Jorak Uln

Joraks Experiments [WIP]

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Thanks, i was surprised that they came out so nicely - although im not sure, which grass/floor texture to pair them up - a more lively green one or the Balmorra brown variant??


Brown would look nicer with that glorious baby-blue sky. But I'm not color theorist.


"Variant B!" squeaks the little timid Zhaboka.

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Brown would look nicer with that glorious baby-blue sky. But I'm not color theorist.


"Variant B!" squeaks the little timid Zhaboka.

Im for Variant C:


i made it much less vibrant and fully animated. The good thing is, that Kotor has  a lot of different Tank textures, so i can assign different variations:






and a short video (no compression for best quality):


Further the Sith Base is soon to be completed, i assigned only SWTOR oriented designs, what do you think about the new design:











screens WIP:




door WIP:







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Version C!!! This one looks absolutely stunning.


And one small comment on your other textures. I don't quite like the material you used for the door. The metal part is fine, although I think that it's a bit too shiny but the rest doesn't quite look like something you'd use for a door. To me it looks like soft plastic or something like that. It's hard to describe but I'd try metal for it.

The other textures look really good :)

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Version C!!! This one looks absolutely stunning.


And one small comment on your other textures. I don't quite like the material you used for the door. The metal part is fine, although I think that it's a bit too shiny but the rest doesn't quite look like something you'd use for a door. To me it looks like soft plastic or something like that. It's hard to describe but I'd try metal for it.

The other textures look really good :D

I agree. The screens & door are still the weakest part of the overhaul. For the door i have this in mind, which might take a bit of time to figure out:




Now a question on the TARIS Upper City screens i uploaded above: in SWTOR they shimmer almost bronze/golden and since i intend to give the  Under City a similar look  like the Nar Shaddaa Industrial Sector,

i consequently have to retextures/ redesign Taris Upper City in the same style - means to sacrifice the vanilla blue look:


Industrial Sector:





Taris new color?



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Okay, I see where you're going^^ If I knew anything about creating textures like this I'd give you some input, but since I don't, I'll just trust that you'll get there :D


And I don't think you need to sacrifice the blue look of Taris Upper City.

As I see it, the main colour of all buildings in the Under City and in the Upper City is grey (or silver). Now in the Upper City the bulidings are lit by the evening sun, resulting in a shiny blueish grey with a slight touch of red. But in the Under City, there's only artificial light that is warmer most of the time, making everything appear yellowish. And if you add the brown dirt and rust present only in the Under City you get a nice contrast between the vanilla like blue Upper City and the now more visually appealing yellow Under City.

Of course, that only works if the Upper and Under City don't share the same textures^^


Edit: Do you have any intentions to release that bacta tank in the near future? :)

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Edit: Do you have any intentions to release that bacta tank in the near future? :D

There will be much more released that just the bacta tank. And maybe also further variants like the Cryo-Tank...


For the Taris Overhaul i feel its important to make the differences between the areas much more visible. 

In Vanilla Kotor i could never tell if im at Upper City Apartments or in the Undercity. I want to change that not only texture wise but also by using deformed designs:


So here a short glimpse of the Under City Floor Tile:




Edit: If anyone has a solution/ idea how to solve my texture bug below, please PM me or post it into the thread:


(this is important, without that texture my Overhaul would look only half as good..)





took a small break from Taris and tried sth totally different - i looked at the SWTOR sabers - i havent played it for a very long time - so im not really up to it which ones are the standard  and the rare ones...

and retextured some with 64 pic animations; ingame the animation is so subtle that you only notice that the blades are not not quite sure how they turned out:








Revan Purple:











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I really like the animated Kolto tank. I'm interested in seeing the direction you take with the Sith base, some of the panels reminded me a lot of the Death Star interior in A New Hope. Keep up the good work!!

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I really like the animated Kolto tank. I'm interested in seeing the direction you take with the Sith base, some of the panels reminded me a lot of the Death Star interior in A New Hope. Keep up the good work!!

Thank you! Im little surprised by your association with the death star... as i was more orienting on TOR..which panel do you mean?





Now to my small saberblade mod - its done now and only modifies the blade colors, so it should be compatible with the major LS overhauls, which mainly focus on the hilt models.

Guys, before releasing it i want you to test it first, just install it into override folder:


The blades contain 64 pic animations so its hard to describe on a picture, the animations ingame look is constantly changing while barely noticable, but you feel theres something very fluid....

Judge for yourself, if i dont hear any complains i release it as is ;)




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Quick question, are these replacing the vanilla game's textures?

