
How big is your override?

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What other restoration mods would you use alongside???


After I read about Achilles mod I tested Crippling Strike and found it to work just fine. Not sure why he ever claimed it was broken?

Also Bao-Dur Shader Fix is included in TSLRCM, so you wont need it seperately.

I should say fixes instead of restorations, except for the K1R. 

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Just finished modding K1 for my next playthrough and now the override is 830MB big with 800MB in textures^^

I just wish I had even more high quality textures for the environments since that's something K1 is seriously lacking in my opinion. But I'll just enjoy my new playthrough anyway :D


Edit: Added another 500 MBs of HD textures (only for Taris Upper City and the Ebon Hawk^^)

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1.9GB idk what takes up so much space in my kotor 2 override. The only thing I could think of that would take up a lot of space would be tslrcm

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TSLRCM *with* M4-78EP takes under 230MB in the override... so TSLRCM by itself is even less, since most of that is M4 droid re-skins.

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Hmmm then idk what takes up so much space. I guess some resins or graphics mods would take up a lot of space right?

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