
Official KotOR1 Restoration Recruitment Thread

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Despite the progress that has been made by myself,Allronix,and a little help from Zybl and VPuppet,this is a large project. I've realized I cannot do this with only 2 people. Positions I am looking for are the following.



-A VO actor that can perfectly (or near perfectly) imitate Carth for cut Carth lines on Taris that have no VO (whoever does the VO and does it to my satisfaction can stay on as a beta tester) The line needing to be VOed is the following "He'll take those aliens away for torture and questioning if we don't do something!".

-People with experience dealing with modules.


Zybl and VPuppet if you would like to officially join you would be welcome additions. Thanks. -ZM90/TheBetaAndCutContentGuru

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Sign me up for scripting please!


Sounds good. Could you tell me what kind of scripts you have done so that I can get a good idea of what I could assign to you?

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Guest HaVoKeR

I have this version of UBM (i used to mod the same things i could for both games) for K1 but i am developing it yet, since theres no autobalance.2da in K1 (only in TSL) and other files needed to rebalance and make your enemies stronger, but as soon as its over, i will post it here... will make a nice team with K1 RCM.

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Sounds good. Could you tell me what kind of scripts you have done so that I can get a good idea of what I could assign to you?

I've done a mod for TSL that lets male Exiles kill Disciple in Khoonda (the Kill Disciple Mod, it's hosted here); I can do item adding scripts; I've been planning on spawning NPCs, but I could probably learn anything you need me to do. I'd quite like to try something I haven't done before as well, just so I can challenge myself.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Btw, can you post a topic with stuff that need/could be restored in K1? I thought that the game had almost none cut content.

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I've done a mod for TSL that lets male Exiles kill Disciple in Khoonda (the Kill Disciple Mod, it's hosted here); I can do item adding scripts; I've been planning on spawning NPCs, but I could probably learn anything you need me to do. I'd quite like to try something I haven't done before as well, just so I can challenge myself.


Alright Mandalore welcome to the team. I am working on restoring the cut part of the Sunry murder trial,and as soon as I have done my part you will be needed there. For now I need a script sent to me to add the card that gets you into the Sith base on Manaan and 10 credits into the PC's inventory.


As for a list of K1 cut content,and I did update it with things that I found which were not on the list.


Deadeye Duncan on Manaan - The Taris arena fighter Deadeye Duncan survived the events of the planet and would show up on Manaan.


He reveals that he's trying to become a mercenary and is finding it hard to find work due to his reputation. He asks your character if he can use your "Mysterious Stranger" name as a way to fix his reputation.


Sith Board The Ebon Hawk


After deciding who would rescue you, Carth and Bastila on the Leviaithan, there was supposed to be a quick cutscene where Carth, Bastila, and the PC are shown being taken prisoner by the Sith boarding party.



Alternative Darkside Female Ending


In order to make the deadline for this game, an alternate ending for dark side females was cut.


The ending took place when Carth comes to the star forge to speak to you one last time. From there you could choose to redeem yourself by killing Bastila and stop her using her battle meditation on the sith forces. However, in doing this, the player and Carth lose precious time in escaping from the star forge and remain on the star forge as republic forces destroy the star forge.


Black Vulkar Base Expansion


An extension of the Taris Swoop Bike quest, in which a second level exists in the Vulkar base and the player has to disguise himself as a Vulkar to infiltrate it.


Rulan Prolack Expansion


In the fight with Rulan Prolack (the shape changing alien you're sent to kill for the Genoharadan), he always transforms into Jolee. However it seems he was at one time meant to transform into any one of your NPC's, even your PC.


Alternative Way Into Taris Sith Base


There was an alternate way into the Sith base on Taris. The junior sith officers you meet in the cantina could later be talked to at the party for a chance to buy a pass card into the base.


Indecent Proposal


As a "reward" for rescuing Shen and Rahasia, the PC had the option to make an... indecent proposal (Shen for female PC, Rahasia for male) shortly before Ahlan and Nurick show up.



Garrum and Tareelok


An arguement between a Master and his apprentice was supposed to take place on Dantooine.


Manaan Pazaak Tournament


You could compete in a Pazaak tournament on Manaan.


Sith Patrol In Sewers


The Sith patrol you meet in the Undercity was at one time in the sewers (or possibly it was a second patrol) and were much harder to fool (you'd have to show your papers and then pass a persuade check).


Carth's Extended Taris Apartment Dialog


A little bit of unused dialogue near the beginning, Carth tells the PC to go back to sleep until their injuries heal.


The Echani Mercanary's Friends


During your adventures on Manaan, you could partake in a side quest to find out what happened to an Echani mercenary's friends.


