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"Taris citizens no longer pose as Mauraders or Lords."


Can someone please elaborate on this?


How similar is this fix to what is done in VP's Trayus Rank Reform?



Similar in the sense that they're no longer Taris Sith Citizens I guess.


I believe the differences are that in TSLRCM, the Sith Marauders use the appearance of the Sith Apprentices from Kotor1. Mine use a reskin model sort of dealio.

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Almost done with my first pthrough as a LS male, and it may have been my most enjoyable run to date. Thank you for this amazing mod.


One question, though.

I'm currently cruising around Trayus academy, but I can't find my party members. Aren't they supposed to be in the prison cells in which you also find the dead Jedi? (I entered the trayus Crescent)


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Almost done with my first pthrough as a LS male, and it may have been my most enjoyable run to date. Thank you for this amazing mod.


One question, though.

I'm currently cruising around Trayus academy, but I can't find my party members. Aren't they supposed to be in the prison cells in which you also find the dead Jedi? (I entered the trayus Crescent)


Look through all of the cells.

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Ah thx guys, found them at long last :P the mod's truly impressive, after all these years it finally made sense. Cheers

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HK factory:

It's pretty great. But are those 2 HK-50s I fight right before going to the second level supposed to be 4 levels above me? And, I'm curious, how was that even accomplished?



What was the rationale behind sticking the stuff from pcdead2.dlg after the Carth and Bastila scene? Wasn't that dialogue meant for an earlier scene, where the crew would be despairing over the apparent death of the Exile? As the filename suggests.


I found it somewhat jarring to hear Atton wish that he'd never met the Exile, when in my playthrough they're best buds, 100 influence, and Atton was only just thanking the Exile for everything he'd taught him (after facing the temple on Dxun).

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Made some tweaks to the Kreia-Atris cutscene, let me know what you guys think;

Made some minor tweaks, and a few (2) additional lines got added there... what'dya think?

Also, able to identify the new lines and other changes anyone? :P

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There is not a lot of camera position changes. Also, why not pan across the Holocrons when Kreia first mentions them?

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Agreed with SH. Although, the first 30 seconds to a minute are soo good that they remind me of a scene from an epic movie.


Not too many ideas on how to map out the rest if the conversation, unfortunately. Perhaps a few closeups or back and forth/over the shoulder to more involve the audience?


(Okay, so a few ideas)../ Specifically to have Kreia walk all of the way to Atris by the time she says "Who are you" the second time, since Atris seems to be looking at her, by her inflection. The side shot of the two of them that you have already would work nicely for that purpose.

Also it seems that they are going back and forth in their conversation after that line, so having the cameras also go back and forth between actors might work.

Also, in the last few sentences, Kreia talking of the exile would look even more personal with a head-and-shoulders shot or closeup of Kreia's face. (Or movie-style extreme-closeup of her nose and mouth a-la-Sidious)


These are just my inputs for the camera placement, though. The dialogue is well done and sounds natural, and the sound and mood are quite appropriate. (Although, I haven't played enough to see ALL of your changes ;) ) Good stuff, HH :) !

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I've tried adding more camera changes, but it really doesn't work, it looks much better this way as Obsidian had set it up, with as few camerachanges as possible. Probably taking out that side-shot of Atris as she thinks aswell actually...


@ Hegirae; The focus/proficiency icons are already fixed with TSLRCM (through the feat.2da rather than dozens of icons in override, much cleaner IMO). It's unlike the others will be included.

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Some lines that not available


First conversation with Atris

Atris: So... it is as I suspected. You have already done enough. The dead Jedi, the murders - you have much to answer for, monster. 

Player: I have nothing to answer for.

Missing line: Atris: Does it? Or are these more lies you speak?



Player: Is that what that Jedi who died for you did?

Atton: Yeah... even though she was lying to me. She woke me up, inside. I'm still trying to sort it out.

This line should be active if player convince Atton that female Jedi had tricked him.


Exile's trial

Missing line: We must let him/her go there. That is our only chance to know what has happened, and what the future holds. 

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Checked them all out, the first 2 are triggerable ingame.

The second is indeed a deleted alternative, which doesn't make much sense if put back in.

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I've tried adding more camera changes, but it really doesn't work, it looks much better this way as Obsidian had set it up, with as few camerachanges as possible. Probably taking out that side-shot of Atris as she thinks aswell actually...


Sorry a bit late in replying. (Had to put on my thinkin' cap a bit on this one..) If you are trying to limit camera angles, then perhaps the scene will appear less static if Kreia walks up earlier in the scene (basically when Atris says "Who are you" the second time; since she seems actually able to see her at this point. Although perhaps a simple rotation toward Kreia on Atris' part could be sufficient at which point Kreia would then start walking toward her to continue her speech)


However, I still believe two isolated shots of Kreia and Atris will still be necessary when they have their back-and-forth conversation taking place after Kreia is beside Atris. (Hopefully by this point, Kreia has reached Atris, and is beside her)

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Checked them all out, the first 2 are triggerable ingame.

Are you sure?
This line is triggerable {A little soft}Yeah... she woke me up, inside. I'm still trying to sort it out.
This one is not, since previous line is missing condition {A little angry}Yeah... even though she was lying to me. She woke me up, inside. I'm still trying to sort it out.
Player: I have nothing to answer for.
This line leds right to this  "It was too much to hope that you may have come here to finally admit the Council was right".
Atris: Does it? Or are these more lies you speak? This line never triggers

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Right... I fixed the Atton thing, but not sure if that Atris line makes much sense there (Does it? Does what? Do you would make sense but it doesn't say that)



Spoke too soon. There's no ingame global used to keep track of which ending Atton ended with, it solely depends on the PC's choices made when converting him, so it's not actually possible to really check upon it. I figured I might use DS PC, but of course due to high/low influence unlocking stuff, that's not a good indicator either. So, in the end, no, it wont make TSLRCM :/

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Out of curiosity, does anything different happen if I do not "repair" the damaged HK protocol droid at the Telos military base and instead repair him later as HK before I enter the sublevel?

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