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Interview with zbyl2 on PC Gamer

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Good article, but July 26 hasn't happened yet.


Edit: didn't realize that, thanks HK

Edited by Dan

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Good article, but July 26 hasn't happened yet.


Statement: I almost agreed with you, but it has on the other side of the world (opposite of U.S.) as of this post.


Statement: Liked the interview.

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Awesome zbyl! Thanks for mentioning me and the rest of the team. Makes me feel all gooey inside and wish I had a bigger role... but I'm happy with what I contributed :). I'm excited to share the article!

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That is so coool! First time I have seen TSLRCM referenced anywhere outside of the usual sites like ModDB, Wookiepedia, and LF. Go Zbyl!!!

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Hey Zbyl2 . . . so that's what your name is . . . .

Well, "Zbyl" is short for "Zbigniew" so you sort of always knew my name ;P Though I can see how anyone that isn't Polish wouldn't figure that out.


Thanks for mentioning me and the rest of the team.

How could I not mention a whole team? You guys are awesome ;P


Off to read it myself.

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