ancient46 12 Posted October 19, 2013 I do not have any mods that are not in the compatible thread installed. I have encountered some problems in the kinrath cave. I lose the ability to move the Exile after combat. It happens a lot if I try to have him move before the end combat music plays which seems to lag in the cave. I can switch to another character and the Exile follows. He will also run to the next combat but I cannot move him after. F4, F5 fixes the problem so it is only an annoyance. There is no discernable lag outside the cave, only inside. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ormans 0 Posted October 20, 2013 Hello, i apologize in advance if this has already been reported but after installing 1.0b patch+TSLRCM 1.8.2+M4-78 mod, the Kotor 2 logo in the menu screen was replaced with a white square O_o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted October 20, 2013 @ ancient; Just a generic engine issue, probably notice it in the cave due to the smoke effects there (and thus less performance) @ Ormans; That's usually indicative of a defective install, putting TSLRCM into the override, rather than the root folder. If so, you should re-install TSL and TSLRCM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ormans 0 Posted October 20, 2013 Mh, but is it posssible that this kind of things happen,although i leave everything to the .exe? I'll try to be more clear: i haven't changed the destination folder or else, i just activate the TSLRCM+M4-78 executives and let all the work to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maeve4444 0 Posted October 20, 2013 Hi - this is minor issue but it does crash the game and I thought you'd want to know. First, some background on me: I'm an old lady who likes gaming and new at using mods as I was afraid they would mess up my computer and/or the game. Now I am trusting them more (Skryim really helped me trust mods) and have been using Gibbed for Mass Effect 2 & 3. Now back to KOTOR2 and TSLRCM -- This is my second play through and first with TSLRCM 1.8.2. My system is Vista and I am a Steam player, TSLRCM 1.8.2 is only mod installed. I attached the saved game files as a .zip file (wasn't sure if you need them all or not) so that you could repeat the crash. THE BUG: My inventory includes a Jedi Tunic which looks like the Vogga Dancer outfit. For fun, I was going to equip Desciple with it. When I clicked on the Jedi Tunic the game crashed. I reloaded and tried with Atton - same thing, game crashed with I clicked on Jedi Tunic. Note: Dancer outfit has red outline in inventory list, meaning character can't equip (doesn't meet requirement). OTHER INFO: Orginally I had the 90SK and Skip Peragus along with TSLRCM 1.6 installed. The Jedi Tunic I believe orginially came from 90SK and looked like Bastila's robe. All was running ok until leaving Enclave on Dantooine and crashed with fighting Gerevick. Problem there was Gerevick was "invisible" from start of Dantooine and when he'd die the game crashed. I figured something was incapatible and Googled some more. That's when I found your site with latest version and information. Bottom line - I started fresh with config noted above and loaded save at beginning of Dantooine (first place I went after Telos). All the robes from 90SK where there but "white" (no picture just a blank shape) except the Jedi Tunic, which now looked like the Dancer outfit. 000025 - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maeve4444 0 Posted October 20, 2013 FYI - I just experienced the exact same thing noted in Edit 3 of Kainzorus Prime's post. Think I killed all the droids at that point so didn't matter what setting I did there. Oops -- attached wrong save. Don't think it will matter for the crash but here is the exact point in game where I tried to equip Jedi Tunic on male party member and crashed game. 000000 - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maeve4444 0 Posted October 21, 2013 Hi - ran across another glitch. Location; Dxun - B13 Cache; When accessing Foreman Droid the game does not recognize party member's (G0T0) computer skill of 30 and looks to Exile's skill instead (Jedi Consular with computer skill of 1). Attached the game save files. I thought I saw in the read-me that similar issue was fixed for using workbench somewhere (didn't double check read-me for this post). I used KSE to set Exile's skill high to 30 and was able to complete. I don't like cheating too much so I reset Exile back to computer skill 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted October 21, 2013 @ Ormans; No that should not be happening. Odd. Does the game load properly? Do you see notions that TSLRCM is installed ingame? @ Maeve4444; Yeah, that crash would be the old mods work, not TSLRCM. Some dialogues force the PC as user, some of them just use the currently controlled PC. Would seem the Foreman Droid is one of the first mentioned? