Untold Prophecy

Any fun head canon, theories, or just musing you want to share?

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I've had a few fun ideas and "this would be cool" style moments over the year of replaying both Knights of the Old Republic games, but I've never really had anyone to share them with. I thought it might be fun to start a thread sharing these bits of "head canon" to see if anyone else found them interesting and see who else might have something similarly detailed or minor that would a fun little enhancement to the world of Kotor.

Here are a few I can name off at the moment, though I may come back and share others as I think of them.


-Juhani is one of the Jedi who is wiped out during the gathering on Katarr, which is why she doesn't have any unique items or mention in Kotor 2. Her death also adds to the threat of Nihilus and adds some "personal loss" for the player.

-Jolee Bindo is either hunted down and killed by Darth Sion (something that makes Sion feel even more like a threat and adversary to the player), or loses badly to Sion and is able to fake his death to survive the purge (Newbiemodder's Korriban expansion gave me this idea a few years ago).

-The SIth Ritual Master on Dxun in Freedon Nadd's tomb is a former Jedi Knight from the Mandalorian Wars, specifically Talvon Esan from the vision on Korriban.

-*Some* of the other SIth Warships that make up Nihilus' assault fleet when he attacks Telos were salvaged from the wreckage of Lehon following the Battle of the Star Forge.

-Darth Sion's Sith Assassins are immune to the effects of Battle Meditation on both the positive and negative ends of influence due to how they "feed" on their prey and due to the conditioning they are put through during training (not an actual effect in game but a cool thought). They are also unable to use force powers that provide inwardly directed stat increases due to them relying entirely on pulling strength from the Jedi they prey upon. Like a Battle Meld, but unconsciously linked to the force signature of their target.

-Darth Bandon's master was Zez-Kai Ell (he mentions having a padawan who joined Revan during his meeting on Nar Shaddaa). Bandon left to join Revan later in the Mandalorian wars, he was not one of the first to join up and leave. Bandon leaves at the tail end of the conflict, partially due to listening to Zez-Kai Ell's beliefs that the council was partly wrong in condemning those who left to fight. Malak chose him as his apprentice partly due to him directly witnessing the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council.  They're also both bald guys with double bladed lightsabers. 🤷‍♂️


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I do think that Revan and Jedi Exile have a subtle force bond.  Revan's connection to Jedi Exile lead to Jedi Exile's force connection to be healed and Jedi Exile's force connection lead Revan to be redeemed.


Due to the nature of Jedi Shadow and their information gathering nature, Revan and Kreia were Jedi Shadows during their Jedi careers and when Revan became a Sith, he became a Sith Assassin Master and Kreia became a Sith Sorcerer.  Revan while his memories were returning, became similar to a Jedi Shadow within Kotor 1 because he was looking for  location of the Star forge and assassinate Darth Malak

Revan during Kotor 1 taris, was using a passive force cloak, force bonding and dark side inspired poison immunity(he is immune to the Raghoul mutation effect of the plague and use the force pass that on to his team)

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I know it's been said that Nihilis and the Exile were designed to be mirror opposites of eachother, but I personally think it goes deeper to the point that Nihilis and the Exile had the exact same connectivity to their fellow soldiers and jedi. So, while the Exile dealt with the trauma of the Mass Shadow Generator by cutting themselves off, Nihilis used it to survive the detonation and possible exposure to the vacuum of space. The Exile is also the one answer to Nihilis' endless hunger as it is impossible to absorb something that is no longer there or more accurately something that has effectively become its antimatter. So if one subscribes to the Unifying Force theory, it had a hand in creating Nihilis, but also created the Exile to cancel him out. (also as an aside, it'd have been pretty awesome to see the Exile use a visual effect when they defeat Nihilis like an accretion disk from a Black Hole that envelops then annihliates him until his empty mask lands on the ground where he once stood)

I can understand why Kreia was so adamant about destroying the Force, but it makes me wonder if it might have found some way to stop her anyway. (Though I guess technically it does since the player can't actually agree to go through with her plan)

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Mantle of the Force was created by Exar Kun during his experiments with Sith Alchemy. It was one of the items kept in his laboratory on Yavin 4 and was rediscovered by Suvam Tan. (Originally I think the devs wanted it to be Exar Kun's lightsaber crystal, but this was changed in a comic)

Heart of the Guardian was one of the Jedi artifacts that Exar Kun and the Massassi plundered from Ossus during the Great Sith War. 

