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How To Enable Frame Buffer Effects In KotOR II With ATI Drivers

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So I was searching for a long time high and low for a solution to enable Frame Buffer Effects in KotOR II, but despite a lot of my attempts at doing so, I was greeted with the "KotOR II has stopped working" window, as soon as I loaded a save game with Frame Buffer enabled, or starting a new one, or enabling it in-game and crash immediately, after leaving the Options menu. BUT, finally I came upon a solution that has worked for me. It's actually two solution "molded" into one, and you don't even need to revert back to older drivers and such. Also, I believe it should work for KotOR I, as well, though I don't have the game to test it, but considering that they work pretty much the same, it probably works for that, as well. So let's see it step by step:

1.- Download the AMD Catalyst 14.4 from here (or anywhere else, really, just be it a legit download)


2.- Double click on it, and it'll ask you where to extract the files. Extract it on desktop or anywhere you will find it, easily. After it is done extracting and the installation window pops up, just close it, cause you don't actually wanna install it. You just need the files to be extracted.

3.- Now, open the extracted folder and search or find "atioglxx.dl_" (without the quotes). Once you've found it, copy it into your root folder. (C:\)

4.- Run the command prompt (Logo button + R, and type in "cmd.exe") and go to your root directory. "CD C:\"

5.- Extract the atioglxx.dl_ to the same folder. "EXPAND atioglxx.dl_ C:\atioglxx.dll"

6.- Now copy or cut the atioglxx.dll file and paste into your main KotOR II folder, where your EXE file is located.

7.- Start KotOR II, and enable Frame Buffer Effects, and when you load or start a new game, you'll get a black screen. Just Alt + Tab out and back in, and witness KotOR II in it's full beauty! :D

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I can confirm, AMD cards are weird. I had to do this, too. Frame buffer effects work now, but movies started to glitch. :rolleyes: Ah well.


Well, to be fair, I can't be sure the movies wouldn't have glitched anyway. They seem to not like me.

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Wait no...  This doesn't work for me, the game just crashes on startup when the .dll is placed in its directory...  Aren't there any other fixes?

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Erm... are you using the Steam version with the new patch, or an older version of TSL? Because this trick is not needed for the new Steam version. Or at least it shouldn't. Or at least it works just fine for me without it, frame buffer effects and soft shadows and all. Even movies.

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This doesn't seem to work on KoTOR 1, at least not for me :/ I've tried various drivers, but nothing works. Is there any other workaround I could try? Please, I really want to enjoy KoTOR in its whole beauty.

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