The PC fights alongside Jolee


More bits of dialogue seem to suggest that Jolee and the PC were meant to fight together in the Shadow Lands before he officially joined your party. Perhaps against the Katarns you see him kill?


Swoop Bike Parts


A possibility to buy parts for the Swoop Bike. On the Swoop Track on Tatooine, when the player talks to a racer named Nico, he can still ask Nico where there's a place to buy upgrades for the swoop bike. Bioware forgot to cut this dialogue.


Belaya Captured


If the player didn't kill Juhani, the Jedi Belaya, from the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, was supposed to have been captured and kept as a prisoner aboard the Leviathan. She would later discovered to have died in captivity.


Canderous and Junhani's Talk


As with other team configurations, if Juhani and Canderous were part of the player's team, they were supposed to have dialog with each other. Specifically about the Mandalorian invasion of Cathar.


Dungeon on Tatooinee


An alternate Star Map scenario where the map is located in the maw of a sarlacc. The player must navigate an underground Rakatan temple in order to locate the pit, and then figure out how to get to the map without getting eaten.


Sewers Trash Compactor Puzzle


A trash compactor puzzle in the Taris Sewers.


Sand People Messiah


A quest that would have allowed the player to become a sort of Messiah of the Sandpeople and lead them against their Czerka corporation oppressors.


Gammorean Stronghold


A gammorean stronghold used to exist in the undercity.


CarthxFemale Revan Extended


An extended romance .dlg for Carth with a Female Revan, for a better executed beach Scene.


Shuma The Hutt


Shuma the Hutt originally could be found in the Jedi enclave. Due in part to recent events, Shuma was granted asylum in the enclave.




Passive Iriaz originally roamed the plains of Dantooine. That's right, other creatures roamed the plains and didn't attack you on sight.


More Swoop Races


You could go swoop racing on Kashyyyk, Dantooine and Korriban


Extended Shadowlands


A third area of the Kashyyyk Shadowlands could be accessed.[it is a lower level beneath the second level and some of the areas were created but are mostly empty, with very little content in them].


Sunry Murder Expansion


Apparently it was possible that Revan could discover a datapad written by Elassa to her Sith Master shortly before her death, inside the Sith Embassy. In it she says that she doesn't believe Sunry knew anything of value, and actually intended to murder him on the very same night the jilted Sunry killed her. Ironically, while Sunry had killed her in cold blood, he had unknowingly prevented his own death at the same time.


Bastila on Korriban


Bastila was originally allowed to accompany you during your trip to Korriban. This is evidenced by dialogue and voices that still exist in the game files.


Junhani's Leviathan Dialog


Juhani had some dialogue after you escape from the Leviathan.


Party Dialog for Korriban Star Map


It appears as though nearly every one of your NPC teammates had something to say after you find the Star Map in Naga Shadow's tomb. However, as we all know, only your character is allowed to enter Naga Shadow's tomb.


Junhani Speaks of Korriban's Evil


You could speak with Juhani after finding the star map on Korriban. The dialogue itself involves Juhani telling you of her dislike of Korriban's evil and how it affected her.


Juhani Dislikes Canderous


You could speak to Juhani about why she dislikes Canderous. The dialogue itself obviously became availible shorty AFTER her argument with Canderous.


Taris Lower City Extended


There was more content for the Taris lower city orginally such as a way into the swoop track and more black valkurs that would attack.


Juhani Speaks More of Taris


Shortly after you learn that Juhani's last home planet was Taris, you could talk to her again to learn about how the prejudice and racism of other people affected her life on Taris.


Carth's Devastation


Originally, if you had been doing the Carth romance sidequest, a dialogue with Carth revealed he was much more devastated with your character being Revan than he was in the final version of the game.


More Juhani Dialog


Juhani had additional comments about Revan.



Sharina Fizzark


Sharina Fizzark, the woman who tries to sell you the great wraid plate on Tatooine, can later be found on Dantooine building a new life.


Dantoinee Burial Mound Expansion


Apparently you had to do some extra work if you wanted to enter the burial mound on Dantooine as evidenced by a sound file of Bastila talking about how to open it.


The PC threatens a Sith Commander on the Leviathan


Your character at one point in the game could threaten or ask a sith commander on the Leviathan to help you.


Injured Dark Apprentice


At one point, you encounter an injured dark apprentice in the Rakatan Temple on the Unknown World.


Canderous and Junhani dialog


Due to a small glitch in a dialogue file Bioware forgot to fix, conversation between Juhani and Canderous that takes place on Kashyyyk is never heard in the final version of the game.


Some jawa NPCs were apparently cut from Tatoinee.


A lightsaber crystal called Wookie amulet was cut from the game


There were three additional difficulties Very Easy,Hard,and Impossible


There was originally more to the tar-preraid cutscene with Carth chiming in and some dlg choices for the PC.

