Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 14, 2011 It's not really "restored content" but more like a global that is fudged up (003EB instead of 003EBO). Sign off a rushed game. I doubt it was ever intended not to show, but did because that little typo. So; bug, not cut content. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 15, 2011 It's not really "restored content" but more like a global that is fudged up (003EB instead of 003EBO). Sign off a rushed game. I doubt it was ever intended not to show, but did because that little typo. So; bug, not cut content. Never said it was cut, just that it was restored. But thanks, I know there's a lot of stuff like that in the game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 15, 2011 Yup. Corrun Falt side-quest? Typo'd global. Atris cutscenes for Malachor if you keep her alive? Typo'd cutscene state. Convo with T3 about HK-47? Typo'd requirement. Etc. etc. etc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted May 3, 2011 Statement: I could never figure out why Kreia was on the Hawk searching for the Exile. T3 was searching for the Exile to go help Revan. Why didn't T3 just tell the Exile about Revan, why he searched for the Exile, and go help Revan. Why go for Kreia?! It makes no sense. Statement: Another is how does G0-T0 get hold of HK=47's schematics? Query: One of my biggest qualms was, and still is, HOW ARE THEY FLYING THE HAWK AFTER MALACHOR WHEN THERE IS A HUGE HOLE IN THE COCKPIT? Theory: I can only theorize that T3 is flying. Statement: My other is the HK factory that was left out. There are 2 doors in the telos facility that you never go through or find out what they're for. Then you get the mission from HK about the Sonic Imprint sensor. It goes no where . Statement: There were some that Pazaak mentioned that I thought were silly as well. Sarcastic Statement: Way to go L.A. Thanks for rushing a game that had SO much potential to be SO awesome, and causing it to be so broken. Contemplative: We'll never know how awesome the plot really would have been, or even what it could have become had the refined it some more and added in more things. TSLRCM can't do that. It can fix and restore what is already there, but not make the what might have been. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest milestails Posted May 3, 2011 What always bothered me was the lack of an explanation for where Nihilus, Sion, and Kreia were during the events of KOTOR. Surely they would have sensed Malak wreaking havoc across the galaxy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 3, 2011 Wow, this thread is still up? Neat. I had some spare time and thought I'd go through some of these. How does Lt Grenn know you're a Jedi? Who told him? The HK who told Peragus you're a Jedi you scrap just before leaving there...so who told Grenn...?? When you are first arrested on Telos it's for Peragus exploding then after you're attacked by the bogus Batu Rem Grenn somehow knows you're a Jedi? And this is before the TSF completes its investigation plus at this time you haven't yet met Atris so she doesn't know you're back in known space so she couldn't have ratted you out and it's not like KOTOR I in which Bastila adds a mind-erased Revan to the passenger manifest-which leads me to... Remember, the Exile's return has been posted mostly everywhere in the "coreward databases," according to HK-47. Though G0-T0 was looking for the Jedi, he was merely acting upon the information he had access to in those databases. Atris was the one that broadcast the information. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over agin expecting a different result. She did it with releasing the Exile's "homecoming" information and also she tried it before - in order to draw out the enemy at Kattar. Since G0-T0 knew about the Exile's return, who's to say Green didn't have access to the same information? Then again, maybe Admiral Onasi just told him that the Exile is an Exiled Jedi - as they were working together as well. You're simply on-board the Harbinger and headed for Telos to supposedly aid in the restoration effort--in typical SW fashion, the ship gets hijacked and attacked by the Sith...and...T3 and the Ebon Hawk just happen to be conveniently accessible...?? Oh kay... T3-M4 was sent out by Bastila (or Carth) to find anyone that could help Revan. Who's to say that T3-M4 didn't seek out Kreia - his/her former master? T3-M4 obviously had the ship - the navicomputer can only be used by him, if you all recall. Additionally, we do know pretty much every major figure (in the game) knows the Exile is coming back. Why wouldn't Kreia know too? Put T3-M4 searching for Kreia in the Ebon Hawk - and Kreia searching for the Exile using the information sent out by Atris and it isn't that much of a coincidence. Right after telling you coincidence was on her side when she found you on the Harbinger, Kreia then says coincidences are rare...which is it...?? If you take what I said earlier as fact, that would Kreia lying. HK-47 states he is built after the Mandalorian Wars bothers me. I remember in KOTOR that his final story (unlocked after repairing his memory core several times) pertained to him being sent into space to assassinate Mandalore who reprogrammed HK. But if he was constructed after the Mandalorian Wars, there wouldn't have been a Mandalore to assassinate. That bothered me too. But there's very few continuity mistakes. I do recall one cut line saying Revan destroyed Telos even though it was well established the Malak did that in the first game. (I think the cut line was originally said by Kreia as I recall re-splicing it so she said Malak instead of Revan.) Bao-Dur knows me. He tells me we were in the war together. Okay, I say, fair enough. Then he never talks to me again, never explains anything, never becomes a jedi, and just disappears from the story. Perhaps a quote from Chris Avellone himself might explain that . . . Bao-Dur . . . we just didn't have time to finish his thread' date=' but if I recall (it's been a while), he was supposed to die on the attack on Telos to help HK-47 get to the HK-50 factory and shut it down to save the planet.