
My Projects In the Pipeline (mostly texture related)

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No idea what's causing it to duplicate like that, so I am now at the point where I may have to start over with the same settings and colors to hopefully get it working again..


Anyway, that's a brief look at what I'm working with right now.


Thanks so much for all of the honest feedback and positive responses. I hope to have more interesting things soon. I will update when I have more ready.


Check the FOV settings for the render camera. Maybe it's no longer 90° or you accidently set it to "use vertical FOV". Or maybe the camera is tilted upwards, that'd also cause this issue.

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Check the FOV settings for the render camera. Maybe it's no longer 90° or you accidently set it to "use vertical FOV". Or maybe the camera is tilted upwards, that'd also cause this issue.


Kinda off topic, but could you be so kind as to give an explanation on how to do that? Would love to increase my FOV to a higher value.

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Check the FOV settings for the render camera. Maybe it's no longer 90° or you accidently set it to "use vertical FOV". Or maybe the camera is tilted upwards, that'd also cause this issue.


Here are my camera views. I specifically copied and pasted the data from my Onderon project file to be sure, but maybe I missed a radio button, or something..









It could also be a radio button I missed in the project itself, but I have no way of knowing what exactly would do that..

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Kinda off topic, but could you be so kind as to give an explanation on how to do that? Would love to increase my FOV to a higher value.


I wasn't talking about the ingame FOV but the FOV setting in Terragen^^



Here are my camera views. I specifically copied and pasted the data from my Onderon project file to be sure, but maybe I missed a radio button, or something..


It could also be a radio button I missed in the project itself, but I have no way of knowing what exactly would do that..


The issue is the 20 in the first rotation box that makes the camera tilted upwards a bit. I don't know why that would have worked with your Onderon skybox, as it shouldn't^^ The problem is that usually you render the four sides of a cube. Now, if you turn the camera upwards, the sides of that cube will be folded inwards and overlap and so you get the exact issue seen in your screenshot.


I guess you did that so that your terrain is lower? If that's the case I'd just increase the altitude of the camera or stretch the texture in Photoshop to lower the horizon.

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I wasn't talking about the ingame FOV but the FOV setting in Terragen^^



The issue is the 20 in the first rotation box that makes the camera tilted upwards a bit. I don't know why that would have worked with your Onderon skybox, as it shouldn't^^ The problem is that usually you render the four sides of a cube. Now, if you turn the camera upwards, the sides of that cube will be folded inwards and overlap and so you get the exact issue seen in your screenshot.


I guess you did that so that your terrain is lower? If that's the case I'd just increase the altitude of the camera or stretch the texture in Photoshop to lower the horizon.

Ah. Well, that might explain everything.. Yeah, I slightly tilted the camera in all of my renders to make the ground look lower. Onderon just had less tilt. Thanks so much for the help. I will let you know soon how it looks. :)

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Hello, all.


It has been some time, since I last updated, but here is some of my progress.

Firstly, thank you SOO much Kexikus for your help with the skybox issue solution. Here are a few shots of the new and better (in my opinion) Dantooine

 OTI4pBI.jpg jR5DbCC.jpg uSrSIV5.jpg rJrYtQV.jpg 

(Mind the seams, I'm going to be busy cleaning them up ;) )


Also on the note of skyboxes, thanks to Terragen 3's new features, I have converted my Korriban and Onderon skyboxes to 1024x1024.

 6pMfFnUg.jpg HeiQIxJ.jpg 


Secondly, the alien retexes are going quite swimmingly. I have the Duros' all but done, save the last ones to test.

 Vo7zl64.jpg LwZMXyV.jpg 

Only a few minor tweaks to the eyes, and they're ready.

Opo Chano is also in on the action



I'm also throwing my hat into the ring of Sion retexing (On account that I hate how the Vanilla one looks ;) )

 W1xdCyj.jpg o9u8edW.jpg 3ccLvXP.jpg ucZEcJ6.jpg

It's more my take on the subject, and uses a design and color closer to the Vanilla design and the concept art I found on Scorchy's Walkthrough.


So, that's the extent of the showable things, but I'm really close to having certain mods updated, Like More Vibrant Skies and Aliens Redetailed.

I have a lot of things to start work on, like the different alien types such as, Rodians, Weequay, and hopefully Aqualish, as well as a few storyline mods that I will announce when I have something done. That said, thank you guys so much for the assistance and feedback. I will post up more progress once I have a bunch more screenshots.

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@ Malkior: 


Im glad to see you back on the skyboxes again! 

The clouds are looking a huge step better now, still theres some seam visible, maybe you could as Kexikus if he has a tweak to get rid of it.

About the resolution: 

Kex has said sth. about rendering only a quarter of the desired skybox, then the next one etc. and put them together with PS, so you can emulate double resolution.


About the clouds: 

Is there the possibility to make them look more 3d via volumetric shadows? 


And i get the feel that your still not using the full array of Terragen 3, like the use of Depth of Field, Fog etc.

Im unfortunately not an expert in this, but this article here (still working with T2) uses different tools like Depth of Field Pro for post-rendering and especially the shadows look stunning:


Maybe it could be useful?

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Glad I could help you :)

But now I'm wondering how you managed to get 1024x1024. Isn't the maximum resolution lower than that?


Anyway, great work with those skyboxes. I especially love the Dantooine terrain.


One minor suggestion I have is that you edit the .are files for Korriban and Dantooine to change the fog colour so that the ingame fog matches your skybox. Doing that is pretty easy and can make a huge difference. (I could describe the exact way if necessary).


@ Jorak Uln:
I don't think that using DOF is a good idea for skyboxes. I can't really explain why but I don't think it'd look good. Fog might be something to experiment with, but I don't know as I haven't tried that^^

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//>Quick Update: I have lately focused more effort on the Alien retextures to finally get the update uploaded quicker.


All of the ithorians are implemented with texture changes also using feedback to hopefully give them the most detail.






Next up will be the rodians. :D

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//>Quick Update: I have lately focused more effort on the Alien retextures to finally get the update uploaded quicker.


All of the ithorians are implemented with texture changes also using feedback to hopefully give them the most detail.






Next up will be the rodians. :D

With appropriate shaders, I presume?

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With appropriate shaders, I presume?


I am using CM_Baremetal and CM_Specmap for their eyes, at the moment. 


If you mean for the Rodians, of course I will make them as shiny as is appropriate. ;)

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I am using CM_Baremetal and CM_Specmap for their eyes, at the moment. 


If you mean for the Rodians, of course I will make them as shiny as is appropriate. ;)

Ah I wasn't sure if you were going to apply any sort of effect to the ithorians' skin.

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Ah I wasn't sure if you were going to apply any sort of effect to the ithorians' skin.

No worries. :) I had considered using a more metallic "speckling" on the edge of the skin, but I compared it to ithorian characters in the movie stills, and decided that a drier non-reflective look  was more accurate. However, I gave them shiny eyes make them look more sympathetic as befitting their typical behavior.

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No worries. :D I had considered using a more metallic "speckling" on the edge of the skin, but I compared it to ithorian characters in the movie stills, and decided that a drier non-reflective look  was more accurate. However, I gave them shiny eyes make them look more sympathetic as befitting their typical behavior.

Yeah, makes sense. I appreciate the thought you put into that explanation. I eagerly await the results.

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I'm gonna be honest, those Ithorians look kinda creepy to me, especially the second picture. I think it might be the eyes. Something just seems a bit, off.

Other than that, I gotta say, great job so far. I look forward to seeing where this goes.

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Nice work. Duros looks cool, something a'la Bane in Clone Wars. Also Dantooine is great, and this beautiful sky ;)


Good luck boyz.

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I'm gonna be honest, those Ithorians look kinda creepy to me, especially the second picture. I think it might be the eyes. Something just seems a bit, off.

Other than that, I gotta say, great job so far. I look forward to seeing where this goes.


Hmmm... How would one fix "creepy"? Do you think removing the irises entirely as is the case in TOR's Ithorians, or maybe shrinking the size of the eyes?

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Hmmm... How would one fix "creepy"? Do you think removing the irises entirely as is the case in TOR's Ithorians, or maybe shrinking the size of the eyes?

Hmm, that's a good question. After comparing the vanilla Ithorians to yours, I think the problem is that they have this sort of droopy-eyed look that somehow makes them seem off. If I had to suggest something, I'd say try to widen the sides of the eyes just before the sclera a bit, and picking up the eyelids a bit so they don't look like they're frowning.

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Hmm, that's a good question. After comparing the vanilla Ithorians to yours, I think the problem is that they have this sort of droopy-eyed look that somehow makes them seem off. If I had to suggest something, I'd say try to widen the sides of the eyes just before the sclera a bit, and picking up the eyelids a bit so they don't look like they're frowning.

Okay, cool. :) I shall take that into account.


Thanks so much! Hopefully it shouldn't take long. It was bugging me forever trying to figure out a solution.

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Okay, cool. :D I shall take that into account.


Thanks so much! Hopefully it shouldn't take long. It was bugging me forever trying to figure out a solution.

No problem. Glad I could help.  :D

Also, those eyes you have for the Duros make them look like Neimoidians. Course, they look really similar anyway, so maybe that's not a problem.

Edit: So, according to Wookiepedia, Duros and Neimoidians are distant genetic relatives. So, they kinda are the same thing.

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No problem. Glad I could help. :D

Also, those eyes you have for the Duros make them look like Neimoidians. Course, they look really similar anyway, so maybe that's not a problem.

Edit: So, according to Wookiepedia, Duros and Neimoidians are distant genetic relatives. So, they kinda are the same thing.

Yep. :D It took a lot of research from Star Wars stills and even various fan/SW published art to settle on the look, and I even used some classic "little grey men" influence in the face. Incidentally, I actually used tree frogs as my reference for the eyes. ;)






I changed up the Ithorian eyes to be more symmetrical. 




Before: K2_00120_2.jpg


New: K2_00043_1.jpg



However, they are still a bit cross-eyed, but hopefully at least less unsettling. (Or more :( )

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