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Guest HaVoKeR

I believe some cut content is good to have been cut for e.g. Carth telling you to sleep before going out of the room on taris (would make that part take too long)

and the extra difficulties are not very important cut content, but if you want i can recreate it easily, i guess... but i've never done it so far, i just rearranged the % damage each one did in my version.

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I believe some cut content is good to have been cut for e.g. Carth telling you to sleep before going out of the room on taris (would make that part take too long)

and the extra difficulties are not very important cut content, but if you want i can recreate easily i guess... but i never done so, i just rearranged the % damage each one did.


That's already restored thanks to Zbyl2 :thumbsup:. As for the extra difficulties I don't want to restore anymore unless they can be restored without eliminating existing difficulties.

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Guest HaVoKeR

That's already restored thanks to Zbyl2 :thumbsup:. As for the extra difficulties I don't want to restore anymore unless they can be restored without eliminating existing difficulties.


Well, will see about that. Its already restored? where can i find this restored content mods? ô.o

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Well, will see about that. Its already restored? where can i find this restored content mods? ô.o


You can't find the Carth scene currently, Zbyl2 gave it to me to use for my KotOR restoration so it will be in my mod but,Zbyl did release the cut bik movies which will also be part of my mod. Basically Zbyl gave me his work on restoring cut KotOR1 content to use.

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For now I need a script sent to me to add the card that gets you into the Sith base on Manaan and 10 credits into the PC's inventory.

That's done, I just can't PM compiled scripts (the forum won't let me, I've asked Doctor about it).

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Guest Slstoev

You're forgeting that Korriban was originally going to be larger and Sleheyron.

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I wonder if he stills work on Sleheyron though. He used to send an update every few day or so. Then he just decided to make a completely new area. Then he did the same again. Then pffft. No news...

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I wonder if he stills work on Sleheyron though. He used to send an update every few day or so. Then he just decided to make a completely new area. Then he did the same again. Then pffft. No news...


He's still got his hands in last I heard. I think there's an issue with him needing a scripter. Logan23 (of Revenge of Revan) might be able to say more on the subject as he was assisting Disbeliever for a time.

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So if I understand well, Disbeliever is basically a mapper, modeller and skinner. But he has difficulties when it comes to scripting. That about right? And if he needs a scripter, it means he basically has finished his map. Don't you think?

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So if I understand well, Disbeliever is basically a mapper, modeller and skinner. But he has difficulties when it comes to scripting. That about right? And if he needs a scripter, it means he basically has finished his map. Don't you think?


I remember populating a dock module for a little bit. Then I got busy doing pretty much everything you could imagine.

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What I think is that if he is done with his maps, maybe he could give a shot at scripting... But I'm just going off topic so I'll stop rambling on. I just wish I could see this mod of his some time as I loved each of the 3 versions he did of Sleheyron...

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This link should provide a wealth of discussion concerning KotOR1 Restoration:


As for Sleheyron, I'd check out Disbeliever's thread on that subject over at LucasForums every few months if I were you.


Whoa, this is great. I had no idea that the first KotoR had so much cut content. The Dantooine sarlacc pit dungeon particularly intrigues me. I haven't used much mods for the original besides items, I had no idea there are so many mods/additions to KotoR! Before, most (actually all) my mod awareness came from filefront and here, I had no idea LucasForums had so much stuff not on filefront!

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And a good load of these mods are down because of website .......... oh well. So usually, you have to ask in a topic for another member to host-it for you. Haven't personnally had a good experience from this kind of request, m'afraid... :D

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Whoa, this is great. I had no idea that the first KotoR had so much cut content. The Dantooine sarlacc pit dungeon particularly intrigues me. I haven't used much mods for the original besides items, I had no idea there are so many mods/additions to KotoR! Before, most (actually all) my mod awareness came from filefront and here, I had no idea LucasForums had so much stuff not on filefront!

Well, most of it is actually not really 'cut' content, but stuff they decided not to do or do differently in the end. That's why there's not too much of it left in the files (compared to TSL, where there's tons of content left in the game-files). It's only natural that you won't implement all your ideas that you have during the process of developing a game. That's just how it goes with ideas: you have a lot of them, and a big bunch of them are for some reason or another crap, so you discard them again :D.


But that's just hairsplitting over the word 'restoration' and 'cut content'. I'm a huge fan of restoration mods, no matter wether they add cut or dropped content. Basically because they're mostly by far the best added-content mods there are.

So, keep up the good work, and if you need help, just tell me, although aside from modelling heads and setting up the TSLPatcher, I'm only good at following tutorials :P.

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Where was the Wookiee Amulet lightsabre crystal meant to turn up? Because I could probably script that in pretty easily while Manaan is being done.

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