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A suggestion for TSLRCM regarding Lonna Vash

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Hello everyone!


I'm new here, been lurking for years, but I've never actually joined. Anyway, having followed the progress of TSLRCM, I have a suggestion that I've been thinking about since M4-78EP came out.


So here's what I had in mind. TSLRCM doesn't restore any of Vash's dialogue, while M4-78 does restore her completely. However to be honest I'm not all that fond of the droid planet. The mod itself is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I just find the planet itself kind of...well, boring. The basic idea of having an entire planet inhabited only by droids that all look the same, while running back and forth during quests, trying to remember which one was ES-01 and which one was ES-02,  is not a very interesting one in my opinion. So even though the modding team put a lot of effort into M4-78EP I find myself not using it. However it would be great to see Vash restored if nothing else. After all the "ultimate" point of M4-78 with regards to the overall story, is that you get to meet Vash for a brief conversation (and learn an extra saber form! :) ).


I know that TSLRCM is all about pure restored content, and what I'm about to suggest is more of a pseudo-restoration/add-on, but I think it could work for TSLRCM, or at least as an unofficial TSLRCM addon. Basically, the idea is to restore Vash on Korriban. You would find her alive, have the scripted conversation with her, and then she would leave as normal. Except instead of her being killed by the security systems of M4-78, she would be killed by Sion as they run into each other. If possible she could even help with the Exile's escape. I always found it weird how Sion just gives up chasing after you run out of the Korriban academy, having Vash stall him would fix that. Wasn't something like this planned to happen originally anyway? Or am I misremembering? If not, then she could just be cut down normally, it doesn't make much of a difference. The point is to have her alive and die by Sion's hand, or the Exile's, if you choose to fight her.


Anyway, I think this would be a good idea because it would restore Vash in some capacity, which is one of the last big unrestored part of TSLRCM. This would restore the most important part of M4-78's events without having to play through the droid planet which I know some people (ar at least me) don't find fun. Plus it wouldn't really conflict with anything: the game already implies that Vash was killed by some Sith, and with Sion being the only one in the area, it makes sense that Sion killed her. With my idea, the same thing happens, we just get to see it actually happen. Nothing major is changed in the storyline, other than having the opportunity to talk with Lonna Vash, except on Korriban instead of the droid planet.


So, what does everyone think?

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This kind of mod could in no way be considered a "restoration" and as such will not be part of TSLRCM.


There's nothing suggesting Vash was supposed to be alive on Korriban. There's no content for her there, her only recorded dialogs mention M4-78.


Danil-ch, the video you linked is from a mod I made (which was just called "Sion vs Vash scene", it was on filefront, no idea if it's still available anywhere), but all it did was add their fight when you landed on Korriban. There was no other content there, you still found Vash dead.


Though I'm pretty sure someone else made a mod that restored her alive in the tomb. Again, no idea if it's still available as I never used it myself.

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This kind of mod could in no way be considered a "restoration" and as such will not be part of TSLRCM.


There's nothing suggesting Vash was supposed to be alive on Korriban. There's no content for her there, her only recorded dialogs mention M4-78.


Though I'm pretty sure someone else made a mod that restored her alive in the tomb. Again, no idea if it's still available as I never used it myself.​


Well to be fair, she does say "Thank you for freeing me from this tomb" when you encounter her on M4-78. One could argue that particular line of dialogue fits Korriban better than M4-78. You yourself just wrote "restored her alive in the tomb" even though the place Vash is in is technically not a tomb but the academy ruins. This shows that the Korriban ruins really do feel like a tomb to players. Comparatively, being trapped between two energy barriers near the control room of M4-78, with a bunch of droids around doesn't really make me think of a tomb. Although I never examined the dialogue files very closely so I could be completely wrong and maybe it's clear that the tomb line was meant for M4-78. I always found it to be a weird line for the droid planet though.


Anyway, I see what you mean, there's really not much dialogue for her outside of M4-78 other than the standard topics all four Jedi Masters have, so including her would not be in line with the faithful restoration TSLRCM is aiming for. Then again the same argument could be made for Kaevee, who is restored despite having no original recorded lines, which may very well suggest that Obsidian actually intended to cut her. Although at least with Kaevee it's clear which planet she was meant for.


It's a shame, restoring Vash in some capacity in the base TSLRCM would be neat in my opinion. But if it doesn't fit, then it doesn't fit. I'm sure the idea has been explored before during the making of TSLRCM, I was just curious if there was a chance that it could fit in properly with the restoration.

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I don't think there is any dialogue for her outside of M4 "yes I downloaded the mod, very good I might add" not including the video T3 has for her to say anything at the council.  I have seen a video of her being re added to the council in the end too, and all they can really  get her to say from the voice files of her is 2 or 3 lines already used in the game. 


Also speaking of Kaevee, she didn't realty have a place in the game, even in TSLRCM she is kinda a loose end, she seeks another master and that's the last we hear of her. Same with Vash's apprentice if you tell him to find another master "unless he dies still at M4, didn't go down that path. If that was a path at all"

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Then again the same argument could be made for Kaevee, who is restored despite having no original recorded lines, which may very well suggest that Obsidian actually intended to cut her. Although at least with Kaevee it's clear which planet she was meant for.


Kaevee had her dialog written. Vash doesn't even have a single written line that would mention her being on Korriban (other than potential interpretation of "the tomb").



I don't think there is any dialogue for her outside of M4 "yes I downloaded the mod, very good I might add" not including the video T3 has for her to say anything at the council.  I have seen a video of her being re added to the council in the end too, and all they can really  get her to say from the voice files of her is 2 or 3 lines already used in the game. 


Also speaking of Kaevee, she didn't realty have a place in the game, even in TSLRCM she is kinda a loose end, she seeks another master and that's the last we hear of her. Same with Vash's apprentice if you tell him to find another master "unless he dies still at M4, didn't go down that path. If that was a path at all"


There's no way for either Vash or Kaah to survive M4-78. Kaevee was actually a reason I wanted Kaah dead no matter what, because I didn't want another random Jedi running around.

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The Tomb was originally on M4-78 before being moved (much like other M4 content went to Goto's Yacht).

What? Any source on that?


Goto's Yacht wasn't meant to be on M4-78. It's a common misconception caused by the fact that a lot of M4's content were moved to the yacht, but they were moved there only after the planet was cut.

And "moved" might not be the best word, as they were simply used on the yacht so the area could be finished in a week.


It's the first time I hear about tomb supposedly being on M4-78, that doesn't even really make sense and there's nothing in game files to even suggest that.

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I really like the idea as a possible add-on, but not for an update of TSLRCM itself like zbyl said

I don't see why such a thing would be impossible to do

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I always thought a better idea was to either have her say nothing or very little (stock lines) in the Dantooine meeting. Some people are just quiet and Vash never came across as especially socially eager - she talks the least in the council recording IIRC.


I suppose a hilarious alternative is her literally wondering in after the Dantooine meeting and wondering what the hell happened...

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