Xuul 224 Posted May 9, 2016 The king is dead… long live the king. For those of you who are not aware, I regret to inform you that GameFront, one of the largest games modding websites is gone forever. This shutdown echoes the death of Filefront (KotOR files) that occurred not so long ago. Unlike the Kotorfiles shutdown, there will be no new website to take up the mantle of hosting all of the files. With the death of Gamefront is also the death of every mod and file with it. Over 15 years of gaming history gone in an eye blink. Or so it seems.... Early last year the folks working on the Internet Archive Project took note of the collapse of Filefront and began the process of archive the entire website. While this is not the only attempt to save all of the mods from their swift death it is the most comprehensive. This means that nearly every mod and file should, in theory, be available still. Unfortunately, this also means that every single link posted all across the net will now also be broken. So if you are looking for mods from GameFront click HERE Or click for a direct link to the Kotor Section or the Kotor 2 Section I also found a page with some battlefront mods on it here. The pages are slow and unreliable but they do exist. This means that if there is an old mod you missed out on you can grab a copy. I hope in the future a more reliable host will be found for many of the files but for now be grateful we have this level of access. Interview One thing that I've wanted to do for a while is interview and showcase awesome people in the Star Wars community. I thought it would spoil the surprise if I asked one of our regulars here, so I asked a friend of mine from over on Youtube. I spoke with Mowseler, who describes herself as a Cosplayer, lover of video games and sci-fi. She is also the General Manager of Hamptons Handcrafted Lightsabers LLC. Who better to talk to about Star Wars than someone whose day job is to sell ACTUAL LIGHTSABERS. Below is an abbreviated copy of the interview. Xuul- You’re obviously a huge STAR WARS fan. Do you have a favorite character? Mowseler- . I absolutely love Star Wars. Picking a favorite character is so hard..if we’re considering strictly the movie canon, then it would be a hard tie between Obi-Wan and Han Solo. If we’re including the expanded universe, then I would probably have to go with Darth Bane. That trilogy really opened up such a palatable experience to embrace the Darkside. X- Let’s talk about cosplay. Many of your works have dealt with Star Wars and Knights ofthe Old Republic in particular. Why is that? M- Star Wars has always been an incredibly huge part of my life. I watched the trilogy every weekend with my dad as a kid - I even took martial arts for a time so I could feel more Jedi-like haha. I have always loved the universe and the characters, so it was only natural that I would start my journey into cosplay with the franchise I love the most. As for KOTOR - it’s one of my favorite games of all time (still taking a backseat to Legend of Legaia). Being a big RPG fan, it was a match made in heaven to have an awesome Star Wars story to go with it. X- Do you create everything from scratch, or cobble together most of it from existing works. M- It’s a mix of both. I try to make most things myself, but I also don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to incorporate already made items into your cosplay. Especially as you are learning. I didn’t know anything about sewing when I got started, so for Atris, I took an O-Ren Ishii robe from Kill Bill and modified that some to fit my needs haha. With Revan, I bought a corset already made and added pieces to it because I didn’t want to risk snapping my ribs in half doing it myself. Darkside Artis was completely handmade (expect boots….F boots). Rey was completely handmade and hand dyed (it was so much fun). Other costumes, like Maggie, Ellie, Lily, Jodie and Max I pre-bought their clothes because they are just simple shirts and jeans and then I either added the shirt designs myself and/or weathered them. (I love weathering). Kylo Ren was a commissioned robe from Hampton’s Jedi Outfitters. I don’t really discriminate, but I do prefer making things myself. It’s more fun and allows me to be really creative. X- What is the most difficult aspect for you when it comes to getting a cosplay together? What is the most rewarding aspect? M- Time. I work full time, so it’s always hard to find the time to dedicate to builds, especially more difficult ones (like 200 individually soldered LED’s in Darkside Atris’ tabards). [in regards to the rewarding aspects] if it’s a costume I built myself, it’s the satisfaction of knowing I made it, and the reaction from others who appreciate the hard work I put into it. If it’s a more simple costume that I fabricated from preexisting materials, I focus more on portraying the character in the photographic art I make with David Love Photography so that I can provide something of value to other fans of the series. I always work really hard and put a lot of effort into every costume/photo, regardless of how much work the build required. X- Changing tracks for a moment… Kotor 1 or Kotor 2? M- 7. Kotor 2. D: Don’t get me wrong, I love everything about Revan and Kotor 1, and I am well aware that Kotor 2 is pretty unfinished and unsatisfying in some regards, but I really love the work Chris Avellone put into the story, and the overall darker tone it took. It was really refreshing to see a character that had literally been cut off from the Force, and a dark presence that was so vile and uncontrollable. And I loved the tragedy of Atris, despite the actual lack of depth given to her in the game. I guess my imagination just allows me to fill in the holes that were left due to it being rushed. I think a remake of the game with attention to the plot would really hit hard with the fans. Maybe Apeiron will hit that one next! X- Don't worry Kotor 2 is the correct choice. Chris Avellone's work is amazing… How about mods? Do you use TSLRCM? M4-78? M- Yes, Chris is awesome- I have played Kotor 2 with the mods. They obviously make the game much better. X- What games have you been playing lately, & what are you most looking forward to? M- My life has been really hectic in the last year, so it’s been hard to put aside some time for gaming (TRAGEDY), but I was able to play Fallout and Witcher 3 most recently while I was recovering from a minor surgery. Both of those games are terrific. I plan on streaming on my Twitch channel once I get my internet set up in my new place, and I have a ton of games on the list X- If I recall you recently started working at Hampton’s Hand-Crafted LED Sabers (HHCLS) . Tell us about that. M- I recently took the position of manager for the company Hampton’s Hand-Crafted LED Sabers (HHCLS). So far it’s been NUTS - We are fulfilling our orders for our recent Kickstarter promotion for modular sabers. I moved from Florida to California, and while it was a huge change, it has been pretty awesome so far. I love California’s weather (nice and dry), and working for Ken Hampton is really easy. Because I’m the real boss But really, who doesn’t want to say that they basically make lightsabers for a living? I wake up every morning excited to go to work, and the hours fly by without me even realizing. The nature of this business also affords me more time to work on costumes, more tools for creating awesome projects, and the ability to attend more conventions and actually have booths for not only our products but my costume pictures as well. X- The OTS Sabers look awesome. What really sets them apart from the typical sabers in theMarket? M- OTS is pretty awesome because unlike some of the other modular systems, ours features an internal chassis that houses the electronics, which is actually the motto of OTS - “It’s all about the chassis”. What this affords the user is the ability to very easily change each hilt on the fly (emitter, foregrip, rear grip, pommel) with our catalog with just a few twists and no fear of damaging the electronics or connectors. On top of that, our starter collection comes mostly plain, which allows the user to completely customize their pieces with etching, powder coats, or even adding leather/rubber/cloth to personalize the look. We also offer the hilt pieces anodized in four colors to start: black, red, blue, and gold, with our trim pieces being able to be plated in either chrome or black chrome ( a personal favorite - it looks so cool). We plan to release new sets probably every quarter, with designs increasing in complexity, and even character hilt sets eventually. But don’t take it from me - you can build your own to see if you like it on our website. There is also an app on the Google Play store. We are working on releasing an Apple version shortly (having to jump through hoops with Apple, of course). The builder also has a link to preorder the basic tier packages on our Indiegogo campaign. X-Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. One more thing I have to ask. Do you get to play with lightsabers at work? Because that would be awesome? M- Of course I do ============================================================================== This is the part of the article where I usually put a bunch of links for further reading. Unfortunately, due to my recent move, I don't have much for you this time. Here is a mod for Chivalry with a Starwars Skin This video is a Star Wars song about Kreia I also high recommend following Mark Hamill @HamillHimself on Twitter. It is amazing. There is also some interesting new Kotor 3 Rumours bouncing around if that's your kind of thing. Sorry about that last one. Until next time. Have an excellent day! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted May 9, 2016 The "more reliable host" thing links to Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion??? And the interview's nice. Only thing I'd suggest is putting it in spoilers for people scrolling the page. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canderis 180 Posted May 9, 2016 Lol you got me with that last one, Xuul! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xuul 224 Posted May 9, 2016 The "more reliable host" thing links to Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion??? And the interview's nice. Only thing I'd suggest is putting it in spoilers for people scrolling the page. That was actually just supposed to be a joke where it linked back to deadlystream.com Do you mean spoiler the whole interview or just on the answers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted May 9, 2016 Nice idea for the joke, Xuul. And I was thinking all of the actual interview, but keeping the "and here's a portion of the interview" section outside of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eauxps I. Fourgott 81 Posted May 10, 2016 X- Don't worry Kotor 2 is the correct choice. Wait, what? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted May 12, 2016 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArmiesofChaos 0 Posted June 3, 2016 Uh. gamefront.online nuff said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted June 3, 2016 Yeah I saw that too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites