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Towards a perfect K2 - 003 - Escaping from the kolto tank

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Towards a perfect K2 - 003 - Escaping from the kolto tank




There is no way to escape from the kolto tank except breaking it from within. How the Exile got out of there, on Peragus?


Should it come to this inconsistency to have a functional kolto tank in which the Exile can return to heal?


In addition, she has no Force power at that time.


When Darth Sion goes out of his kolto tank, on the Harbinger, in full possession of his Force powers, he will explode it from within.



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So what's your proposal, ttlan?


I don't really have a problem with this. There's obviously some way that kolto tanks can be opened, after all people do enter them to heal and exit them when healing is done. It just wasn't shown for lack of animations or whatever.


While I'm not one of the authors, let me say I don't think it's the scope of this mod to make everything "perfect" as we can imagine it. There's room for tweaks and fixes but only cautious ones that don't alter the game too much.

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Yes I know it would be difficult to introduce some more animation for the opening of the tank from inside or outside.


Let the idea run and simply note that there is a trick, not a priority, which lag behind.


Somebody wants to do it?... :cool:



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I'd love to see a mod to do this myself but I don't think it is in the scope of this particular mod. (I'd at least like to see the kolto drain out myself.)

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Darth Sion wasn't in a Kolto tank. He was presumed DEAD, so there was no reason for him to be in one. The tank of (let's call it) formaldehyde was constructed differently from the tanks you see in the rest of the game. Why would you expect a corpse to break out of an enclosed container? I certainly don't think people have to break out of regular kolto tanks for the same reason.


It seems unlikely that the medical bay kolto tanks wouldn't allow for patients to open the tanks from the inside, in case of a problem.

Edited by Tricky

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True. Sion was likely in some sort of body preservative, thus it would only have an exterior opening. Kolto tanks would have an interior opening, for example if a patient recovered early and there was no one working in the medbay.

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:: Awaken. ::

{camera 24}{fade out}{Player starts twitching in the tank, waking up. Echoing drumbeat starts.}

{camera 39}{fade in}{Player twitching in tank}

{camera 39}{fade out}{watch the kolto fluid drain out of the tank, player sinks with fluid.}

{camera 32}{move player out of tank onto floor}

{camera 32}{fade in}{Player is lying on the middle of the floor of the medlab. All the monitors and systems are dark at this point.}

{camera 34}{Drum beat as shows close up on the player's face near one of the floor monitors as it comes to life. The monitors begin "waking up" in a circular path as the player slowly staggers to their feet.}

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I think a little black fadeout will suffice, especially since it's such a minor plot point. I don't recall the kissing scene between Revan and Bastilla being a problem. ;)


There's such a thing as paying too much attention to the details.

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Oh no, nothing like that. I switched the game for Jade Empire. Lots of kissing going on in that game. ;)

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Darth Sion wasn't in a Kolto tank. He was presumed DEAD, so there was no reason for him to be in one. The tank of (let's call it) formaldehyde was constructed differently from the tanks you see in the rest of the game. Why would you expect a corpse to break out of an enclosed container? I certainly don't think people have to break out of regular kolto tanks for the same reason.


It seems unlikely that the medical bay kolto tanks wouldn't allow for patients to open the tanks from the inside, in case of a problem.


Nice try! ;) ;)


The name of the tank is :


StrRef 124828

Broken Kolto Tank


And 124829 says :

This kolto tank was shattered from the inside. Fragments litter the floor around it.


This tank seems, indeed, different. Its production is obviously much more complex and expensive. It is certainly not intended to throw a corpse in it (it is not the morgue of the Harbinger). It should rather be reserved for severe cases. Sion is a severe case, he is seen like this and not like a corpse.

Edited by ttlan

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Nice try! ;) ;)


The name of the tank is :


StrRef 124828

Broken Kolto Tank


And 124829 says :

This kolto tank was shattered from the inside. Fragments litter the floor around it.


Hmm, I think you're technically right, but this doesn't change anything. Sion can break out of that tank.


This doesn't mean the Exile will be able to.


As far as some mod to add an animation for an opening Kolto tank, the odds that it will work are slim to none. I'm pretty sure the kolto tank is part of the module so it's probably not going to work at all.

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Also :


77961 :

'I think that... thing... in the tank was a Sith Lord... alive the whole time, waiting for something to wake him up.'


77962 :

[static] "Checking the survivor from the Sith vessel - I'm not sure whether he's alive or dead, or what's even keeping him together."


But :


77964 :

"Judging from the scar tissue, I believe these wounds took place before his death. If so, he must have been in constant pain. I have no idea what's been keeping him together."


Apparent death, of the same type as the catalepsy of Kreia in Ebon Hawk, in order to be introduced by the republicans themselves into Harbinger.

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The Exile was simple taken out of the Kolta tank by the machines that operate the Kolta Tank. Basically the instruments recognize that the Exile is awake which causes the program to execute the breaching process. The Exile is taken out of the tank and laid on the ground.....normally there would be personal that would be there and told about the awakening of the injured but we all know what happen to the miners. There is no need for anything added to the scene.


This scene would have been extended if this was a normal movie scene since this would be a place where they would show credits like who are the stars in the movie along with director, etc.

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"The machines that operate the Kolta Tank"


Why didn't I think of that?


Well played! ;)

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

I think, a possible explanation could also be that Kreia used the Force to activate the opening of the Exile's tank. It is canon that there are a few force-sensitives who can alter machines and droids with the Force as well.

As Darth Sion didn't have anybody who'd open his tank for him, he had to brake out himself.


I agree however, that the opening-scene could use some enhancement, not the least because especially us mod-users and modders have to see it over and over and over again ;). As far as I know, creating new animation is pretty hard work, so I can also understand why this has low-priority.

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Er… I think that Darth traya (she is not yet Kreia), is in catalepsy, and that her order to the Exile is as much a call of her spirit for a help to herself. The Force link between them is in creation - because of their fortuitous proximity - they help each other to awake.


As she will say it later, in a few seconds (but that will be interpreted differently - a lie in connection with the escape of the Harbinger…), she is the one which saved Exiled as Exiled is the one which saved her, and, somehow, it's the truth.


But in her current state, and for a few minutes, Darth Traya, who will be immediately in full possession of all her powers, certainly did not have the ability to command to objects.

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