djh269 266 Posted April 18, 2017 View File Tsl Inspired Crystals And Robes WARNING: If you wish to use both my Crystal cave overhaul and my TSL Inspired Crystals mod you will need to install the main component of the Crystal Cave Overhaul mod first, and then install the second option of the TSL Inspired Crystal Mod. Otherwise they won't work together. TSL Inspired crystals and robes 2.0 Author: djh269 Release Date: 18.04.2017 Re-Release Date: 16.02.2024 Installation: Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe and click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic Uninstallation: N/A Compatibility: This won't be compatible with any mods that modify the Dantooine Crystal Cave module or mods that edit the vanilla lightsaber item files. It also won't be compatible with any mods that modify the Upgrade.2da file for definite, as there's a very specific limit within the file. You have been warned. Description: - I've replaced the two Dark Jedi next to Saul Karath to fight on the Leviathan Bridge, and have gave them additional stats and loot drops. - I've changed Yuthura Bans stats as well as given her extra loot. - I've replaced the Dark Jedi Master on the Leviathan Hangar module with additional stats and loot. - I've modified the stats of the Dark Jedi Master in the Rakatan Temple on the Unknown World as well as given him modified loot. - Fixed the reward from the Manaan Republic officer after you get the Star Map, you actually get a sonic rifle and an implant instead of just an implant. - When you finish the first task set by the council (cleansing of the grove), you'll be rewarded with a Jedi Training Robe (custom). - When you first join the Sith on Korriban you will be given a Sith Training Robe (custom). - Added +1 Force regeneration to all vanilla robes, as per TSL. Also added extra stats to the Qel-Droma Robes. - Added 13 other crystals, and placed them in various modules throughout the game. - I have also modified the stats of said crystals to be different with two powerful variations of lightsabers you get later on in the game. - The locations, prices and stats for the added crystals can be found below: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is just PM me on Deadlystream Permissions: - The only thing you can't use is the info.rtf or the tslpatcher. Anything else is fine. Thanks: JC2 for his excellent patience in providing me with dialog and conditional script tutorials!! Corpsecotillion for his assistance with fixing my upgrade.2da issues. N-DReW25 for his assistance and usage of his info.rtf file. Fairstrides for his unquestionable patience whilst helping me out in the past. bead-v for his module editting assistance. Kexikus for his tslpatcher advice in making my mod more compatible. Bioware for such an amazing game. Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Holowan labs for the endless pit of information for Kotor modding. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE Robes: Dark/ Jedi Padawan Robes - Defense: 1 - Force Regeneration: 1 Dark/ Jedi Knight Robes - Defense: 2 - Force Regeneration: 1 Dark/ Jedi Master Robes - Defense: 3 - Force Regeneration: 1 Qel Dromas Robes - Defense: 5 - Attribute Bonus: Wisdom +2 - Force Regeneration: 1 - Improved Force Resistance: 12 Jedi Training Robes - Defense: 1 (AR) 2 - Wisdom: 1 - Charisma: 1 - (MU) Damage Resistance: Slashing 5vs - (MU) Damage Resistance: Piercing 5vs - (MU) Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning 5vs Sith Training Robes - Defense: 1 (AR) 2 - Strength: 1 - Dexterity: 1 - (MU) Damage Resistance: Slashing 5vs - (MU) Damage Resistance: Piercing 5vs - (MU) Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning 5vs Darth Revans Robes: - Defense: 5 - Alignment Limitation: Dark Side - Attribute Bonus: Strength +4 - Attribute Bonus: Dexterity +2 - Improved Saving Throws: All +2 - Damage Immunity: Electrical 100% - Regeneration: +2 Star Forge Robes: - Defense: 5 - Alignment Limitation: Light Side - Attribute Bonus: Wisdom +4 - Attribute Bonus: Charisma +2 - Improved Saving Throws: All +2 - Damage Immunity: Electrical 100% Crystals: Lorrdian Gemstone - Price: 5000 Credits - Location: Kashyyk, Dantooine - Defense: +2 - Blaster Bolt Deflection: +3 Crystal, Dragite - Price: 980 Credits - Location: Dantooine Crystal Cave, Kashyyk - Defense Bonus: +1 - Sonic Damage: +1 Crystal, Velmorite - Price: 1200 Credits - Location: Dantooine Crystal Cave, Tatooine, Manaan, Kashyyk - Defense Bonus: +1 - Keen Crystal, Stygium - Price: 5,000 credits - Location: Dantooine Crystal Cave, Korriban - Attack Bonus: 1 - Attribute Bonus: Dexterity +1 - Skill Bonus: Stealth +4 Crystal, Kasha - Price: 980 Credits - Location: Dantooine Crystal Cave, Manaan, Yavin - Attack Bonus: 1 - Damage Bonus: Light Side +2 Crystal, Ruusan - Price: 980 Credits - Location: Dantooine Crystal Cave, Manaan, Taris - Attribute Bonus: Intelligence +1 - Regenerate Force Points: +1 - Attribute Bonus: Strength +1 Ankarres Sapphire - Price: 5000 Credits - Location: Completing Dantooine, Completing Manaan, Kashyyk - Damage Bonus: Energy, 2 - Defense Bonus: 1 - Regeneration: 2 - Keen Crystal, Qixoni - Price: 5,000 Credits - Location: Korriban, Leviathan - Alignment Limitation: Dark Side - Damage Bonus: Dark Side 5 - Regenerate Force Points: 1 Barab Ore Ingot - Price: 5000 Credits - Location: Unknown World, Yavin Station - Damage Bonus: Fire 1-12 Ultima-pearl - Price: 4980 Credits - Location: Completing Manaan, Korriban, - Damage Bonus: Energy +2 - Attack Bonus: +3 - Massive Criticals: 1-6 Crystal, Hurrikaine - Price: 8000 - Location: Leviathan, Unknown World, - Damage Bonus: Universal 1d8 Crystal, Pontite - Price: 3980 credits - Location: Leviathan, Unknown World, - Damage Bonus: Cold 1-10 - Attribute Bonus: Charisma +2 Crystal, Kaiburr - Price: 5000 Credits - Location: Tatooine, Unknown World, Korriban, - Attribute Bonus: Constitution +3 - Attribute Bonus: Wisdom +3 - Regeneration: 3 Submitter djh269 Submitted 04/18/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jc2 581 Posted April 18, 2017 Wow, you've been busy ^^ I'm intrigued by the crystals. . . 