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Hi all,

Ive been trying to troubleshoot modelling a lightsaber in kotor for a fair while now and I cant get the blade to be visible when in game. I have the model linked to all its parents and children in the correct order and the lightsaber itself appears in game, but the blade is invisible. I have tried linking and exporting with both the kotormax interface and the inbuilt 3dsmax interface to no avail. Needless to say im stumped. Ive attatched a screenshot of a standard lightsaber and my design (with blade problem &  no texture) in-game. Thanks in advance.


3dsmax 2019, kotormax v0.4.1, kotortool (most recent), MDLOps 1.0.0, kotor steam version

swkotor 2022-03-04 13-09-52.png

swkotor 2022-03-04 13-10-18.png

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4 hours ago, Numeric II said:

MDLOps 1.0.0

That's outdated. The current version of MDLOps is 1.0.2 and the most recent version of MDLEdit is 1.0.104b.

Attach your ASCII for someone to look at to diagnose your problem. The first suspect would be a lack of animations.

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Pretty sure that’s a lack of animations, I had the same issue the first time I made a custom hilt.

Make sure to click on "Export model + anims" in 3DSMax/Gmax when exporting your model.

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Okay, that appear to have worked. The modelling tutorial i watched imported model only, not model+animations and i was exporting it as so. Thanks heaps for that! I spent more hours than I'd like to admit trying to figure that out.

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