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Hassat Hunter

Calling out all Red Eclipse Players!

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I don't think today's an option, since I gotta get up early tommorow. However, I'm in vacation from the 29th 'till 8th of April.

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I'm on holiday starting Friday (meaning I should be able to play any day, not just weekends) for 2 weeks - I think I can play then.

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Hey there guys, sorry to chiming in just now but I am also on The Red Eclipse.


Paxmas, Jedi Sentinel, Level 43, Slicing, Underworld Trading, Treasure Hunting


Currently hanging around on Hoth. I would be interested in joining you for some guest ("group" Datacrons, Lore Objects, just whatever will make my Codex more full... :-) ).  

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So guys, we gonna play in Friday?

I will be working on Friday and Saturday. Then I'll be on vacation from April 1st through the 7th. You'll have to count me out for the time being. :(

Currently hanging around on Hoth. I would be interested in joining you for some guest ("group" Datacrons, Lore Objects, just whatever will make my Codex more full... :-) ).

I just finished getting the Ilum datacrons today on my Jedi Covenant server character. (It turns out I forgot to get them before!) For my Red Eclipse character - Emfour, Jedi Consular - I've only reached Nar Shaddaa so far so I'm still behind. I'll be down to do any datacron and lore object that I can. I really hope that we can get everyone together to do the Republic Fleet datacrons eventually.

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So guys, we gonna play in Friday?


I'll let you know tomorrow, OK? I'll talk to HH first and figure out when we're gonna finish Empire story... we're nearly done, currently on last planet.

EDIT: never mind, I'm down for Friday.



By the way, got HK-51 couple days ago. Quest to get him is really fun - I recorded everything, I'll post a vid soon.

Also did my first ever operation today (with Hassat and our guild) - now THAT'S some seriously fun stuff, even though we wiped numerous times and had to pay nearly 50 thousand credits for repair : D

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Karraga's Palace in story mode. I got Columi headgear and some useless stuff (sold most of it).

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Wasn't the Eternity Vault recommended for first operation playthrough? I got the impression that story mode EV is supposed to be your first ops. Anyway, when do you guys want to meet on Friday? 8 pm my time is good for me, although I can come 1 hour sooner or later. That's around 4-5 pm for all of you, I think. Also, how many of you do you still have characters around level 10? Because I haven't touched Artakan since I got to the fleet. I only chose my AC class there, commando, healer spec, and a crew skill, treasure hunting.

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I'm available anytime after 8 my time. (19.00 GMT, 21.00 for Gua). Kunegundaa is lvl 11, never been to Coruscant.


As for an op, we selected both Eternity Vault and Karraga's Palace and did one at random. From what I understand, they're about the same difficulty.

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Okay, I'll come with Artakan. Anybody else wants to join?

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I'm thinking about going pref status because those F2P restrictions are really starting to irritate me. However, I can only afford the 20 dollar pack, which gives 2400 CC and all the account unlocks I need are around 7000 CC. So can you guys tell me the exact things pref status-ers get and F2P-ers don't? Also, can you give me some advice over what unlocks should I buy with my cartel coins and what should I get from the GTN?

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I am curious to hear more about this "preferred status" option.  I'm a subscriber so the end results wouldn't directly affect me but knowing what you guys are capable of doing on the server would be helpful.

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20 dollars should be enough to sub at least for a month (I think, I don't know the prices where you live). So do that, get to 50 and buy ALL unlocks from GTN for in-game credits - that's pretty much what me and HH did.


As for differences between F2P and preferred, see here:

There is some nice stuff for preferred status players over F2P - like more character slots, higher credits cap, ability to send mails, sprint at level 1.

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I've seen that link you gave, a lot, but I'm wondering can pref status-ers send more than one companion on a crew skill task? Because F2P can only send one. Also, I read somewhere that you get for free the possibility to show your legacy name as a preferred status - is that true? Anyway, your idea is pretty nice. Too bad my trooper won't see the benefits of the unlocks, at least not why I'm leveling him. Btw did you guys have somebody buy you the unlocks and then put them on the GTN or you just got lucky?

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3 chars as pref. 2 skills. 3rd can be unlocked (as I did).

Legacy name still needs to be unlocked.


And yeah, the GTN can get you pretty much anything you want regarding unlocks. You might need a sub-buddy to purchase some of the more expensive ones though due to the credit-limit. Fortunately, we got invited to an awesome guild, and generally got that assistance :D.

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I see. So, uh, can you, you know, say something good about me when I , um, finally reach 50? You know, in case they need a tactics trooper for a month.

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Or try to buy as many unlocks while you're subbed and don't have credit limit - the most expensive one I bought was artifact unlock for 900k (one character only though, unlocks for a whole account costs 2-3 millions), so that's basically dailies for few days if you're 50.

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One character unlocks aren't of any use to me because I have a lot of characters. Well, guess I'll need to find myself a friendly guild who is willing to put account unlocks for less than 4 million credits each, not like those "trolls" putting the HK account unlock for 50 million. Btw how much credits do dailies give? And how much time does it take to complete them? Oh, and you guys do weeklies, right? Can you give me info on them too? I realize that I'm asking a lot of questions but I gotta be prepared, right?

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I plan to do a Imperial Agent next and I'll choose a class skill that will enable me to create augments. I foresee this as the way to go to make weapons more durable in the future. In the meantime, I want to get a good techblade for Emfour's Qyzen Fess. Are there any other subscribers on Red Eclipse besides my wife and I? (If so, PM me your crafting skills.)

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Damn, lost my post...


Yeah, zbyl's right. If you are a sub, you want to pre-purchase them, saving you a lot of pain. It also allows you to buy perks like the mailbox on your ship, or with 5(!) million and legacy 25 the GTN. Which is the best upgrade.

Sadly zbyl and me subbed a bit too early looking back at it, in the stage with few purples and a lot less money going around, and low legacy lvl.


I did take the oppurtunity to get the ship vendor and a fully unlocked inventory.


There are plenty of good (account) unlocks on the GTN, you just have to check in from while to while to see what prices are offered. Some days they're outrageous expensive, the other very very cheap. Depends on the people putting them on and the competition.

Daily income depends on area, Ilum gives the most cash (besides H4 in other places), SectionX the most dailies. Black Hole doesn't give as much but is quick to do. And Belsavis is rather easy. Most people avoid it though. It's nice to relax and not worry about other players though.

Weeklies there are many of. Need more info what you seek. PvP? Operations? Hard Mode Flashpoints? Black Hole/Section X? Space? Too many of them to answer that easily.


You generally get good weapons for your teammates doing regular questing. I don't really bother looking for good gear for them leveling. Nor myself rather. While people who do makes me plenty of money on the GTN I just do with the drops I get :D.

Augmentations will be good yeah. I only got one dropped EVER, and they're expensive on the GTN. So you can count me as customer when lvl 50 ;). I'm having artifice btw. I'm not that big a fan of crafting though, so usually stick to gathering skills. And I don't think I really crafted something worthwhile with arfice yet besides +41 power crystals for zbyl and myself.

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I plan to do a Imperial Agent next and I'll choose a class skill that will enable me to create augments. I foresee this as the way to go to make weapons more durable in the future. In the meantime, I want to get a good techblade for Emfour's Qyzen Fess. Are there any other subscribers on Red Eclipse besides my wife and I? (If so, PM me your crafting skills.)



I'm a Red Eclipse sub, with Cybertech.  I can currently craft upto mk8 Armour and Mods, so if you're still at a fairly low level and want any of those let me know :)

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HH, thanks for the all the info, although I need more specific stuff, like how many credits do you receive after doing the heroics you do and how long does it take to complete them (1 hour, 2 hours, etc.). About weeklies - I don't think my ship will be ready for all those hard mode space heroics so can forget about those. PvE content shouldn't be that hard, with the right group of course, so those will be my main target when I reach 50 and sub.


PvP quests - I'm not sure about those too, these greatly depend on the people I'm playing with. If I depend on the group finder then I may as well just surrender to the imps at the start of the match. I don't know how the ranked warzones are but the normal ones are awful. Every time we get zero or one healer and the rest of the group is knight ACs or shadows, sometimes we get a trooper AC beside me and in very rare occasions we might get a smuggler AC (although one time we had 5 or 6 smugglers. We lost that match fairly quickly, they were all DPS). On the other hand, the imps get the best classes - one sneaky assassin or operative, sometimes both, who kill you in 5 secs and you can't even fire once while they do this, a sniper or two who just keep spamming one ability from their cover and kill you in 4 shots, a marauder who, even though he's half your health, manages to kill you and remains at somewhere below 2k health, oh and let's not forget the 2 healers, they always have at least two healers. Did I also mention that we get some low level who's just for target practice for the imps? So yeah, you could say my PvP experience is pretty bad. My best matches were while the trial lasted, even though I was only level 15 I still ended up in the top five.

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Ilum gives about 10K per quest, SX 7.5K, BH 7.5K. Heroics and weekly of BH/SX give around 18K each.

How long they take? Depends per quest. The Heroics depends on how quick you get a group. Same for the Flashpoint weekly.

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Ok, let's say you already have a group, and a good one. Also, how many creds do you receive per planet?

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