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Door/Placeable Visibility Question

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I've got a custom modeled door that's pretty wide. So wide that it disappears before the camera clears it. When I turn the camera, the door "hides" when it should still appear to be there. Anyone know how to fix this?

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I've got a custom modeled door that's pretty wide. So wide that it disappears before the camera clears it. When I turn the camera, the door "hides" when it should still appear to be there. Anyone know how to fix this?

Out of curiosity, is this door the one you used for your Sleheyron map?

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Out of curiosity, is this door the one you used for your Sleheyron map?

It is similar.

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I've got a custom modeled door that's pretty wide. So wide that it disappears before the camera clears it. When I turn the camera, the door "hides" when it should still appear to be there. Anyone know how to fix this?

Heh, kinda makes me imagine the big-a5s portal 2 round door :P

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For those curious about the meaning of the transparent pink desk in the last post, well, a problem I've had is that modified placeable models seem to pop out of existence when the camera passes over them; I do believe I know have this resolved as the modified mesh for this desk can attest to:


This sounds like it might pertain to your situation, if it does it sounds like SiC has the answer.

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I forget the reason for this, someone -- Hunters Run I think -- said it has to do with the walkmesh not being exported out with the model. I know that with an existing model, that if you edit the mesh faces and UVW mapping, all you need to update is the MDX component. If you update both you will get the disappearing door issue, if you just update the MDX, you won't. If you want to update textures, you then hex edit the original MDL file to leave as much of the model file intact as possible.


A custom door with a custom mesh is a bit more difficult, but, as long as the new mesh(es) match those of an existing model file...


Anyway, that's one way of doing it but perhaps there's an easier way if you understand the issue better and now how to export the model correctly.

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Actually, today, I was doing some testing on the Sleheyron door. By adding two additional "lookathook" dummies 10 meters on either side of the door in the ASCII file, I was able to rectify this problem. It still registers the original dummy as the one that gets highlighted for selection and all, but the camera/field of view responds to all three. So no more disappearing door, which was highly distracting in my opinion.

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I wonder if this could be done to the many custom models that are in BOS:SR. I always found those rocks in the Korriban Wastes to be particularly jarring whenever the camera would pass away from them.

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With custom large placeables, i have found that if I select all my meshes while in gmax(not the aurora base)....then click on the hierarchy button...then click the Affect Object Only....this eliminates the disappearing effect as you walk by. Give it a shot.

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Wow, all kinds of solutions coming out now. It's funny how when I first looked into this I couldn't find anything.


Fair Strides also discovered that deleting the "lookathook" dummy did the trick, though this wouldn't work on objects you interact with like doors.

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