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maeve4444 0 Posted October 21, 2013 Possibly the Foreman Droid is meant to be a reward for computer skill with Exile vice using party members in vanilla game BTW - awesome work on the mod and the forum; along with keeping it maintained. I haven't made it all the way through yet and can't wait to see difference compared to vanilla game. (Don't know how someone can do 4 play throughs in a weekend!!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted October 25, 2013 Another minor glitch - during the arrival on Nar Shaddaa, when everyone is gathered around the holographic display in the main hold, Bao Dur is hellbent on using the repair/use computer panel animation on thin air, rather than stand normally like everyone else. Fixed. Edit: Found a hilarious glitch during the bit where Visas arrives on the Hawk - if you run to the opposite side of the ship and interact with the unconscious party members, their bodies will rotate on the floor to face you. Additionally, Bao Dur's body actually speaks to you. "Yet this time there were no reinforcements on either side (...)". Also fixed Edit 2: In Visquis' Stronghold, after he's killed and Goto zaps the exile with lightning from the floor, the lightsaber humming sounds persists into the following cutscene with Kreia and Hanharr. Also, as that cutscene starts, Visquis can be seen collapsing again. Can't reproduce the lightsaber sound, as for Visquis falling, it's masked by the first shot being of the door leading up to arena. It can be skipped though, and if you do that fast enough you can see Visquis fall yeah. Not enough reason to make it unskippable in my book though. Edit 3: On Goto's Yacht, when accessing any command console and Droid Control menu, there are two lines saying Run Basic Diagnostic. One is the actual diagnostic, other sets the droids to defend organics. Note that the line is different from the Overload command. The second diagnostic says "Droids set to protect. All guests on board when the order was issued will be defended." Can't reproduce. And I tried, oh, I tried. Did fix some other issues that came up testing that; * If you turn over shield from secondary to primary AFTER shutting down primary the Zhugs will actually spawn now. * If the player overloads the droids now after the bounty hunters spawn, the droids will properly reset to hostile if made friendly, as per the description. But yeah, can't get any double basic diagnosis here... Also, looking at your NPC mod, I noticed the Nar Shaddaa Kinrath droid, and agree, so fixed him too. Since you're pretty thorough (yay!), anything else that you noticed I can do something about? EDIT: Tried looking at the Droid Foreman too, but his user-script couldn't be de-compiled, so not much I could do there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted October 26, 2013 Before the next post is submitted, please review the new requirements for bug reporting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted October 27, 2013 Theres a bug on the Harbinger with Darth Sion's breakout of the Kolto tank attack on Republic Soldier recording being blacked out. The video playback doesn't play. All I get is a black screen and when its over I see the Republic soldier standing their next to the Kolto tank with Sion still in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted October 27, 2013 Not a TSLRCM bug. You seem to have a LOT of mod-conflict issues... maybe it's time to use less mods? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted October 27, 2013 Well theres Jinger's Admiralty Mod with patch along with Warp And Cheat Band 1.2, Ultimate Appearance Mod 4.0, Ultimate Personal Items 1.1, Bao-Dur's Charged Armor, Armored_Robes_v1.2 by DARTH DARKUS, and the files from USM that will make Kreia have a lightsaber during her fight with Sion on the Harbinger. Is it the Jingers Admiralty Mod that is doing it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted October 27, 2013 Eradicator, you've missed the new rule. Amend your previous post with the required information. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sELFiNDUCEDcOMA 98 Posted November 3, 2013 Hello, I have an issue that I'm trying to track down as to what is causing it: my own mod work, TSLRCM or just an outstanding game bug -- or maybe the widescreen fixed EXE I'm using. Basically the issue is that the Harbinger appears and disappears when you load up a save game. To be more clear, if you play the Peragus levels everything appears to trigger just fine, however, if you are in the admin command area prior to the Harbinger appearing, and save the game and then load it up. The Harbinger appears through the windows already docked. But, if you are at a point where the Harbinger has arrived and docked and then save and load up that save game, the Harbinger disappears. I haven't tested this further yet to see if it reappears if you save and load again or keep on playing through and come to a point where you can see the Harbinger again to see if it reappears or not. All I know for certain is that this bug was around before I started touching any of the module files in that I first noticed it when testing