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K1R - Bugs and Saves Needed

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I'm making good progress on fixing the bugs with the 1.0 of K1R. :)


However, I've mostly been taking care of the small or easy bugs so far and now that I'm tackling the bigger ones, I find myself in need of some saves to test fixes (or bugs) with...


Here are the current un-fixed bugs as well as my analysis of each bug (I've recorded and listed them in order when going though the Bug Report thread and with their exact wording):





4. If you speak with Sarna in the Upper City cantina before getting the uniforms and exit the conversation at the third opportunity available, Sarna will remain even after you get the uniforms at the North Apartments, and can give you the "Invited to a Party" quest, but there seems to be no way to finish it.

Cause: Unknown (I'm not sure where in the dialog the poster is referring to...)

Probable Solution: Examine the global numbers, global booleans, and scripts and see what isn't matching up.






Edit: Another one: The pool droid was going through the usual utility droid animations even though it was deactivated.

Cause: Probably a UTC edit to scripts, or a direct script edit. Or possibly a script being erased or not set.

Probable Solution: Re-examine UTC and Scripts.






Edit: Forgot to mention, for some reason I wasn't able to get 2 Sith uniforms either from the party or from the Sith interrogators. I also noticed in Davik's estate that if you gas a room next you with a computer console, you might take damage and even get killed. I ran into a few other problems that have been mentioned in this thread like the incomplete message from Brejik.

Cause: Unless they mean 2 uniforms in one go, I assume they didn't go to both events. As to the Estate "bug", I don't believe K1R edited k_inc_utility or Davik's scripts, so that will need to be investigated.

Probable Solution: Confirm the non-editing of k_inc_utility and reuse original scripts from Davik's Estate. Any issues after that would be on the user's system...






1. I wasn't awarded any credits for the Pazaak Tournament. This is the screenshot of my journal entry. http://prntscr.com/84hlxq Dialogue during the Tournament kept mentioning "-126" contestants and the Organizer said I'd be awarded "-63000" credits. Moreover, asking any questions to the Twi'lek player causes a loop which can only be ended by playing with her again, which seems to glitch your progress in the tournament.

Cause: Unknown on the Journal entry, but if they saw an issue with the Twi'lek and proceeded to continue with the Tournament... that could have screwed things up.

Probable Solution: Add a way out of the her questions when you go to her again.






4 - In the Vulkar Base. the pool droid is no longer available to be programmed to run through the poison, was this intentional? I can activate it with parts, but then nothing else comes up.

Cause: Unknown (We didn't edit the droid, and others have reported otherwise on this bug)

Probable Solution: Re-examine and probably re-use original files.






6 - In the Vulkar Base, enemies spawn at crazy points, I don't know if this is just the impossible difficulty, or what. I know that if you leave certain areas and come back, enemies can respawn, but this is literally me walking into an area, there are no enemies. I turn my back (I don't even walk!) then I turn around to see a group of Vulkars have spawned in.

Cause: Poorly-executed ambush setups from the original work on the level (though I can't say if it was Bioware's work or Early K1R's work).

Probable Solution: Making them spawn only once and coming from the elevator.






EDIT: ALSO it just occurred to me, when you play Pazaak with the mechanic in the Vulkar Base and he wins, he says "himself" but the subtitles say "herself"

Cause: A typo in the dialog that I didn't catch when I carried it all over.

Probable Solution: Literally seconds of work in a file. :)






-In the Sith Base, after you enter and deal with the receptionist, and walk to the room on the left: As you enter, the mod clearly has some new dialogue about intruders; well... after that cutscene about intruders it places the PC SMACK DAB in the middle of the Sith.... Which a) sucks for PC RP'ing as a range and b ) makes no sense b/c I walked up to the door with Bastilla looking to clear the room out safely. Should definitely look into that encounter.

Cause: Poorly-executed scripting/conversation-starting.

Probable Solution: Revise scripting and placement, no NPC-switching maybe.






-Speaking of cutscenes taking over, I now recall that in the Vulkar Base, after ruining my reputation as a good samaritan by helping a junky, and getting to the heavy door (which leads to the magnetic pwr cell). I walk in. Cutscene. Fight. Died. So I reloaded and got ready for a fight this time that I didn't know was coming. Got my shields on. Appropriate stims. Walked in. Cutscene. Annnnd all of the buffs were gone the moment the cutscene started. Why?

Cause: Bad Scripting

Probable Solution: Revised scripts






EDIT:  Forgot to mention, but after the Sandral-Matale Fued quest, Shen and Rahasia aren't in the enclave, and the council mentions nothing about them staying there.

