Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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Well...since I have no idea when it'll be released since there is no release date, anyone know how much of a difference there'll be over TSLRCM 1.7? Just trying to figure out if it's worth the wait. :)

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Damn, looks like a lot of new stuff, i'll just wait. TSLRCM doesnt incorporate the droid planet or any of the G0T0 stuff, right? It DOES incorporate the tobin vs nihilius cutscene though? Wish i could figure out what this patch WONT have lol! :D

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Did you notice the author?

Do you know who made TSLRCM?


Then the answer should be clear ;)


Yeah, they're in.


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Did you notice the author?

Do you know who made TSLRCM?


Then the answer should be clear ;)


Yeah, they're in.



Ah, you are a wise man. :blink: Helped me get rid of a few different mods all by the same person lol. Am I allowed to ask which mods will conflict with TSLRCM in this thread, or should I take it to the other thread (not sure if it is still used)? :help: Is TSLRCM typically installed last after all the other mods?


Thanks again! It's pretty sweet people are still developing for this game. Wonder how different it'll be now than when I played it upon release.

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Am I allowed to ask which mods will conflict with TSLRCM in this thread, or should I take it to the other thread (not sure if it is still used)? :help: Is TSLRCM typically installed last after all the other mods?


When TSLRCM 1.7 was released, here's how we worked it out. If you did't find the mod you wish to find (to dtermine whether it is compatible with TSLRCM) listed in this thread, the player would ask about it in this other thread. However, the information about the compatibility was often provided by the players as the makers of TSLRCM can't test every mod out there. Expect new - but separate - compatibility threads for TSLRCM 1.8, once it is released.


Is TSLRCM typically installed last after all the other mods?

It's installed first.

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It's usually installed first.

Fixed that for you.


But yeah, take a look through the discussion thread. If not listed there, feel free to ask there. Probably a better place than here, even if this thread is just build of mostly random stuff that became "hot" rather than a real topic...

(So it's mostly just to help other users who also look for compatibility and might find it thus in the proper thread)

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It's a definitely a better place than here, even if this thread is just build of mostly random stuff that became "hot" rather than a real topic...


Fixed that for you. :P

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Also, if anyone knows any other issues that are frequently asked (say, a FAQ) do mention it...

Probably expanding that section of the readme some more...

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Well I finished my 1.7 playthrough, pretty awesome. Slighly confused about some aspects though - near the end, when you can decide to gas your party members or not, that seems odd. Especially since Kreia talks about them even if you kill them. And I had to kill them in order to retain my dark side mastery bonus. You'd think it wouldn't be a light side action to free them if you're keeping them to be your dark minions... still, I really loved playing the cut content, the droid factory was really well done. Now back to waiting.

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You could just ignore the console, if you want them to live (though no post-Kreia scenes involving them).


Also, the talking about the dead issue should be fixed for 1.8...

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Well I finished my 1.7 playthrough, pretty awesome. Slighly confused about some aspects though - near the end, when you can decide to gas your party members or not, that seems odd. Especially since Kreia talks about them even if you kill them. And I had to kill them in order to retain my dark side mastery bonus. You'd think it wouldn't be a light side action to free them if you're keeping them to be your dark minions... still, I really loved playing the cut content, the droid factory was really well done. Now back to waiting.


I can remember there being a debate along those lines some time ago, concerning such consideration of motive...

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Well, I should have my PC back wednesday... so then I can continue on testing 1.8...

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Well, it took 2 weeks. But now I have my PC back. So I can finally continue on with the 1.8 testing. Sadly, wasn't even half-ways.

Turned out both my CPU and Motherboard died. Cost; 264 euro. That was, if it wasn't in warranty. Fortunately. Can't spend that much right now! Only had to pay 70 euro, but that wasn't for repairs but new hardware I wanted in (watercooling). It's so hot out here. This should help.


But enough of me and my problem now... it's time for showing off of TSLRCM 1.8 goodie.

(If the pics don't show... return later... seems the pic site has some issues atm :/)


We started off with finding a damaged T3 unit in some pipelines, asking HK-50 about it...




Leaving Peragus for dead we decided to add some of our own kills on Telos, using the "Corrun Falt" sidequest restored in 1.7



Killing the Tank Droid gives a cool item. One for the droids headslot. Do note these didn't drop before 1.8 due to an error in the random loot script...



On Nar Shaddaa I noticed there are lines I haven't even heard yet in TSL. It's subtitle doesn't match the text quite in this screenshot, which has since been fixed...



In the cantina a pazaak player thought he had me using a tiebreaker to make 20. Take this sucker.

For new people to pazaak you can look forward to some updates in the quest log of pazaak rules, to clarify some changes to rules OE made (and are confirmed by OE developers to be infact intended and not bugs), but were still listing original KOTOR Pazaak rules there instead.



Before blowing up Goto's Ship I could still take a glance out of the window... what could this mean? I don't know ;)


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Glad to hear that you are back. I hope there wont be anymore setbacks and problems. Good luck.

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Is that the improved Ebon Hawk window mod incorporated in to RCM!?


I always thought the tank droid should have loot, that's awesome.

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Welcome back on the road to testing, HH!


I am surprised that you felt the need of water cooling for your PC due to temperature conditions where you live. Aren't you in the Netherlands?

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This will be a great update to TSLRCM. I like the screenshots too.


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I'm thinking the "Masked Attacker" on Telos who wasn't actually masked before.

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This masked attacker thing never made sense to me. I mean, a random duros attacks you, you kill him and except for the free XP and loot (if you're lucky) you get nothing else. No new dialogs with Czerka guys or the Duros brothers or somebody on Nar Shaddaa, nothing. Isn't there supposed to be more here?

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