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Quick question, are these replacing the vanilla game's textures?

Of course. They dont modify anything else but the saber color. So they are also compatible with other mods that change hilts like Qui- Don Jorn mods etc. If you are unsure about compatiblity, install my saber mod last & override everything.




EDIT: FOR ALL, that downloaded my Saberfile above, there was a mistake with the red LS, here is the right file:

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Thank you! Im little surprised by your association with the death star... as i was more orienting on TOR..which panel do you mean?



This one I found especially reminiscent of the Death Star. The dark textures contrasted with the brighter panel lines and buttons just took me to Episode IV. It was definitely a surprising and effective revelation.

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Alright, thanks for replying Jorak. I was just wondering because I'm making a lightsaber mod, and since I've been working on it for s while I wanted to make sure that it was compatible with others.

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Now back to Taris. In strong contrast to the clean, shiny Upper City the region below  actually reminds me a little of Omega, a gritty dark place with no law at all:


(screenshots are a little blurred, sorry)


Upper City:






Under City:












and some from Dantooine:





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Absolutely glorious. I love how the Upper City preserves that clean, elegant look but the Lower City is still grody. Dantooine looks wonderful also.

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Awesome :D

Taris looks great already in this unfinished state. The contrast between the clean Upper City and the dark and dirty Lower City just gives so much more atmosphere to the whole planet. Can't wait to have the finished pack in my Override^^

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Its good to see that you guys like my stuff. Design-wise i will try to replica more of the Old Republic art style , K1 gives me much more options to do that than TSL, you feel that Bioware took care of the little details, like giving separate lights for the different areas...


Now some more shots from Dantooine, its a different planet and you should see that also regarding the material choice and texture design:

So the lights for example are different designed to Taris:

















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I like the direction this is going :D

The grass and the academy look great.


But I think the tree leaves should be smaller. I can't say why but they feel too big to me. The vines could also use a little more variety. And the window reflections look wrong and also a bit weird since they are the same for every single window. I don't know how much you can do about this, but right now they just don't fit there.

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I'll be flat out honest with you when I say this...

I think that this is probably the best Dantooine graphics overhaul I've ever seen. The textures are rich, colorful and almost have a cell shaded style on them. I can also tell you've got a custom skybox for this. This will be an instant download whenever I see that you've released it. 

I'm especially looking forward to a Taris visual mod as well. Keep up the great work!

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That Taris looks awesome! Dantooine as well, I especially like how I can see Xarwarz' texture for Taris' door. Looking forward to more.

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That Taris looks awesome! Dantooine as well, I especially like how I can see Xarwarz' texture for Taris' door. Looking forward to more.


Well, i had Xarwarz textures before in my Override folder - that makes it easier for me to identify the exact position where each texture in the vanilla game is located aswell as the correct name e.g. PLC_trim01 etc. - and then i retexture & override... so there r still a few textures like the doors left, that i didnt found the time  to work on...but before release all tex will be covered.




now some screens from Tatooine:













TOR sand:







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now some screens from Tatooine:














TOR sand:










Looks awesome as always^^

One thing I'd recommend trying however and that is decreasing the contrast of the sand texture (both indoors and outdoors). I think that lighting up the darker parts of the texture could make them look even better.

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The outdoor sand texture looks good, I think just easing up on the darks will make it look excellent. The indoor sand I think should appear to be more packed, which is a small gripe considering that the texture in itself already looks good, it just seems a bit out of place.


After seeing the Anchorhead street with that texture I take it back. Looks fantastic out there.

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I agree with Sithspecter on that "city sand texture". Outside in the street it looks amazing (though I'd still light up the darker parts a bit for less contrast) but inside the buildings I'd prefer a texture closer to the cracked clay style seen in vanilla. Basically more packed as Sithspecter said. But I guess that it's the same texture for inside and outside? But even if it is, it might be worth looking into changing that or at least trying to find out how much work that'd be.

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The outdoor sand texture looks good, I think just easing up on the darks will make it look excellent. The indoor sand I think should appear to be more packed, which is a small gripe considering that the texture in itself already looks good, it just seems a bit out of place.


After seeing the Anchorhead street with that texture I take it back. Looks fantastic out there.

Haha, thanks!

well the problem is, Kotor uses the same texture over and over again. On some places its very bright  whereas others are very dark... so its difficult to make it look good overall. Indeed i think that LTA_wall00 is far better than the other sand texture (outside the dunes), and ingame it really looks natural...and at the moment i dont think i could do any better...there are other textures that need polishing...  




And here are some screenshots from the Sky P... ehem Daviks Estate ;)

















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