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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Trailer

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Srsly though, Benicio had either be Ezra or Thrawn otherwise I may have problems

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I think we can safely abandon any hope of the new villains matching Thrawn in any way. Not that there was a great deal of hope of that.


*Rates as pessimistic* 

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Ok I was semi-drunk when posting that, but I'll probably enjoy the film regardless if they manage to maintain the quality.


I just had a gut feeling that Benicio would either be an older Ezra or maybe Thrawn, who knows, I think Disney would like to capitalize on that character's popularity.

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Ok I was semi-drunk when posting that, but I'll probably enjoy the film regardless if they manage to maintain the quality.


I just had a gut feeling that Benicio would either be an older Ezra or maybe Thrawn, who knows, I think Disney would like to capitalize on that character's popularity.

Honestly no idea who Thrawn is (some Chiss general as far as I know?)


Ezra would be cool, can't wait for him to turn dark in Star Wars Rebels.

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Honestly no idea who Thrawn is (some Chiss general as far as I know?)


Ezra would be cool, can't wait for him to turn dark in Star Wars Rebels.


methinks it's either dark side or grey jedi.

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I don't think we'll see any old EU characters in the following movies unless Disney has a good reason to do so. Given how Rakata Prime is now canon, I'd say Revan may be brought in somewhere, and Benicio I am now leaning strongly towards he will be Thrawn.


Let's hope it's better than IV... sorry, I mean VII.


Yes, I definitely hope it's better than Joseph Campbell... I mean IV.

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