Blog #51 - Who wants to make HD versions of the trailers?

Sith Holocron


On the X-Box, the following trailers apparently played before the KOTOR games officially started. I've only ever played the game on PC so I've missed out on this factoid until recently.

Here's the one for Knights of the Old Republic.


And here's the one of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.






I was wondering if anyone has the KOTOR movie making chops to remake the video using highest resolution - while keeping the original audio of the clips?

With all of the talent that's out there, I imagine a few of you are up to this sort of challenge - especially if they can put in their own favorite versions of the main character to replace the nameless Exiles and Revans in the videos.

One more note:

In addition, folks might want to change the following portion in the KOTOR2 trailer




to something like "RELEASED WINTER 2004"

Is anyone game?


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Thanks for the comments, guys, I might see how it looks with colour grading.


Also the idea of making a completely modern trailer does sound appealing, we'll see if I get time in the future!

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Very well done. Good thing they mostly used cutscenes for the trailer or that would've been a nightmare to create xD

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Rendering the latest version now, shall post back when I have both that and the colour graded version online!

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I think I prefer the color graded version better.  What do the rest of you think?


My only suggestion is to tint the text portions blue - where it says "AN AGE OF WAR", "BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT", and "CHOOSE YOUR PATH."

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The guy that made the remastered BIKs for KOTOR2 named ClassiCinematics on YouTube (and Naelavok on Nexus) also did the trailer for KOTOR2.  Check it out!

@Naelavok, is this you?

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2 minutes ago, Naelavok said:

@Sith Holocron It is indeed.

Good to know, @Naelavok.  I'd say welcome but you've been here since 2015 so welcome to open communication with the forums.

BTW, I'm "scarletguard" on YouTube and have been the guy voicing his hope that you'll be bringing your videos here.  Though I mentioned Snigaroo before, any of the admins should be able to smooth any issues with getting videos up on here.

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@Sith Holocron Ah, okay. Yeah, I talked to Snigaroo about it. They're going to see if there's anything they can do on the site's end to make the upload work. Right now it seems like it's a problem with the file sizes.

Though about the Prima Guide DVD video you mentioned on youtube: I don't know what video you're talking about, but if you happen to have or find a source for it I could probably run it through the upscaler. Though if it's in-game recordings, it probably wouldn't upscale too well, like Khoonda.

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Looks pretty good! There are some interlacing artifacts, but you could try deinterlacing before putting it through the upscaler. VirtualDub would be your best bet for that.

Oof deinterlacing might be difficult due to the interlacing pattern being messed up from the encoding process, not to mention all the ghosting. This almost makes me want to recreate the trailer using the game assets, which would be very time consuming (especially when much of the content in the trailer is unfinished art-wise). Splicing in the prerendered movies might improve quality some...

I wonder if the bik file from the Xbox release has its interlacing intact, since the erasing of certain interlace patterns looks consistent with a vertical resize, which would have been done since the video would have been slightly shorter to appear nominal on an NTSC display

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35 minutes ago, tjsase said:

Looks pretty good! There are some interlacing artifacts, but you could try deinterlacing before putting it through the upscaler. VirtualDub would be your best bet for that.

Oof deinterlacing might be difficult due to the interlacing pattern being messed up from the encoding process, not to mention all the ghosting. This almost makes me want to recreate the trailer using the game assets, which would be very time consuming (especially when much of the content in the trailer is unfinished art-wise). Splicing in the prerendered movies might improve quality some...

I wonder if the bik file from the Xbox release has its interlacing intact, since the erasing of certain interlace patterns looks consistent with a vertical resize, which would have been done since the video would have been slightly shorter to appear nominal on an NTSC display

Better PM @Naelavok with all of that as they're not a follower of this thread. 

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I've tried deinterlacing on other game cinematics. While it worked if done before upscaling, it noticeably decreased the quality of the final result. So I generally choose to just leave the interlacing in.

Here's a comparison for the Red Alert 2 intro upscaled, with the deinterlaced version being on the right:

Edited by Naelavok

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