[/quote']Those that love to push the line that LucasArts is evil because they didn't give Obisidian enough time . . . you're welcome. Then I'm playing as remote, for no reason, and I'm like HUH!? Bao-Dur is talking about some thing called the Mass Shadow Generator, and I had NEVER heard of that before. He's asking me to prime it, I say, okay, whatever. See previous answer. Additionally, in his first conversations, he does say he doesn't want to talk about the war if you don't mind, which seems to suggest that at some point you'd likely be talking about it more in some detail. (Greater detail than what wound up in the game files anyway.) Also, I always play as a male exile, so I don't really know a lot about Mical or anything, but he's a Republic spy, right? They never really DO anything about that, do they? Doesn't someone on the ship find out? Kreia, or Atton or someone? I don't remember. Then they just sorta let it slide. I think I may had a thread about that somewhere . . . oh yes, here. I also thought it was really lazy when I found Vash dead. I knew that must've been cut content before I even KNEW it actually was. Why just kill off a master? Time constraints? I guess so. Also, no need to knock Sion or anything, but I don't think he could've killed Vash that easily. In Sion's defense, he can bring himself back from the dead over and over again, as long as you don't erode his will. Since they cut out M4-78 pretty early, it stands to reason her character was fully developed yet. (Hell, even M4-78 doesn't have any lines voiced or wirtten in the game.) Perhaps the game maker, didn't want to hear the voice actress do even more lines? Grey DeLisle also performed the voices for Brianna and the other Handmaidens. (Ok, for the last part - I kid, I kid.) Also, as far as I know, Echani is first introduced in Kotor 2. Brianna and the sisters are Echani, and Atton has had Echani training. But what IS an Echani, exactly? Is it a race? A belief? I don't really remember them ever saying what the hell one was, I just remember Brianna saying she was one, that she was trained in the style, and that Atton was trained too. Echani were also in KOTOR1. One is being hired by the Sith in a cantina on Manaan - the same cantina that the Selkath asks you to do a mission to find missing Selkath children. Echani is both a near-muahm species and their unarmed martial art. In this case: Wookieepedia is your friend. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 3, 2011 Also, I always play as a male exile, so I don't really know a lot about Mical or anything, but he's a Republic spy, right? They never really DO anything about that, do they? Doesn't someone on the ship find out? Kreia, or Atton or someone? I don't remember. Then they just sorta let it slide. I think I may had a thread about that somewhere . . . oh yes, here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted May 7, 2011 Statement: One that always bothers me, is when you destroy Peragus II (DS), you get arrested on Telos IV (as usual). But what always gets me is that you get cleared as not the one who destroyed it. Query: Why would they find you to have not done something that you most certainly did do? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted May 7, 2011 They don't have any proof against you and therefore, can't proceed to find you guilty... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted May 7, 2011 Statement: Then that's what Grenn should say. He explicitly says that "you were not responsible for the station's destruction". If it was merely a lack of proof, then he should have indicated that. Conclusion: So I don't think it's a matter of proof. It's a matter of a game that was rushed into production. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 7, 2011 Statement: Then that's what Grenn should say. He explicitly says that "you were not responsible for the station's destruction". If it was merely a lack of proof, then he should have indicated that. Conclusion: So I don't think it's a matter of proof. It's a matter of a game that was rushed into production. Just more evidence of their lackluster police-work, something I find to be more fitting for the TSF than to explain it off as rushed development. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 7, 2011 Or the Republic (Cede/Carth) has forged the report, making you "not guilty". It would suit there needs at that moment NOT to have you incarcerated. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted May 8, 2011 Or the Republic (Cede/Carth) has forged the report, making you "not guilty". It would suit there needs at that moment NOT to have you incarcerated. Statement: Could be. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted May 8, 2011 It would be nearly impossible to determine who destroyed peragus simply because even if the ebon hawk kept a log of when it was fired, they could just have easily been firing at the harbinger or the asteroids Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted May 8, 2011 It would be nearly impossible to determine who destroyed peragus simply because even if the ebon hawk kept a log of when it was fired, they could just have easily been firing at the harbinger or the asteroids Statement: And that doesn't help it make sense. It's also the other reason I think it's a result of a rushed game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 8, 2011 Just assume they have the technology to assess that kind of stuff. I mean, it's not all that unlikely. Somehow, Sion escaped, and the Harbinger supposedly blew up in that asteroid field. If there wasn't anything left of the facility, there must have been some sort of black box anyways. And as I said before, I just think it's more proof that the TSF is the most bullshit security force around. But if it does help, there is cut content that has Grenn interrogating the PC about the events on Peragus. It's been awhile since I've checked it out, but I think it might clear up some things. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted May 8, 2011 I wish I was surprised when you mentioned cut content Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 8, 2011 *never seen it* Are you sure, VP? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 9, 2011 Positive. Bead-V assembled a video of it for me. VO and everything. Just no .lip files. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 9, 2011 Well, we pretty much have to make .lips for everything (even some non-cut content that just isn't triggered due to buggism), so no surprises there. So, 202TEL? Or does the X-box have more cut files than the PC than merely the factory and planet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 9, 2011 I think it's 202TEL... in the same conversations as that whole Batu Rem dealio. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 9, 2011 My .dlg editor doesn't want to work now... Which is... a bummer. Suppose it's because it can't find registry entries for a KOTOR game, though, so it shouldn't take too long to fix, but it'll mean I'll see about this some time later... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted July 14, 2015 does explaining how Atton whent from a Sith Assassin/Shock trooper to becoming a pilot count as a plot hole? his immediate history between leaving the Sith to being on Peragus is mostly not talked about either Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 14, 2015 I think you might to read up on what a plot hole is or what it isn't. Here's a good place to start. Who's to say that Atton didn't learn to fly in the Republic before he joined Revan? Or after he left Revan and wandered the universe, for that matter? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted July 15, 2015 I'll do that, thanks for directing me to this, I guess its not very important where he learned to fly, as long as he can fly the ship It's like asking where Visas learned to use the force Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites