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Yes, I'm not sure, however, where might be a hard to reach place though.

How about that area on Citadel Station where you have to cheat to get into. The place with the broken walk mesh?

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How about that area on Citadel Station where you have to cheat to get into. The place with the broken walk mesh?

Hard sans cheating.

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Hard sans cheating.


Very true. Knowing how difficult you want to make things will assist us in making recommendations. Help us to help you to serve us.

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Well all the obvious places


  • Jedi/Sith type of levels, including all of Korriban, the Enclave Sublevels + Merchants on Dantooine, Dxun Temple
  • Sith Assassin/Dark Jedi drops - saber pikes, though to avoid getting a ton of them, I think I might make a "broken pike" item that drops most of the time
  • Adding locked containers to places that either need a high security skill, or are opened by solving a riddle
  • Making some sabers only detectable with a high enough awareness - could be a way to "hide" hilts in unorthodox areas
  • Some form of steal/pilfer/sight scope from final fantasy where you can "steal" the saber off of certain enemies.
  • Places that are typically empty or not visited often by players.


You'll of course get a lightsaber from each Jedi Master

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How about ...


- The empty living quarters on Citadel Station.


- The unused area off of the Nar Shaddaa docks.


- The Onderon museum you can loot in the Palace.


- Perhaps a Saber in the bunker on Dxun with the inactive droid.


- You'd imagine you might a saber or two in the Telos Polar Academy as well.


There are a few for starters.


Of course, you could add NPCs that could have them as well that you could convince them to give you or loot them from their corpses. (Alternatively, buy them off of them too if you set a few up as vendors.)

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- The empty living quarters on Citadel Station.


Certainly a possibility, but I would wonder what a lightsaber is doing there in someone's empty living quarters. I also want to avoid giving out lightsabers too early in the game. I suppose you could find a schematic there and the ability to build lightsabers comes later (ala, Bao-Dur lightsaber quest).


- The unused area off of the Nar Shaddaa docks.

Sort of begs the question "what is a lightsaber doing here?" Not saying it's a bad place, but there should be some sort of in-universe context as to why it might be there


- The Onderon museum you can loot in the Palace.


Naturally. One of the first places that came to mind


- Perhaps a Saber in the bunker on Dxun with the inactive droid.


Another great place. 


- You'd imagine you might a saber or two in the Telos Polar Academy as well.


Yes, but Atris supposedly has them hidden away. It would be another case of putting them where it makes the most sense.


Of course, you could add NPCs that could have them as well that you could convince them to give you or loot them from their corpses. (Alternatively, buy them off of them too if you set a few up as vendors.)

True, but I would assume most of the lightsabers would make their way to merchants rather than random NPCs having them. Clearly dead Nebelish and Kaevee would yield saber hilts (not necessarily by killing), but in the setting of TSL, most of the jedi artifacts have been looted.

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If you were going to use the partial sabers or schematics, what about something like that in a dark corner of the 'Hawk? You know how Jedi's keep misplacing those ;)


As far as other oft unvisited spots to hide them,


what about Mandalore's associates' (can't remember his exact name) clinic on Onderon perhaps by the body or in a junkpile?


Or in the Kinrath cave, with the placeble itself in the actual ceiling (if you can do that) or on a darker part of the floor. Also in regards to the cave, perhaps nestled amongst the miscellanea in the mercenary hideout.


In the deeper part of the Dantooine module that originally lead to the "Corrupted Grove" in Kotor 1.


Also perhaps on one of the mercenaries during the Khoonda base attack.


On Duxn, amongst the crashed droid controller ship (the one with the datapad chronicling the droid drop of the Mandalorian Wars found before you reach the cave to the second module, and before the Duros)


A place on Narshadaa that I think works, would be beside Akkere, explained that since he knew Bao from the Mandalorian Wars, it was perhaps a memento from another fellow Jedi.


Additionally one could be hidden in the poisoned tunnels under the JekkJekkTarr, since it's not unheard of Visqis either trapping them there, or them trying but failing to infiltrate the large room past it.


Maybe a schematic in one of Saquesh's storage rooms; it's not impossible that maybe he took it off of a refugee and wants to try building a lightsaber for himself..

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Wasn't Akkere on Dantooine, not Nar Shaddaa?

I think he may have meant Tien Tubb, the blind Sullustan.

Doh! Yeah, I meant Tien Tubb.. For some reason I have Dantooine on the brain.


Thanks for the save, both :)

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Another place you could do is in the Queen's (what I assume to be her chambers). You have to crack a small puzzle to get in that room and there are a couple of very high security boxes in there. I think in "Vanilla" KOTOR2 there are some lightsabers in there anyway, so you could just replace them? And with regard to some form in-universe continuity, I'm pretty sure the Royal family have some force lineage, so wouldn't be a stretch for the Queen to have her own secret stash?


As it stands is, this mod still going to play nicely with the Restored Content Mod stuff? I mentioned early I used USM with RCM - terrible idea, half the restored content won't play!

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A lot of people have been running into issues with installing (the baseitems.2da error). I haven't had time to fix it, but I realize some people may still want to play it. I'll be releasing some sort of tutorial or quick fix to do for now, but I fully intend to fix the installation issue...



.... eventually.



So please just hang in there! I've removed it from the downloads section until I can get that part in.

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A lot of people have been running into issues with installing (the baseitems.2da error). I haven't had time to fix it, but I realize some people may still want to play it. I'll be releasing some sort of tutorial or quick fix to do for now, but I fully intend to fix the installation issue...



.... eventually.



So please just hang in there! I've removed it from the downloads section until I can get that part in.

I don't remember how but I was able to install it without any problems although I have the collection pack instead of the Steam version so maybe the problem has something to do with Steam.

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I don't remember how but I was able to install it without any problems although I have the collection pack instead of the Steam version so maybe the problem has something to do with Steam.


The install is very picky. At one point it worked with no additional edits, then I thought I fixed it, turned out I didn't.

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The install is very picky. At one point it worked with no additional edits, then I thought I fixed it, turned out I didn't.

I tried experimenting with the install a while ago, attempting to figure out a way around the baseitems.2da issue. It worked fine whenever the existing values in the baseitems file were modified. It started glitching out, however whenever another mod added something completely new to the file. For example, the mod "Bao-Dur's Charged Armor" adds an entry in the baseitems.2da for a new armor piece. When I tried to install Duplisaber over it, everything went horribly wrong. But before that, with just mods that changed existing values in the .2da file, it seemed to work fine. If I installed Duplisaber and then installed mods that added stuff to the baseitems.2da file, everything seemed to play fairly nicely.


It's been a while, and I didn't do any incredibly extensive experimentation with it, but the above is sort of what I determined. However, another issue that plagued me was that when I installed, everyone who got a lightsaber in cutscenes got the same hilt (I think the Acolyte hilt, if I remember correctly) and a green lightsaber blade. Not sure what that was about...


Hope that helps though. Not sure if you're aware of it, and if you are, oh well. But on the off-chance you aren't, there you go.

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I tried experimenting with the install a while ago, attempting to figure out a way around the baseitems.2da issue. It worked fine whenever the existing values in the baseitems file were modified. It started glitching out, however whenever another mod added something completely new to the file. For example, the mod "Bao-Dur's Charged Armor" adds an entry in the baseitems.2da for a new armor piece. When I tried to install Duplisaber over it, everything went horribly wrong. But before that, with just mods that changed existing values in the .2da file, it seemed to work fine. If I installed Duplisaber and then installed mods that added stuff to the baseitems.2da file, everything seemed to play fairly nicely.


It's been a while, and I didn't do any incredibly extensive experimentation with it, but the above is sort of what I determined. However, another issue that plagued me was that when I installed, everyone who got a lightsaber in cutscenes got the same hilt (I think the Acolyte hilt, if I remember correctly) and a green lightsaber blade. Not sure what that was about...


Hope that helps though. Not sure if you're aware of it, and if you are, oh well. But on the off-chance you aren't, there you go.


The cutscene issue makes sense, though I hadn't given it a whole lot of thought. That is certainly a second iteration goal, and the first is to just get the install to work.

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Just a few additional (hopefully not too obvious) ideas for random placement of sabers when this mod eventually gets that far...


  1. Shyrack cave on Korriban (Tomb) - In the tomb, there are all kinds of places that a lightsaber and/or special crystal could get "lost and found"
  2. Coruscant - obviously would have to get Hassat Hunter's permission, but I think that adding some more specific hilts here would be pretty easy, and it would make sense given what else is there, even it they were just "schematics" that opened up the ability to create a few really special or personalized ones
  3. G0T0's Yacht - Seems like G0T0 would have souvenirs...  :D
  4. Dxun Tomb and/or Mandalore's personal cache
  5. Telos Citadel - The Ithorian Chodo Habat - could be that he had one (or a crystal or schematic) all along... either gives as gift...or you could just kill him...  :crazysmile:
  6. Malachor - anywhere that the Jedi and Sith armies could have died/fallen - would have to be pretty awesome lightsaber as it's the end of the game...

Anyways, just thought those were not-so-obvious choices... I'll try to come up with some more...

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Hey, I'm new here and want to try the latest restoration mod with your hilt modifications, but I can't seem to find a link in the Downloads section of this site.

Are the only available files atm the ones a few pages back?

If not, could you edit the first post so that the download link is easier to find?



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Hey, I'm new here and want to try the latest restoration mod with your hilt modifications, but I can't seem to find a link in the Downloads section of this site.

Are the only available files atm the ones a few pages back?

If not, could you edit the first post so that the download link is easier to find?



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The link is currently down. VS Is really busy, he works with BuzzFeed. There will be a new link sometime soon

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