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djh269 266 Posted April 18, 2017 Thanks for the kind words as ever. I especially like the Qixoni crystal icon. It's an unused plot item icon that I think was suppose to be Daviks Gem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djh269 266 Posted April 21, 2017 I humbly apologize everyone, someone has pointed out an error in this mod. Unfortunately I never came across this in testing but when you go to add one of my new crystals it adds random stats and after you back out of the upgrade screen you'll find a brand new crystal in its place. I am working on a fix but for the time being don't install this mod. This doesn't mean my previous crystal mod is buggy though. That works fine. I have requested someone take it down for the time being until I release a fix. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jc2 581 Posted April 21, 2017 I humbly apologize everyone, someone has pointed out an error in this mod. Unfortunately I never came across this in testing but when you go to add one of my new crystals it adds random stats and after you back out of the upgrade screen you'll find a brand new crystal in its place. I am working on a fix but for the time being don't install this mod. This doesn't mean my previous crystal mod is buggy though. That works fine. I have requested someone take it down for the time being until I release a fix. You and me both! Best of luck fixing the bug. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 22, 2017 Currently in "Unapproved" status until you are ready. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corpsecotillion 27 Posted April 23, 2017 So after a few days of battle with my game I figured out why I was having issues with your mod and figured I would share my findings to help you with fixing your mod. It's possible that it was all completely a user error on my end, but nonethless here's my discoveries: In a thread from a couple years ago (, Rece discovered that the upgrade.2da file does this weird thing where after row 31 it wraps back around to row 1, so any crystal you put in row 32 onward will change to a different crystal when you hit the assemble button. The good news is that there is a workaround, but it requires using filler rows. After some serious experimentation I was able to get 14 custom upgrade crystals to work in my game, but any more than that and you'll end up with the crystal changing phenomenon again. Without changing any vanilla upgrade rows, you can only add 7 of your custom crystals to rows 25-31, and then additionally you can add 7 more to rows 27-53. That means rows 32-46 are filler. Type whatever you want into first two columns. It really doesn't matter what you put; the rows simply need to exist as placeholders. Set the upgradetype column to anything EXCEPT 0 so it doesn't interfere with the other upgrade crystals. The other issue with the lack of properties on the crystals was either an issue on my end of a problem with the GFF list in your changes.ini. I honestly can't say which it was since I no longer have the install log to look at. All of my lightsaber uti files said something about a bad integer when I tried to open them in KOTOR Tool, so basically I just had to create a new properties xml and apply it to all my sabers.Hope this helps! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djh269 266 Posted April 24, 2017 So after a few days of battle with my game I figured out why I was having issues with your mod and figured I would share my findings to help you with fixing your mod. It's possible that it was all completely a user error on my end, but nonethless here's my discoveries: In a thread from a couple years ago (, Rece discovered that the upgrade.2da file does this weird thing where after row 31 it wraps back around to row 1, so any crystal you put in row 32 onward will change to a different crystal when you hit the assemble button. The good news is that there is a workaround, but it requires using filler rows. After some serious experimentation I was able to get 14 custom upgrade crystals to work in my game, but any more than that and you'll end up with the crystal changing phenomenon again. Without changing any vanilla upgrade rows, you can only add 7 of your custom crystals to rows 25-31, and then additionally you can add 7 more to rows 27-53. That means rows 32-46 are filler. Type whatever you want into first two columns. It really doesn't matter what you put; the rows simply need to exist as placeholders. Set the upgradetype column to anything EXCEPT 0 so it doesn't interfere with the other upgrade crystals. The other issue with the lack of properties on the crystals was either an issue on my end of a problem with the GFF list in your changes.ini. I honestly can't say which it was since I no longer have the install log to look at. All of my lightsaber uti files said something about a bad integer when I tried to open them in KOTOR Tool, so basically I just had to create a new properties xml and apply it to all my sabers. Hope this helps! Wow, I honestly can't thank you enough for taking the time to research how to get my mod working. And no, it's not just a user