated corpses usually found around the Peragus levels.


Peragus Mining Gear 1.01 by Kainzorus Prime

This mod changes the miner uniform found in the Peragus tunnels into gear that both looks fitting for space mining, as well as slightly boosting its stats. However, it also requires proficiency in light armors to be used now.


Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panel by Sith Holocron

This mod both increases base resolution of both the medical monitors (as seen when your character first wakes up on Peragus) and the various computer panels seen around the Peragus levels.


Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment by Sith Holocron

This small mod collection replaces textures for the large monitor seen on Peragus that overlooks the asteroid field. I wasn’t crazy about the low-resolution images in the smaller boxes off to the side so I decided to take a crack at it. I’ve kept to general idea of what were originally shown in those boxes so this difference won’t be too drastic. In addition, that old low-resolution asteroid animation just had to go. It has been replaced as well. Finally, that scrolling text box can now be read. Since the original text box was illegible, I decided to make my own. Whether you use this mod or not, I highly recommend using the next mod in this list to go with it.


Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes by DarthParametric

This mod addresses some minor geometry issues in the Peragus Administration level. It plugs two gaps in the ceiling that allow the player to see into space, and it also adjusts one of the animated panels on the large screen in the communications blister so that it aligns better. The panel and one of the ceiling fixes are for the exterior version of the level that you see from the maintenance walkway.


“Replacement Peragus II Artwork by Trench” uploaded by Sith Holocron

If you use my “Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment”, you’re going to want to use this upgrade that increases the quality of the Peragus II model. (That’s the texture of the planetoid with the exposed glowing core which miraculously hasn’t immediately cooled after being exposed to space?)  This mod changes the texture of the planet inside the station, outside the station, and on the Large Monitor screen.  There’s even two varieties of the planetoid to choose from.


A Darker Peragus REDUX 1.0 by Malkior

Peragus seems like it was supposed have more of a haunted house feeling, doesn’t.  It being an area that’s seemingly abandoned with dead folks littering the ground, wouldn’t it help matters if it was a little darker to accent the creepiness of it all?  This mod fixes that by editing the lightmaps and darkening all of the placeable items in the Peragus, Peragus Spacewalk, and Harbinger portions to match the darker lightmaps.


Peragus Mining Laser by e-varmint (
Your first ranged weapon in the game – provided you’re not cheating – is likely to be the Pergaus Mining laser.  Wouldn’t it be nice if that laser actually looked like a tool that a miner would actually use?  This mod fixes that.  Luckily, I still had this in my archive so now you can use it too!  Here’s a short video so you can see a closer look at the model before you download. 


Harbinger Hull Fixes 1.1 by DarthParametric

The Harbinger is apparently the Swiss cheese of spacecraft. It has more holes in it than a damn sieve. This mod is a combination and extension of my previous separate mods fixing various geometry and model issues with the Harbinger. Geometry has been tweaked or added, UVs adjusted, model hierarchies re-ordered, etc. where appropriate to remove gaps, fix incorrect light-maps, or address other problems.


Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields by Vasilii Zaytsev

It takes the default 2D asteroid field texture used in the Peragus asteroid fields in the tutorial/prologue and outside of the Ebon Hawk hangar bay, and replaces them with much nicer ones.


HD Cockpit Skyboxes 2.0 by tjsase

When you land the Ebon Hawk on a planet, you are able to look out of the cockpit and view the landing platform. This is achieved by a cylindrical texture. Since the vanilla textures were low res, inaccurate, and desaturated, tjsase recreated the platforms in Maya and rendered them to look as they do in-game. The main planets, including M4-78, are all remastered in 4096x1024.


Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 1 by Sith Holocron

Were you ever dissatisfied with the low-resolution loading screens when the in-game footage looks so much better? What if there was a mod that took care of that for you? Psssst . . . it’s this mod!
Part 1 of this set covers the loading screens for the following areas: Peragus, Harbinger, Citadel Station, Telos IV, and the Ebon Hawk. This version of the mod covers the areas in the normal “vanilla” game and for some of the areas added/restored by TSLRCM.

Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM 1.6 by DarthParametric - This mod attempts to address some of the issues with holograms in TSL. In the vanilla game, the majority of holograms have things like eyeballs and teeth being visible through the head. This is caused by the way the game handles transparency, in conjunction with the order in which it renders the individual meshes that a model is comprised of. By changing the hierarchy of the meshes within these models, certain elements can be occluded, resulting in less cases of “bug-eyed” holograms. This is not a perfect solution however. Because meshes do not self-occlude, visual glitches still remain during certain animations and camera angles, but this is likely the best that can be done without being able to make alterations the game engine itself.


Do you think I may have missed anything?  Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Update 18FEB2019:

Do you think the Peragus Mining Gear that you wear after finally wearing more than your underwear is a little lackluster?  Then try this mod from Kainzorus Prime on for size!


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Another mod for Peragus I use is Malkior's Maintenance Officer Realistic Reskin (

Re: the Peragus Tweak mod, there is a bug that the corpse of the Dock Officer does not show up in the dormitories. The bug doesn't stop you from progressing the game, but if you want to get the most out of Peragus you may want to take note of that. You can PM@sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY for the fix.

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I actually first mentioned it in the mod thread, so since VP never came asking for it, I assumed they were not interested in updating. If VP does want it, I'll happily send it over.


[Edit]: As a followup, I just noticed I can now attatch files to posts, so have this. Stick this in the 105 folder of the peragus tweak folder, then run the TSLPatcher as normal.


Edited by sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY
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On 10/31/2018 at 9:27 AM, sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY said:

I actually first mentioned it in the mod thread, so since VP never came asking for it, I assumed they were not interested in updating. If VP does want it, I'll happily send it over.


[Edit]: As a followup, I just noticed I can now attatch files to posts, so have this. Stick this in the 105 folder of the peragus tweak folder, then run the TSLPatcher as normal.


Can you remind me again what this fixes?

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8 hours ago, VarsityPuppet said:

Can you remind me again what this fixes?

I believe it's mentioned above, @VarsityPuppet:


Re: the Peragus Tweak mod, there is a bug that the corpse of the Dock Officer does not show up in the dormitories. The bug doesn't stop you from progressing the game, but if you want to get the most out of Peragus you may want to take note of that. 


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