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Jorak Uln

Black Texture - Northern Apartments Taris

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When retexturing Taris i encountered a black texture, that stayed black even when removing override:




Any way to get rid of it?

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Is that an actual black texture, or some bad lightmapping?

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Was wondering the same, you can vaguely see some sort of "bump" effect?

I would guess you have no idea how that texture is named Jorak?

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Was wondering the same, you can vaguely see some sort of "bump" effect?

I would guess you have no idea how that texture is named Jorak?


black_panel.tga I'd wager :)

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Was wondering the same, you can vaguely see some sort of "bump" effect?

I would guess you have no idea how that texture is named Jorak?

The texture is (or at least the textures in the same position above the other doors) named  LTS_Bwall04i


Interestingly,  after i hex edited all the other instances of that tex (and others), in fully retextured state it stays completely pitch black and also no bump effect visible:



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It was indeed bad lightmapping, thanks for the tip!


Still have to hex it to get the leather tex on it, but its fixed now:




the lightmap is m02ad_09a_lm0 and i simply changed the color in the red Rectangle with




@SH, since it worked, it might be also possible to fix the Ebon Hawk the same way...

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Well... if it would be possible to fix EH the same way or not depens on what kind of "bad lightmapping" it is there. If it is "screwed texture" sort of issue, it definitely is possible. If it is "this node does not have lightmapping attached" sort of issue, that seems to be the case at least in certain pieces of Goto's Yacht, it would require a heavy editing of the model. I'm not saying it would be impossible... but it definitely would be more difficult.

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