Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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Then it's just as I thought, this approach works perfectly. It's even a little more flexible than I had imagined. Most certainly much better than anything I could reproduce with my ultimately limited source material and equipment.


I highly recommend the staff just use this instead then. It's just.. stupid not to. I can still send you all the sounds effects I've made so far, in case you ever find a purpose for it.


My services are still available for anything else, of course. I would gladly help you guys with other stuff.

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Actually, the cutscene still needs tweaking... From bigger tweaks, like replacing Kreia's model to have both hands, to further missing sound effects such as Sion's footsteps (more quiet than nihilus' but still present), this boom sound effect when the Dark Kreia theme starts playing, and there's another missing sound right after Kreia is thrown on the ground. All these are more or less minor though. There's also this weird gap in sound right after Kreia's force pushed by Nihilus, not sure why it's there.

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Sion's footsteps (more quiet than nihilus' but still present),

I'd need to know if they would need a small sample that can be looped like normal walking sounds, or a larger one that matches the entire scene. The latter could take a while to make.


Also, it brings up another point I've thought about before: is Nihilus walking sound in-game? I made my own version of his 'heavy-boots' walking sound, for the short sequence where he walks over the camera and you hear his cape flapping.


this boom sound effect when the Dark Kreia theme starts playing

Hadn't noticed it until now. It's sounds like a gong with some kind of wavey pass over it. But the music also sounds a little louder during it, so it would probably have to be added to the music track itself.



and there's another missing sound right after Kreia is thrown on the ground.

Which time, after the force push or after Sion strangles her?

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I don't know whether his walking sounds are in the game, I mean, they don't play in the original ingame cutscene, the ones in the fixed cutscene are added from the movie.


As for the gong sound: that's what I was thinking. Do you think you could find a similar sound for that? I made sure that the theme starts playing just as Kreia says u-NI-ted, having that boom in there would be great.


After Sion beats her, there's this sound effect that I don't even know how to describe it, it plays when Kreia says "cast down".

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I don't know whether his walking sounds are in the game, I mean, they don't play in the original ingame cutscene, the ones in the fixed cutscene are added from the movie.

Hm. Well either way I can recreate one if it is needed. Same goes for Sion.


As for the gong sound: that's what I was thinking. Do you think you could find a similar sound for that? I made sure that the theme starts playing just as Kreia says u-NI-ted, having that boom in there would be great.

Easily. It needs that swell in volume on the music side of it as well though. Get me the track of music you planned on including in the sequence, and I'll add the missing effects to it.

Edit: Actually, I need to make sure we're talking about the same thing (if you can send me the stretch of music you need, let me know the exact timing where it starts).


After Sion beats her, there's this sound effect that I don't even know how to describe it, it plays when Kreia says "cast down".

Wow, very nicely spotted! It's barely audible, but it sounds a little like a very light airy/windy version of Force Valor. I think I can recreate it.

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The above attachment has all the files for the cutscene, in case anyone wants to check it out. ThatDearGuy, the Dark Traya theme starts on 0:23.

Edited by bead-v

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Guys, you do realize that if you haven't told us about those bugs with the sounds, we would have never noticed them. Hell, I don't notice them even now! So could I offer you to concentrate on more important stuff like the M4-78 Enhancement Mod? The last version of TSLRCM basically fixes some minor bugs so it's not that important, right?

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Guys, you do realize that if you haven't told us about those bugs with the sounds, we would have never noticed them. Hell, I don't notice them even now! So could I offer you to concentrate on more important stuff like the M4-78 Enhancement Mod? The last version of TSLRCM basically fixes some minor bugs so it's not that important, right?


Have you seen the changelog? It's huge. Also, I'm not part of any programming team, so really nobody is wasting any time on this. I'm just a sound editor.

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The above download has all the files for the cutscene, in case anyone wants to check it out. ThatDearGuy, the Dark Traya theme starts on 0:23.

I'm gonna try fixing that transition after Kreia is force pushed as well, it sounds quite bad.


Just wanted to point out that mp3's will introduce noticeable quality loss if after my editing pass they are re-encoded again. It might be best if you use bink tools to extract .wavs instead.

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Guys, you do realize that if you haven't told us about those bugs with the sounds, we would have never noticed them. Hell, I don't notice them even now! So could I offer you to concentrate on more important stuff like the M4-78 Enhancement Mod? The last version of TSLRCM basically fixes some minor bugs so it's not that important, right?


And this is the TSLRCM team, not all the same people are working on the M4-78EP team (I don't think).

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Two handed model doesn't have proper animations.

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Two handed model doesn't have proper animations.


(in best Darth Sidious voice)


I will make it legal.

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TSLRCM before the Kreia mod.

Unless it's somehow decided hereby we include it anyways, which I would strongly support :)

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Question though, which Kreia model has the animations we're looking for? I could go search for them, but I'm lazy :P

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Well, it should be.... in the final fight, the Exile is supposed to cut off Kreia's remaining hand. That's why she uses the purple lightsabers.

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Have you seen the changelog? It's huge. Also, I'm not part of any programming team, so really nobody is wasting any time on this. I'm just a sound editor.

Yeah, I've seen the changelog. Have you seen what's done in 1.8? Besides, a sound editor might be useful in the M4-78 mod. Maybe add different "voices" for the droids we can talk to on the planet and stuff like that, idk.


And this is the TSLRCM team, not all the same people are working on the M4-78EP team (I don't think).

But they could work on it and it will be done much faster :blink:

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It's not enough for you that I do this out of my own free time and initiative, you wish to decide where it is spend as well? I'm sorry, but I'm just ever so slightly stunned at such impeccable selfishness.

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Jeez everybody take a breather. I just care about the fact it will be a great mod when it DOES come finally out. Not what the modders do in their free time...

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Jeez everybody take a breather. I just care about the fact it will be a great mod when it DOES come finally out. Not what the modders do in their free time...


Agreed. This is TSLRCM, one of the most important mods in the history of modding. There's no reason to argue over the work of a volunteer.

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Hehe, it's like the old TSLRP forums again, just no life threatening messages.


I'm playing through TSLRCM for the first time for the purpose of testing a mod. Before now, I had based the mod off of some trailers I had seen on YouTube, and I wasn't a big fan of what I was seeing. For the first time in a while, T3-M4 beeped during the introduction to Telos, instead of the game skipping over his dialog. That's so cool to me. Not sure why. Just wanted to say that I appreciated all the work done on this mod as I continue my playthrough. Wish you the best of luck in 1.8.

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