error on your end I was told a couple of days ago about the 31 maximum lines within the upgrade.2da file by Fairstrides. I have also looked into Rece's mod and I did notice the filler lines and was completely confused by them haha. BUT, I noticed when I installed Rece's lightsaber mod not all of his lightsabers apply all the properties of the vanilla crystals or his own. I have been messing around with ways on getting my mod compatible with the VANILLA crystals and with my personalised crystal mod, as I was going to overwrite the weakest vanilla crystals. However, I'm going to have a good read of your message and look into the column rows and follow the rows you've advised. For your assistance, have a conveniently placed Meerkat: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corpsecotillion 27 Posted April 24, 2017 Wow, I honestly can't thank you enough for taking the time to research how to get my mod working. And no, it's not just a user error on your end I was told a couple of days ago about the 31 maximum lines within the upgrade.2da file by Fairstrides. I have also looked into Rece's mod and I did notice the filler lines and was completely confused by them haha. BUT, I noticed when I installed Rece's lightsaber mod not all of his lightsabers apply all the properties of the vanilla crystals or his own. I have been messing around with ways on getting my mod compatible with the VANILLA crystals and with my personalised crystal mod, as I was going to overwrite the weakest vanilla crystals. However, I'm going to have a good read of your message and look into the column rows and follow the rows you've advised. For your assistance, have a conveniently placed Meerkat: meerkat-019.jpg I humbly and graciously accept your meerkat! Also, I actually am using both your mods. which is part of why it took me so long to figure out how to get them all compatible. I WANTED THEM ALL haha. I did end up sacrificing a few vanilla crystals for the sake of the personalized crystals, and it works fine. I still get the vanilla crystals as loot since I didn't overwrite their uti's but basically they're just credit fodder now. I just changed the rows in the upgrade.2da and then removed the associated rows from the properties of my sabers. I did see in Rece's mod that he was able to get custom crystals in rows 44 and 45 to work, but I wasn't able to do so. I am running a SERIOUSLY mod-heavy game though. You might have better luck than I did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 24, 2017 Well, maybe it would be a good idea to replace these vanilla crystals (except for Krayt Dragon Pearl, it has also some sub-plot importance), which aren't in TSL? I hope that it would work as well as intended though and it's only corpsecotillion being out of luck, because I'm a mod addict and my bundle is more than seriously heavy. As N-Drew25 called it, I have a most incompatible bundle out there. Really, there are more than a couple of bugs and it would take ages to fix (probably not even) every single bug listed out there. That doesn't matter for me, I love mods - the more, the better. I tried to play K1 with only a couple of mods and it was really boring. And innovative and unusual ones - like crystal mods, which are rarely to be seen, are always welcome. EDIT: There are 14 upgrade rows to fill and 14 crystals, so how many crystals you have to take out is only a matter whether personalized upgradable crystal takes one row or 7. Well, maybe it would be possible to take another 25 rows as a filter and fill rows 79-85, thus making every of your crystal mods compatible? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corpsecotillion 27 Posted April 27, 2017 Well, maybe it would be a good idea to replace these vanilla crystals (except for Krayt Dragon Pearl, it has also some sub-plot importance), which aren't in TSL? I hope that it would work as well as intended though and it's only corpsecotillion being out of luck, because I'm a mod addict and my bundle is more than seriously heavy. As N-Drew25 called it, I have a most incompatible bundle out there. Really, there are more than a couple of bugs and it would take ages to fix (probably not even) every single bug listed out there. That doesn't matter for me, I love mods - the more, the better. I tried to play K1 with only a couple of mods and it was really boring. And innovative and unusual ones - like crystal mods, which are rarely to be seen, are always welcome. EDIT: There are 14 upgrade rows to fill and 14 crystals, so how many crystals you have to take out is only a matter whether personalized upgradable crystal takes one row or 7. Well, maybe it would be possible to take another 25 rows as a filter and fill rows 79-85, thus making every of your crystal mods compatible? Have you been able to get crystals in rows 79-85? I experimented through row 90 because with both of djh269's mods there are a total of 21 unique crystals, and I could only add 14 in addition to the vanilla ones. In order to use the new crystals from both mods I had to cut out vanilla crystals Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 27, 2017 Have you been able to get crystals in rows 79-85? I experimented through row 90 because with both of djh269's mods there are a total of 21 unique crystals, and I could only add 14 in addition to the vanilla ones. In order to use the new crystals from both mods I had to cut out vanilla crystals No, I just thought that if there are 25 vanilla crystals, 7 rows free, 25 "filter" rows and then 7 free rows again, there could be another 25 "filter" rows and seven free rows. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites