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yeah thats what I'm using *shakes fist*...haaaaaate, haaaaate yoouuu giiimmmmmp!!!

have you tried out my program?

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Well I had put these on the back burner for a bit, but I'm thinking of starting on them again.

This is just rough draft I guess. I'm thinking the assassin one needs something, was just thinking about make all the striping moar black!!

Aaaand, haven't done the last one yet, (Malak's replacement) but was thinking about "supreme inquisitor's" and making it like dark purple and yellow, then changing the name of the other one to Sorceror Adept or something like that.

Very TOR aint it?








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All this stuff looks solid, but I think I like the dark red highlights on the black robes the best. I'd download this if you finished it for sure.

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So last night I finally figured out how to add shine to robes. Even had Rece helping me with it I was about that frustrated. But finally figured it out.








One snag though...on one or two of Darth Darkus' robes he has the invisible lower part of the outside robe so the torn and freying bits he did can be visible, then with my extra shiny parts applied it does this...



So is there a way to seperate alpha channels on the same texture or...? Is it not possible for me to make the chest and boots shiny without this happening? If I can have the boots and chest armor shiny without messing up his freying on the robe that'd be pretty awesome, wouldn't it? lol





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As far as I know Targa (.tga) files can have 1 Alpha channel max. ( Also stated here: )


Maybe you will have more success if you use a DDS document. The DDS file structure is more advanced and capable of more than targa, maybe it supports a larger nummer of alpha channels.


I know that kotor 2 can work with DDS textures, but i don't know if it will work with more than 1 alpha channel/ transparency layer, if it is even possible with DDS textures.


You should probably just try it out and make some nice screenshots of the results :D

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Ah, ok. 

At this point I've just restored the original tga's for those 2 armors so as not to mess up Darkus' freyed robes. 


7 out of 9 aint bad, right?

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So is there a way to seperate alpha channels on the same texture or...?

No, TGA/DDS can only be RGB or RGBA.


Is it not possible for me to make the chest and boots shiny without this happening? If I can have the boots and chest armor shiny without messing up his freying on the robe that'd be pretty awesome, wouldn't it? lol

It's possible, but not using a single texture. You need to change the texture for the part you want transparent. However that will only work if the part in question is a separate mesh to everything else. If it is, easy, just hex edit the model and change the texture reference. If it isn't that would require splitting the mesh, which may or may not result in a useable model, MDLOps being the flaky compiler that it is.


Edit: The model is PMBNM? That's easy if so. The torso, robe arms, robe back/base, robe crotch flap, and hands are all separate meshes.

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Ah, yeah that's basically exactly the same, just a minor variant of the same base model. The same thing applies, it is comprised of the same multiple meshes so you can hex edit the model to change the texture assigned to the torso or robe as needed.

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Cool thanks.


I deleted the PMBMM models and skins I was working on. Just waiting on Loki to release his, they look really good.

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So anyway, yeah I'm just working on the Armored Robes for now and have a few more to show yall




post-8962-0-33346600-1437642441_thumb.jpg (maybe too gold?)


..and Dark Jedi's with shine




And a darker gray and subdued on shinyness Ossus Keeper replacement..




and shiny Temple Guardian's..




I may or may not go back to trying to reskin those Sith Vestments at some point, but I was not having fun with them so I ditched em.

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Hey people

Got a question..


How successful is making a new armor model and adding a column for it to appearance 2da for it, if i add a line in baseitems and all that. Say if i wanted to create a PMBOM.mdl and.mdx?

Would it even be worth it?

Cause say I didnt want to overwrite the JalShey/Zeishon Sha armors, but wanted to base it on those with new models?

easy? difficult? dumb?



uh, also, sorry - been a long time, what is the basic jedi robe model named? cant seem to find it...should be pmbim right?

ignore that, I'm an idiot...

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Ah, yeah that's basically exactly the same, just a minor variant of the same base model. The same thing applies, it is comprised of the same multiple meshes so you can hex edit the model to change the texture assigned to the torso or robe as needed.

Hey DP, I just thought of something while i was pondering the worth of 2 textures for one model.


Wouldn't you have to name the model something else? Like it couldn't be PMBIM anymore because the multiple textures assigned to the same model would make the others conflict, no?


So for say, PMBI06 and PMBI02 textures, you have to have 2 models renamed PMBIM06 and PMBIM02, so that the 2 textures (shiney and not shiney) would only be assigned to those models.


Otherwise normal PMBIM would be looking for say, "marashred.tga" to have it on the "robe_Geo" part of the model, where normal PMBI06 would be the shine-a-fied texture on Torso_Geo, arms and so forth.


Granted it could work if you were willing to have 2 textures for 2 new models, and that a numer could be assigned to those models. 


But while I've been typing this I've decided it's probably not even worth it. So I'll leave those 2 robes unshiney.

Edited by Kaidon Jorn

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Yeah based on the way the games work with body models and texture variants, the most (or only?) practical option would be to have multiple textures for all variants that use the same body model. The only other option would be to try adding a new body type column in appearance.2da, which I did contemplate at one point, but I don't even know if that would work.

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Yeah, I almost started on it. but as i sat there thinking about it, realized that the other models would be looking for a second texture. So you'd pretty much have to name the models that use 2 textures something unique.

Oh well.

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Look what I found!....(that i thought I lost).







Thaaaat's right, Bao-Dur's ElectroMesh Armor Mod!


So that'll make it 5 mods or updates I'm putting out this year..


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Hey all,


Well, after saying I wasn't going to bother trying ..I tried.


Got an interesting result.







I have a seperate body model from the original PMBIM's called PMBIM06, with 2 textures attached to it. PMBI06 and PMBI06a. 

PMBI06 is for the main torso and arms and hands.

PMBI06a is just the outer robe completely seperated by itself on a transparent background. The alpha channel is still on it. Removing the alpha channel made no difference though.


So what do you think? How to get the whole robe to not be shiny and still have the shredding at the bottom of it? Whats my next step?



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Hey all,


Well, after saying I wasn't going to bother trying ..I tried.


Got an interesting result.







I have a seperate body model from the original PMBIM's called PMBIM06, with 2 textures attached to it. PMBI06 and PMBI06a.

PMBI06 is for the main torso and arms and hands.

PMBI06a is just the outer robe completely seperated by itself on a transparent background. The alpha channel is still on it. Removing the alpha channel made no difference though.


So what do you think? How to get the whole robe to not be shiny and still have the shredding at the bottom of it? Whats my next step?

I may not fully understand what your pics are showing, but perhaps you can force the alpha to be transparent by making a TXI with "blending punchthrough" text. Basically that makes it transparent albeit with a small fringe.

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I may not fully understand what your pics are showing, but perhaps you can force the alpha to be transparent by making a TXI with "blending punchthrough" text. Basically that makes it transparent albeit with a small fringe.

Small fringe? What do you mean?

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Small fringe? What do you mean?

Basically the "punchthrough" function creates a fringe of opacity on the edges of the Alpha, similar to what you see on the Telosian trees or the ghastly (in my opinion) Backdrop outside the window of Citadel Station. It isn't great for much, but it would probably work well for a torn clothing edge.

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Basically the "punchthrough" function creates a fringe of opacity on the edges of the Alpha, similar to what you see on the Telosian trees or the ghastly (in my opinion) Backdrop outside the window of Citadel Station. It isn't great for much, but it would probably work well for a torn clothing edge.

Ok. Ill give it a shot.


And we're still talking about seperate textures now right? So my PMBI06a would have this function? And is there anything else I need to put in the .txi?

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Ok. Ill give it a shot.


And we're still talking about seperate textures now right? So my PMBI06a would have this function? And is there anything else I need to put in the .txi?

Yeah. PMBI06a, if it's just the outer robe that you want the transparency on.


I'm honestly kind of curious how it's getting cm_baremetal applied when your model is a custom build. Generally to get that, you either add a TXI with that command or a 2da with it set as an EnvmapTexture already in game. By default, Alpha is just transparent.

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Yeah I dont know. The whole robe_Geo mesh was cm_baremetal, when it was supposed to be seperate from the rest of the model and textures. Even when I removed the Alpha channel from the robe texture.

All I can think is it won't matter because both textures are on the same model.

Well, I give up again. I tried it. Cant get it to work. Thanks all, appreciate the help, really!

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