Cause: Completely Unknown, Will need testing

Probable Solution: Will need testing to diagnose/confirm






EDIT:  Also, the female jedi close to the Ebon Hawk on Dantoiine wasn't fixed.  When you talk to her, she still stops and doesn't move again.  Even if you leave the planet and come back, she still doesn't move

Cause: If this was a vanilla "issue", then it was never a bug, but an oversight.

Probable Solution: Revise post-conversation scripts.






On Taris, after I got the Sith Launch Codes. I talked to Canderous, we headed off to Davik's estate, I get the character select screen, the movie of the Leviathan plays, and then a black screen with just a mouse pointer, occasional blaster noises, if I move I hear walking noises, I can hear the pause noises, but that's it. Neither Escape or any of the menu shortcut keys do anything. I have to tab out then ctrl-alt-delete.

Cause: Rare, but possibly a modified dialog or a lack of a Fade-in. Could be the dialog ending prematurely for whatever reason.

Probable Solution: Revise scripting to force a Fade-in, then test.






Not sure if this is even a bug, but in the Vulkar Base, when I went into the control room, no one attacked me. All the enemy characters just stood there and let me loot the place.

Cause: Seems to be hit-and-miss, but probably interference from the door.

Probable Solution: Possibly a new way to fire the conversation (a trigger as you approach the door?)






    * The "One for the Mechanic" (the spice smuggling quest at Vulkar base) stays in the journal, even
      after escaping Taris, unlike all other Taris-specific quests.

Cause: Simply put: An oversight by us.

Probable Solution: Modify the script (or just add one somewhere in that opening dialog with Bastila) that removes the quest if it's not done.






* manm28aa
    * There seems to be an infinite reserve of envirosuits, still.

Cause: Not erasing the placeable, perhaps.

Probable Solution: Make sure the thing's erased after interaction...






* lev_m40aa / Override, lev_m40ab, lev_m40ac
    * If the player takes the Hurka route, spacesuit and spacewalk is available after visiting the bridge,
      causing a game-breaking issue if player walks through the airlock, because the airlock is stuck open
      and characters are stuck in their spacesuits without weapons and armor for all eternity.

Cause: Airlocks aren't locked down.

Probable Solution: Find a way to lock the player out of them if Hurka has been used.





Okay, now that you're aware of the bugs, I would like to request that if anyone has a K1R save before any of these points, that they please consider uploading it as an attachment in a reply to this thread:


  • As a Male player right before talking to Sarna in the Upper City Cantina
  • Right before talking the entrance to the Vulkar Base
  • Right before the Sith Base Entrance with T3
  • Right before going to Davik's Estate
  • Right before freeing Carth, Bastila, and the Player on the Leviathan
  • Right before going down to the Sea Floor on Manaan for the first time
  • Right before leaving the estate with Shen and Rahasia


Thank you for your time for reading all of this.

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I'm about to head to Manaan on my current playthrough, but not quite sure when I'm actually going to continue on...


But if nobody else does, I could get a save before the Sea Floor. Where exactly do you mean there, before going down to Hrakert Station or right before exiting to the actual sea floor?

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Welp, my bad on not being really specific on the Sarna issue. When I ran into it, it was after choosing the options "You're from the military base? You don't look like one of the Sith" and "Nice to meet you, Sarna. I'm <whatever>." and then choosing the option "I'm not interested in chatting right now." once I got to the dialogue tree with the first persuade option.

As for the uniforms issue, I'm not completely sure which events you're talking about. 

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I'm about to head to Manaan on my current playthrough, but not quite sure when I'm actually going to continue on...


But if nobody else does, I could get a save before the Sea Floor. Where exactly do you mean there, before going down to Hrakert Station or right before exiting to the actual sea floor?


Preferably just before going to the Station.


Welp, my bad on not being really specific on the Sarna issue. When I ran into it, it was after choosing the options "You're from the military base? You don't look like one of the Sith" and "Nice to meet you, Sarna. I'm ." and then choosing the option "I'm not interested in chatting right now." once I got to the dialogue tree with the first persuade option.

As for the uniforms issue, I'm not completely sure which events you're talking about. 

No worries, I just opened the DLG earlier and was totally lost...


As to the Uniforms part, the only confusion I have is from someone's report of this: "Forgot to mention, for some reason I wasn't able to get 2 Sith uniforms either from the party or from the Sith interrogators."


This makes me think they were expecting two uniforms per event...