out the Harbinger textures I was working on. At first I thought it had to do with an issue where if the texture is too big and has alpha / spec present, you will be dumped to your desktop on the end of the initial Harbinger arrival movie playing and before the in-game Harbinger docking cutscene plays out. Sorry if this has been raised before elsewhere: there are a lot of threads for this mod and searching for this particular issue is of no help. Plus, unless you are repeatedly loading up save games specifically to test things to do with the Harbinger, then it is very likely that this may not have been reported yet. Hopefully this has been experienced before or someone else might be able to recreate the conditions to see if it appears or not -- otherwise I'll try a re-install later on to test it out. Also, if anyone knows what might be the issue or what "controls" whether the Harbinger appears or not, so that I can work on a script for this. I would appreciate hearing it as I don't know the files as well as some do and so far I haven't had any luck pinpointing it . EDIT: the best I can figure is that it is controlled via an animation controller object within 104per, but, not certain how these are used as I haven't found any info on them yet. -- SIC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 3, 2013 Is this outside (104per)? If so, already fixed for 1.8.3. Or do you mean inside (101per)? If so, I haven't noticed anything happening, but I could check it out... EDIT: All looks fine to me in 101... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kennen00 0 Posted November 4, 2013 Hello. I have a couple issues with the mod. First, whenever a cutscene plays, there is no sound. Secondly, when I talk to anyone, it will skip their dialogue and go straight to my respnose. I have no other mods installed. Thank you for helping me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted November 4, 2013 Hello. I have a couple issues with the mod. First, whenever a cutscene plays, there is no sound. Secondly, when I talk to anyone, it will skip their dialogue and go straight to my respnose. I have no other mods installed. Thank you for helping me. For the skipping dialog, save and reload, see if the issue is still there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 4, 2013 And the movie issue is the exact same one, so it will work for that too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sELFiNDUCEDcOMA 98 Posted November 4, 2013 Is this outside (104per)? If so, already fixed for 1.8.3. Or do you mean inside (101per)? If so, I haven't noticed anything happening, but I could check it out... EDIT: All looks fine to me in 101... I first noticed it when I saved after the Harbinger arrived and I was outside on the exterior walkway in 104per. Second time was after the Harbinger arrived and I had moved on to a point where I was back within the facility and could look outside to see the Harbinger docked from within 101per. In both cases the Harbinger had disappeared on loading the save game. The last time I noticed was different, I had played from the beginning again (as it only took 10 minutes to get to where I needed to be) and had saved within the admin area overseeing where the Harbinger would eventually be docked within 101per. On the 3 or 4 reload it hit me that the Harbinger was not supposed to be visible. I reloaded from an earlier save and the Harbinger was not there but upon saving and reloading, it was again. I dunno, is the fix you created for the Harbinger just supposed to work within 104per or will it work no matter where you are? If its global to Peragus then chances are you fixed it anyway, otherwise, I'll have to install a fresh copy on my notebook to see if I can recreate it there and find the culprit if there is any. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 4, 2013 The fix is only for 104 (an error in a script there). As far as I can tell it works fine in 101... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malinoric 0 Posted November 15, 2013 When I was digging around the dialog files, I noticed a small inconsistency in T3-M4. For the third repair upgrade you only need 30 or 70 influence as opposed to 20 or 80, which is used in the third computer upgrade. I doubt it makes any difference at all, given how incredibly easy it is to get influence with T3-M4, but I figured I'd mention it anyway. Thanks for all the work on this excellent restoration. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 15, 2013 Nice checking there But yeah, it doesn't really matter much, and the final upgrade for both combined still needs more, so I will leave it as is... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danil-ch 68 Posted November 18, 2013 Noticed one inconvenience during lightsaber training. When Kreia orders you to attack Visas using only One-Handed Weapon, she says "because may no always have your right hand" refering to hand that she lost. The thing is, she lost left hand. Maybe it's nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites