Hassat Hunter

Progress on 1.8.2

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So old legend Achilles once claimed that Bao-Dur's crippling strike feat-chain didn't work, and made a "fix" for it;



Pretty crude, replacing the feat with another feat. I was hoping to do with more elegance, fixing the actual feat itself instead of replacing it. Odd was thus the deduction when testing that the feat in fact works perfectly fine!

Saves me a LOT of work. Also, hereby thus a note to everyone that it's not needed to use said mod... as it actually gives Bao-Dur a less powerful feat in return.


If only all things where that easy to fix.

Mostly just working on bug fixes, and seeing what I can do. Since I don't know whether I can fix some things (like above mentioned feat issue, which turned out to be no issue, so I still have no clue if I could fix it if it was) I rather don't produce a predicted fix list, if stuff from it eventually ends up not fixed.


So, this thread is mainly for smallish updates (after all, 1.8.2 will be a small patch), potential asking help, and just helping some activity here in the forums. :P

Also, because I wanted to vent about spending time trying to fix a non-issue :/

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I thought I may have seen a spelling error during my last walk through. I'll have to keep my eyes open for it again.

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Well, tried fiddling with feats trying to fix the "dissapearing feats when becoming a prestige class"...

However, didn't change much since most made sense looking at them;

Sith Assassin and Jedi Watchman keep skill feat options and Stealth Run - all other prestige lose it!

All prestige classess lose close combat feat line

The only that didn't make sense I changed though;

Conditioning featline gone for Sith Maurader and Jedi Weapon Master

Since it makes little sense for the warheavy and featheavy prestige classes to not have access to the +saving throw feat. Wouldn't you agree?


Any objections (Prestige should have Close Combat!), feel free to post them here.


Also tried fiddling with the cut "Mobility" feat... it says it makes you 10% faster. I have tried it, and I don't know. Does it work, doesn't it? Is my mind playing tricks with me. I really don't know. So anyone want to try and see if it 'seems to work' for them, here's the feat.2da (still need to pick the feat at level up).

Anyone who has an idea how to really ingame make out if it makes a difference instead of going on feel and possibly corrupt looks, feel free to assist. Since now I just want to know.


Nwnscript.nss has a "SWMG_GetPlayerSpeed()" value, but I tried it and it just crashes the game instead of giving me a value :/

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Will 1.8.2 include:

JCarter426's Trick Windows fix


No. I'll make one myself (due to more tweakage needed).


Extended Rebuilt Enclave Scene(Unofficial TSLRCM PATCH) 2.0 by Darth Hayze

Dunno. Haven't checked it out yet...

Extended Korriban Arrival 1.1 by Danil-ch


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Someone pointed out the workbench issue was still in (used PC's repair skill for breaking down items value, not the users)... so, fixed that.


Any more issues I should know of, and just don't recall?

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Someone pointed out the workbench issue was still in (used PC's repair skill for breaking down items value, not the users)... so, fixed that.


Any more issues I should know of, and just don't recall?


You fixed that?! FINALLY!!! In eight years of modding, someone finally fixed that annoying bug. Thank you, HH! Now I don't have to waste skill points anymore...

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This is probably something you can't fix, but I can always ask... There's this issue when you meet the masters in the enclave, like when Vrook's talking both Zez and Kavar are completely frozen (not even playing the idle animation) Is this something you can address?

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This is probably something you can't fix, but I can always ask... There's this issue when you meet the masters in the enclave, like when Vrook's talking both Zez and Kavar are completely frozen (not even playing the idle animation) Is this something you can address?


Well, if they are animation issues, you can use a script and then edit the dialogue.

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Yeah, I would need to know the specific line(s) where this happens.


@FS: Well, there was a mod that fixes it. Not surprisingly seeing it's not that hard to fix. But apparently it's nowhere to be found anymore these days.

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Will 1.8.2 include:


Extended Rebuilt Enclave Scene(Unofficial TSLRCM PATCH) 2.0 by Darth Hayze


I don't think version 2.0 has been released yet, has it? I know the current version is a bit buggy, especially for female exiles ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1640-extended-rebuilt-enclave-sceneunofficial-tslrcm-patch/page__view__findpost__p__18157 ).

I'd love for V2.0 to be added to 1.8.2, provided it doesn't suffer from any of the bugs that are present within the current version!