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I've got three saves I can give you at some point tomorrow evening. Just tell me how to upload them and I'd gladly hand them over. I know I've uploaded saves before.... just have no memory of how to do it


By the way, that texture bug I posted with the kolto tanks - is there a known cause/solution for that? Ditto for the bug I reported (with screencap) of dialogue from the gammorean vulkar staying on screen and having no dialogue options with Jolee at the force field on Kashyyyk

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I've got three saves I can give you at some point tomorrow evening. Just tell me how to upload them and I'd gladly hand them over. I know I've uploaded saves before.... just have no memory of how to do it


By the way, that texture bug I posted with the kolto tanks - is there a known cause/solution for that? Ditto for the bug I reported (with screencap) of dialogue from the gammorean vulkar staying on screen and having no dialogue options with Jolee at the force field on Kashyyyk


Pack them up separately using 7zip and then mark in the post where each save is, then add it as an attachment to the post (Upload, then select "Add to Post").


As to the bugs, I have no idea (and no real hope for finding one) about the kolto tanks, the vulkar I haven't looked into yet, and I'm not sure what you mean about the Jolee one.

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I'll dig around for the screencap of the Jolee bug when I have a chance later tonight


I'm afraid I use Winrar, not 7Zip. Will that still work?

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I'll dig around for the screencap of the Jolee bug when I have a chance later tonight


I'm afraid I use Winrar, not 7Zip. Will that still work?

Yeah, it can still pack into a .7z file.

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I haven't gotten to Hrakert yet, but I believe that I have found a new bug.


On Manaan, when I had a female character talk to Viglo (the drunk Sith in the bar), I chose the option to offer him a drink. When he responded, the wrong subtitles were displayed -- I believe that they were supposed to go after he had his second drink. In addition, after his second drink, he didn't say anything, the conversation just cut to my dialog options.

Also, is there any way to get anything useful out of Duan and Viglo?

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I haven't gotten to Hrakert yet, but I believe that I have found a new bug.


On Manaan, when I had a female character talk to Viglo (the drunk Sith in the bar), I chose the option to offer him a drink. When he responded, the wrong subtitles were displayed -- I believe that they were supposed to go after he had his second drink. In addition, after his second drink, he didn't say anything, the conversation just cut to my dialog options.


Also, is there any way to get anything useful out of Duan and Viglo?

If you get Duan or Viglo drunk enough, they pass out and you can get a Sith Base passcard off of them, allowing you to go in the front door instead of the hangar route.

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If you get Duan or Viglo drunk enough, they pass out and you can get a Sith Base passcard off of them, allowing you to go in the front door instead of the hangar route.


Huh, weird. I got them to pass out, but didn't find any passcards. I rifled through their wallets, but found nothing of value, according to the game.


EDIT: Oh, wait a minute. Might it be set up so that you can only find the Sith Base passcard if you've talked to Roland and know you're supposed to break into the Sith Base?

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Huh, weird. I got them to pass out, but didn't find any passcards. I rifled through their wallets, but found nothing of value, according to the game.


EDIT: Oh, wait a minute. Might it be set up so that you can only find the Sith Base passcard if you've talked to Roland and know you're supposed to break into the Sith Base?


That is exactly how it is set up :).

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So... Does anybody have any saves? 134340Goat, I can walk you through getting saves to me in the Chat or via PM.

Um No, but I will give you them from now on if any more bugs occur 

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Um No, but I will give you them from now on if any more bugs occur 

I appreciate it. It's so much easier to test, diagnose, and fix bugs if you don't have to play up to a certain point first... :)

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So... Does anybody have any saves? 134340Goat, I can walk you through getting saves to me in the Chat or via PM.


Haven't been playing for a while. Sorry. When I do start playing again, I'll soon be at a point where I can provide you with a before-Hrakert save, but I'm not sure when that will be. I'll keep an eye out so that I know if that save is still needed by the time I get there.

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Alright, I have some. i have 2 mods installed on them bessides K1R. thew are "revans mask plus 2.0" and "DarthDac's Warpband"


Save 02 is on Taris apartment just in the beginning, save 03 is just in front of the sith base on Taris and save 08 is the time you are to be intercepted by the Leviathan (just go to the star map and choose any destination to trigger the action).




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So... Does anybody have any saves?


I wish I could help, but I haven't even installed KOTOR yet (Waiting on Sleheyron to be completed). Sorry to hear getting saves has been difficult for you.

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Wow, I'm sorry to see the lack of save files provided. Maybe I should start being more active around here. I actually just started a new play through tonight and stopped at the sewers in the Undercity. I plan on finishing up Taris tomorrow so I'll make sure to get saves before entering the Vulkar Base, before entering the Sith Base and before going to Davik's estate. I actually already have a file before talking to Sarna so I'll throw that in too.

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