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New Headcanon: the Exar Kun's armor that we can get within game was his old Jedi Armor when he was a Jedi, not his Sith armor.

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3 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

New Headcanon: the Exar Kun's armor that we can get within game was his old Jedi Armor when he was a Jedi, not his Sith armor.

I really like this one! 

Same thing for Ulic's Armor in K2?

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50 minutes ago, Untold Prophecy said:

I really like this one! 

Same thing for Ulic's Armor in K2?

pretty much.


it would be cool to have a mod for kotor 1 and 2 for Jedi armored robes for Ulic and Exar Kun.   Sith Armored Robes when they were on the dark side. Keep in mind that Ulic was the leader of Krath during this time. Keep in mind that i have a  lot of good ideas for both of them. right now, I am learning how to do TSLpatcher for a basic overhaul that involves the Jedi Sentinel.

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I could do this all day.

1. Carth is Force Sensitive but not trained. Flyboy has way too much in the way of creepy accurate gut feelings, creepy accurate casual predictions about the future, and just plain weird luck. Plus, y'know, the Ajunta Pal thing. He's about on par with Bao-Dur; maybe not the biggest Force nuke, but enough to get himself in trouble if anyone discovered it.

2. Screw canon. Carth and Canderous were working together in KOTOR 2 so far under the radar it might as well have been underground. It would cause trouble for both of them if it got out that Mandalore the Preserver and a Republic Admiral were sharing intel about a former Sith Lord, so they keet it VERY quiet.

3. Tied to that, the reason why Canderous doesn't start trouble with Disciple is that Canderous listed in on one of Mical's reports to Carth. Canderous figures "Okay, he's working for my brother, the guy who can count the people he trusts on his fingers (and have fingers left over). This kid is safe." And then Carth finishes the conversation telling Mical to be careful because "you're like another son to me." Well, it's not "I know your name as my child," but it's close enough. Canderous now figures "DAMN IT! This half Jedi kid is my NEPHEW!"  

4. Telos was a test for Malak to see if he could win a war, not just a battle. And Malak screwed the pooch. The planet would have been a lot more valuable taken with precision. It's the Jedi's food supply (army travels on their stomach in any universe), a potential hiding place (so cut off Jedi escape routes), great spot on a major hyperspace lane for a base, and...y'know, a lot of Sensitives that might be open to persuasion, given the Jedi rejected them. But Malak instead gives dead rock, an atrocity the Republic can rally around, and it potentially scares off any other planets from a quick surrender since they will now fight to the death (and Revan wanted the infrastructure intact).

5. The ensuing argument about Malak's brute force approach to Telos ended with Malak picking his jaw off the floor.

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well This is one of my headcanons. Revan had Resistance to Rakghoul's virus and due to force bonding, make it possible for party member being resistance to it. Also, Another headcanon is that Revan had a passive Force Stealth to avoid Sith at large and it is why Bastila didn't get catch by the Sith at Taris despite wielding a lightsaber.  In Short, Revan while a Sith Lord was closer to a Dark Jedi Sentinel/Sith Assassin with Immunity: Poison. DS Master of Jedi Sentinel is Immunity Poison of Kotor 1


Side note: I do think Revan would be a Jedi Shadow if LS or a Sith Assassin if DS for canon classes

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Oh I wish we could have a Shadow Class for KOTOR. I love it in TOR. 

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I still learning TSL patcher and add new classes for other NPC.  Well Within Kotor Campaign Guild, Jedi Shadows are the Elite Jedi Sentinels that hunt Dark siders. that is old canon aka Legends. Well given Bastila's nature and New Canon,  She would fit as a Jedi Vanguard. so I can make her a Jedi Counslar with a Jedi Vanguard robes.


Vanguards are the Jedi looks for threats to the Jedi order and the galaxy



Star Wars Introduces A New Jedi Faction I'm Desperate To See On-Screen

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