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It wont be part of 1.8.2 (yes, out of the "dunno" phase). Of course we'll help getting it compatible if needed.


So... no-one tried mobility?

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So... no-one tried mobility?


As no one has reported on mobility yet, i'd throught i'd give it a try. So using Visas (she's the only character who i could level up, in order to give her the feat) i ran a total of 6 times; 3 times without mobility, and 3 times with mobility. I started these runs from the left wall of the Khoonda building on Dantooine (the wall that has the large door), and ended all of the runs infront of the large pile of rocks between two trees, near the Crystal Cave. I ran in a staight line for each run and timed them using a stopwatch on my phone.


I found that, for the runs without mobility, i ran for 28.7, 28.9 and 28.6 seconds, on each run (an average of 28.73 seconds).


For the runs with mobility, i ran for 26.1, 26.3 and 26.2 seconds (an average of 26.2 seconds).


So using these averages, unless my maths is wrong, i found that i ran 8.8% faster with mobility, compared to without it.


The fact that i measured a difference in speed lower than 10% was probably due to human error with the stopwatch, hence the 8.8%.


Hope this helps you.

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I tried it, too, but all I tried to do was eyeball it and couldn't tell whether my PC was moving faster or if it was just the placebo effect.

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As no one has reported on mobility yet, i'd throught i'd give it a try. So using Visas (she's the only character who i could level up, in order to give her the feat) i ran a total of 6 times; 3 times without mobility, and 3 times with mobility. I started these runs from the left wall of the Khoonda building on Dantooine (the wall that has the large door), and ended all of the runs infront of the large pile of rocks between two trees, near the Crystal Cave. I ran in a staight line for each run and timed them using a stopwatch on my phone.


I found that, for the runs without mobility, i ran for 28.7, 28.9 and 28.6 seconds, on each run (an average of 28.73 seconds).


For the runs with mobility, i ran for 26.1, 26.3 and 26.2 seconds (an average of 26.2 seconds).


So using these averages, unless my maths is wrong, i found that i ran 8.8% faster with mobility, compared to without it.


The fact that i measured a difference in speed lower than 10% was probably due to human error with the stopwatch, hence the 8.8%.


Hope this helps you.

As i've currently got nothing else to do, i decided to try it again under the exact same circumstances.


Without mobility, i ran for 28.7, 28.6 and 28.7 seconds (an average of 28.67 seconds)

With mobility, i ran for 26.1, 26.0 and 26.2 seconds (an average of 26.1 seconds)


So using these averages, i ran approximately 9% faster with mobility!


Again, the fact that i didn't measure a full 10% increase in speed was probably due to human error. But nonetheless, there was definitely an increase in speed of around 10%, showing that Mobility does work!


It'd be good if anyone else could confirm these results by timing a run of their own :)

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I tried running timed runs, but... on a much smaller area, which wasn't so smart looking back it. Longer stretch like you did would be better.


But thanks for taking all that time to measure it, and confirm it indeed does work.


So, let's add it to 1.8.2 what say you all? :cool:

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I tried running timed runs, but... on a much smaller area, which wasn't so smart looking back it. Longer stretch like you did would be better.


But thanks for taking all that time to measure it, and confirm it indeed does work.


So, let's add it to 1.8.2 what say you all? :cool:


No problem, glad i could help!


Well i'd like to see Mobility included in 1.8.2 (the more cut content restored, the better)! Now that i know it works, i'll probably pick this feat again in a future 1.8.2 playthrough!

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I am not so sure that the Mobility feat is something that the game needs restored actually.


It doesn't really bring anything meaningful. As feat, it is so underwhelming that people can't even notice weather it is working or not without specific tests. The impact on the game is neglectable: who is interested in a feat that allows to run a 10% faster? Not to mention that it feels a duplication of the Burst of Speed Jedi Power.


So, in the end, I would say no to its inclusion in 1.8.2.

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I am not so sure that the Mobility feat is something that the game needs restored actually.


It doesn't really bring anything meaningful. As feat, it is so underwhelming that people can't even notice weather it is working or not without specific tests. The impact on the game is neglectable: who is interested in a feat that allows to run a 10% faster? Not to mention that it feels a duplication of the Burst of Speed Jedi Power.


So, in the end, I would say no to its inclusion in 1.8.2.


Don't like it? Don't use it. The way I see it the more restored content the better.

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