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Hello, Not sure if anyone here saw my last post. As I stated in that post I am pretty much new to the community as well as using mods for KOTOR 1 & 2. 


So here is the gist of what is going on, I downloaded a couple of mods (all but one are from the Steam Workshop) (I'll post a list of the mods at the bottom) also enabled the ability to use the Console Commands.


So I use one of my mods to skip through the asteroid world that you start at, I get there and level everyone up as I saw fit and I had the Episode 3 Clone Armor that I put on Atton. As soon as I did that the game crashed and I have been having problems since then. 


When I go to start a new game or even load my previous saved one, the screen looks as if it is trying to scroll up or down. It kind of flickers and acts really abnormal. 


If I do start a new game it plays normally up till the part where your character hops out of the Kolto tank. The game forces me to skip all of the dialogue and skips the scenes as well. Once it gets past that part, when I get control of my character all of the textures are sort of blackened and I cant move. If I wait about a minute or so my game crashes once again.


I have looked around on the forums here and haven't seen anyone post anything similar to this.  I hope someone can help me figure this out. I am eager to try out new mods and have fun.


-- MOD LIST -- 

Lightsaber on Peragus -


Skip Pergaus -


Content Pack: Feats and Powers -


Fire and Ice HD, Whee! -


High Quality Stars and Nebulas -


The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification (TSLRCM) (English Version) -


Hide Weapons in Animations -


Kamaitachis Epic Armours (being replaced) -


Infinite Buzzing 'Fix' -


[TSL] Clone Wars Armors 2.2 -



Any Help would be greatly APPRECIATED! 

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Hmmm I am not familiar with Steam version of Kotor, perhaps you installed mods to wrong directory? I think that using Lightsaber on Peragus and Skip Peragus installed together may cause problems. Also TSLRCM with Skip Peragus is not fully compatibile as far as I know. Generally you shouldn't try to Skip Peragus at all. It takes only ~ 1 hour , skipping it can ruin your game stability in many ways. 


Is Kamaitachis Epic Armours mod compatibile with Clone Wars Armors? Both mods adds new armors, perks, stats etc. If I were you I would install only one of them. 


Btw. Do you have integrated graphics card?

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Ahh, Well I guess I will delete one of the mods relating to peragaus, although I would hate to download one of the armor mods. They are both super cool. I didn't really have any problems with the game till I downloaded the skip peraguas mod now that I think of it. I will delete that and see what happens. 

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HaveaYap, Unfortunately I am not familiar with where these files actually go to...


How can I delete the Clone wars Armors Mod?

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Delete all files of this mod from your override folder. But there's something else, I think this mod modify some 2da files and changes.ini so it may still cause a bugs. I would reinstall whole game. Do not install Clone Wars Armors mod and Skip Peragus with TSLRCM.


Before you install any mods check TSLRCM compatibility mods list first. You can find it HERE.

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I already uninstalled and reinstalled, I deleted the Pergaus skip mod although I can't seem to find the Clone Wars mod. You said it is in the Override Files? What is it titled as you think? 


EDIT: I pretty much just deleted the entire Override File and then uninstalled the game and I will re install. Hopefully that will take care of it.. 


I think it is more a texture issue. I launched the game again, this time I was on the first planets surface and the wind blew the grass to move it and when that happened Black lines went all over the place and everything kind of got a dark shade of black on it.. Really abnormal

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I think it is more a texture issue. I launched the game again, this time I was on the first planets surface and the wind blew the grass to move it and when that happened Black lines went all over the place and everything kind of got a dark shade of black on it.. Really abnormal

Disable the grass in game options. This will help. It's known bug that apears because of integrated gpu.


Do you use integrated graphics card? Like Intel HD Graphics 4000 or 4400? If so then expect some graphics bugs in Kotor 1. I suggest you to disable shadows as well. Set Emitters=0 in kotor.ini (section GRAPHICS). 

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Well, I was running the game perfectly fine till I had Skipped pergaus and then had atton put Clone Armor on just after. Right after that my game started to get really messed up. KOTOR 1 I never had any issues with although I never downloaded mods for it. KOTOR 2 I played about 2-4 hours of it and didnt have any issues till after I downloaded the skip pergaus and enabled the ability to use Console Commands as well as downloading the Clone wars Armors


Here are a few pictures I was able to capture. Unfortunately I can't show how my options flicker and look like it is trying to scroll up and down in my inventory etc.

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Still having this issue. Also there is no way for me to take a screenshot of it but everytime I open up my inventory or really anything such as option ect the up and down keys flicker like crazy and so do all of the icons for some reason. Pics below of after turning grass off.

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Still having this issue. Also there is no way for me to take a screenshot of it but everytime I open up my inventory or really anything such as option ect the up and down keys flicker like crazy and so do all of the icons for some reason. Pics below of after turning grass off.

It sounds like you might be experiencing a similar issue to what I have since fixed. Do you have your GPU type handy? If Nvidia, I would suggest using the Graphics settings on this guide.


According to my research this is similar to how you would work with an ATI card as well..

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Disabling grass, shadows and emitters like I told you should solve the problem. Whats your graphics card?

