Hassat Hunter


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Just for the record: I solved my "sharpened textures" mystery. I had changed the resolution of my screen, but not of the game, and as I play in windowed mode, the game window became slightly smaller. So, of course the look of the textures changed. :wallbash: I also wondered why my start menu suddenly had too much space in it, which actually lead me to the answer...

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I wonder if there could be two additions to the mod.


1. Weapon Focus/Proficiency Icon fix - similar to the Lightsaber/Melee Finesse icon fix, you might notice that the basic proficency (first feat) and focus (second feat) for all weapon types have reversed icons. Proficiency should have weapon with clear circle behind it, focus should have simple crosshair. As it stands, those are reversed. I could do this myself, to be integrated into the RCM if it helps. This is also true for K1, seemingly the "focus" line of feats was once upon a time meant to be the first one in the chain.


2. Mastercraft Weapon/Armor feats. Those are left in the game files, but lack description and possibly effect. Currently can be added via KSE.

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hi guys/ladies !


During cutscene on first visit of Nar Shaddaa my game crashes.

The first cutstece on Ebon Hawk is ok, but second one not. Maximum what I can see during next cutscene is the hologram. Then it crashes :/

Do you have any ideas how to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance!

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Is it like a crash to desktop? If so, do you notice if the game is still running? Because I often get this crash to desktop, but that's because I'm switching from a game cutscene to a .bik movie and they don't have the same resolution, if I am not mistaken. Simply switching back to TSL fixes-it for me.

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  On 4/17/2014 at 7:31 PM, MrPhil said:

Is it like a crash to desktop? If so, do you notice if the game is still running? Because I often get this crash to desktop, but that's because I'm switching from a game cutscene to a .bik movie and they don't have the same resolution, if I am not mistaken. Simply switching back to TSL fixes-it for me.

it's crash to desktop (game stopped window appeared)....but I choose to go to the planet with sith academy...i did the quests/fights there...and I again tried to fly to Shaddaa and now everything is ok...

I really don't know what happened :)

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I got a question. Given that this page seems legit as far as translation goes, did anyone attempt to actually translate the speech of Sith Holocrons on Telos and see if it's just gibberish or anything meaningful? Just checking, since I'm unsure if they're even unique for each line, or just the same thing over and over like the alien languages.

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I believe any translation would be gibberish. The holocrons use voice files that are unique to them. After a short period of time, perhaps one or two scenes, the voice files repeat. This is the same as for aliens such as the Duros or Ithorians, and droids such as the astromechs.

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Planned for installer update;


304NAR; Fixed persuasion on Captain running Force Persuasion line.

610DAN; Kaevee's VO update was missing from primary installer.

601DAN; You can no longer recruit Akkere after the Battle for Khoonda is over (potentially re-opening the Recruiting quest).

208TEL; Modified Vula Force Persuasion interjection to be a little less jarring.

Updated dialog.tlk.

Switched around proficiency/focus feat icons (Thanks to Kainzorus Prime for noticing that which was under our nose for so long)



650DAN; Added missing files

805DRO; "Recent History: M4-78EP" will no longer update entering M4-78's core if you never started the quest.

(if 804tester.mdl/mdx is removed from 804DRO) 804DRO; You will no longer look at the wall testing the droids, it will now use the appropriate camera.

809DRO; Fixed wrong VO/ST mismatch during security droid confrontation in some situations.

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Above mentioned update has been implemented... feel free to re-download for the extra small fixes if desired :D

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  On 5/7/2014 at 12:29 PM, Hassat Hunter said:

Above mentioned update has been implemented... feel free to re-download for the extra small fixes if desired :D


Question: If we used the old .exe and the small patch, are we good or not?

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No, as there have been a few small additional fixes.

Up to you if you find them worth the re-dl.

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Hassat Hunter, thank you by your love for TSL. What you and all the modders in this site do cannot be express in words.

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Installed TSLRCM 1.8.3 but am having issues with movement and the game is lagging. Help please. 


Here are my computer stats. 


Windows 7 home premium Service Pack 1


System: Toshiba Notebook


Processor: AMD A8-4500M APU with Radeon HD

Graphics 1.90 GHz


Installed Memory RAM: 8.00GB (7.47GB useable)


System Type: 64-Bit Operating system 

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I've just installed the mod with the M4-78EP as well, the game starts and seems to work properly if it wasn't for the fact that when I create a new character and hit the play button the game immediately crash... What should I do?

P.S. don't know if it matter but I use Windows 8.1, never started the game before installing the mods.

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