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Hey guys, Update:


So I checked out the link that Malkior sent me... One of the commentors said that he typed in >>    Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1    <<

And it fixed his problem under the Graphics options. Worked for me! No longer suffering any problems!

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Clone wars armors tends to conflicts with everyone


I will find you, unless you provide some proof to your claims. The patcher's been looked over at least four times by people far more competent in setting it up than me. Conflicts stem from other incompatible mods, if there are any.

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I will find you, unless you provide some proof to your claims. The patcher's been looked over at least four times by people far more competent in setting it up than me. Conflicts stem from other incompatible mods, if there are any.

This I can confirm, having set up the Patcher for Kainzorus and looked it over two times after the initial setup. BUT just for good measure, let's look again, shall we?


EDIT: 30 minutes later. The Clone Wars Armor mod is impossible to conflict with the game, since it only adds onto the appearance.2da, modifies a Republic Corpse on the Harbinger (the corpse is only used here and nowhere else in the entire game. And the corps is just a loot one, nothing special), and the rest of the files are added content. The ONLY way you could get conflicts is if you had the following files from another mod:


Textures (Doesn't matter if TGA or DDS)

ia_Class9_090 through ia_Class9_092

ia_Class9_094 through ia_Class9_121






w_HvRptBltr_066.mdl and .mdx

w_ionrfl_080.mdl and .mdx


Modified files


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I will find you, unless you provide some proof to your claims. The patcher's been looked over at least four times by people far more competent in setting it up than me. Conflicts stem from other incompatible mods, if there are any.

I hope that was just a joke... Im not saying the mod is bad (I like it). All I am saying is that I personally still have alot of issues with it (even with the updated installer) and I myself find it rather annoying trying to make it work with every mod I use (I fix one error and another comes up, whenever I install this mod, it seems to just break my game, and all of my other mods start to play up also and the skin problem still seems to happen for me) which rather annoys me because I have had to drop this mod from my override file even though its the best Clone Armour mod out their.

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I hope that was just a joke... Im not saying the mod is bad (I like it). All I am saying is that I personally still have alot of issues with it (even with the updated installer) and I myself find it rather annoying trying to make it work with every mod I use (I fix one error and another comes up) which rather annoys me because I have had to drop this mod from my override file even though its the best Clone Armour mod out their.

Okay, let's go to the basics: List all the mods you have.

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2) 4K Atton (my own personal one that hasnt been released, doesnt conflict with anything though)

3) A darker Peragus Redux 

4) Alians re-detailed

5) Armored Robes

6) TOR robes

7) Slim male body (Again, done this myself, But no conflicts)

8) More Vibrant skies

9) 1 leonards Class clothes fix

10) SmugglerAlex Unique up-gradable Clothes mod (For atton and Miras clothing)

11) Colma Adawins sabers

12) Kainzorus Prime Companion robes 

13) Curse of the sith 

14) Darth sapiens HD Mandalore, Nihilus, Sion, T3M4, and Visas


16) Shems movie stye dark side transition (created my own patch)

17) Extended Enclave (latest version)

18) New Texture of Holocrons in the Telos Secret Academy 1.1 (Sith holocrons one)

19) 1Leonard Kenobi (Episode III)-Inspired Head for KotOR II: TSL

20) Kill the Ithorian (cant remember the name of this mod or where I got it from)

21) Darth Malaks armour reskin

22) Malaks Mask

23) Darth Deadmans Movie Mandalorians v4.2

24) Mira/Hanharr mod (with my own patch)

25) Deadmans Movie style robes

26) Darth Tyren party swap 1.1

27) Trench's replacement Peragus II artwork

28) 90SK Shiny HK

29) Sith Stalker armour


31) Xeedis planet retextures (all of his 2012 retextures)

32) Movement animation fix

33) Jorak Uln Casino Pazaak animated 

34) Kreias fall HD cutscene

35) Darth Nihilus robes (with animations)

36) Sith Holocrons Remove the Menu Beeps from KotOR and TSL

37) Hanharrs jedi training

38) Shems Ultimate Sound mod

39) 90SK New bounty Hunters on Nar shadaa

40) Wearable Atris robes

41) Revans robe (edited myself) with Revans flowing robe (TSL)

42) Hi res skin for Ebon hawk (Sith Holocron)

43)Peragus sith troops to assassins

44) My Dantooine Statue (Hassat Hunter) + personal patch

45) My own personal fix for the left hand being out of place with weapon hilts


(those mods are always in my override for every playthrough, I usually change the rest I use)


Edit: Now that I am home; let me finish my list (I cant tell you much about most of these ones, and they have been altered a fair bit to so that they work):


46) Wound in the force (with patch)

47) Realistic Visual affects 

48) Siths assassins with sabers

49) High level force powers (with patches)

50) Bao-dors personal robes (patched)

51) Remote tells influence 

52) Kreias Mechanical hand 

53) Kreias hood down

54) Darth Bandon Robes (with patch)

55) Lightsaber on/off switch (with patch)
56) Sions force power Heal (Patched)
57) Expanded Jedi council (patched)
58) Kill Fassa

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