
New Robes for TSL

How many robes should i make?  

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  1. 1. How many Robes should I make for my mod??

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Hi guys, I am starting up my own mod for New SWKotOR2: TSL robes. I am going to make new robes for the game, not replacing the original robes. I would like to know if I can have any help in making this mod. I will need to know how to convert it into a download because at the moment I don't know how to do that.

I appreciate any help that I can get.

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Are you gonna re-skin the robe models that are already in the game or are you gonna create new ones (which seems kinda impossible)?

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I'm not sure. Which would be easier?

Edited by Ninko

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Ok, so is it possible to copy one of the skins and make new skins from that one?

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DeadMan isn't your mod basically a reskin of the original robes? It is cool, but I'm 80% sure that that is the only robe model in the game. Haven't played it in a while, still waiting for the big mods here to be finished, so that's where the 20% uncertainty comes from.

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Would anyone be willing to give me a hand on it?

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I think - seeing that you started this thread - that perhaps you should at least make the attempt to show some work before requesting help.


At the very least, tell us which robe you'd like to reskin first and explain what you'd change about it.

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Deadman's mod is indeed new models and skins.

Hmmm, seems like I was wrong then.

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Well I have now made a few new robes. I have also decided that I wont re-skin the robes, I might try to re-skin one, but it seems fairly hard.


These are what I have added so far.


Revans Robe (OLD) - The robe that Revan wore while traveling with Bastila Shan.

Revans Mask (OLD) - The mask that Revan wore while traveling with Bastila Shan.

Sith Robe - A robe that the sith wear, once they are no longer an apprentice.

Sith Lord Robe - The robe that only the Lord of the Sith can wear.

Sith Marauder Robe - The robe that only a Sith Marauder can wear.

Sith Assassin Robe - The robe that only a Sith Assassin wears.


I will also be adding the three Jedi Robes. e.g. Jedi Watchman, Jedi Master and the other one.


Let me know if you like the them and if there is anything I should probably take out.

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Let me know if you like the them and if there is anything I should probably take out.


Pictures of these would be helpful so folks could make opinions. I suggest showing in the pictures the before and after views of the robes so we can see what was changed.

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Pictures of these would be helpful so folks could make opinions. I suggest showing in the pictures the before and after views of the robes so we can see what was changed.


I can't work out how to take a screenshot, it would be helpful if someone let me know. Also what do you mean by Before and After? because I haven't re-skinned any robes because I don't know how to yet.

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I can't work out how to take a screenshot, it would be helpful if someone let me know. Also what do you mean by Before and After? because I haven't re-skinned any robes because I don't know how to yet.


One way to take a screenshot, is to use the PrintScreen button on your keyboard (while in game) The files will be saved in the .TGA format in the main Kotor program folder. To upload or view them, you'll have to convert them to .JPEG format via whatever program you use. (I know Photoshop works for me, but maybe there are others that can read .TGAs)


On another note, to reskin a robe, you have to open the applicable .TGA file and edit it in your program. You have to ultimately save it as a .TGA after you are finished editing it.

Most editing programs function similar to Photoshop, but if you don't know where to start in editing, or don't know how to use Photoshop, there are tons of tutorials on the internet and across Lucasforums (See: Hollowan Labs)




I hope I haven't insulted you if you completely know how to edit the textures and are actually remodeling the robes. If that is the case, the hollowan link above also has tutorials on model skinning.

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Ok thanks Malkoir. Just thought I would say, I'm using GIMP 2.8.0 for any re-skinning I do. How would I do it using that?




And you didn't insult me. I have no idea how to re-skin.

I have found out how to use it in GIMP now

Edited by Ninko

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I'm using GIMP 2.8.0 for any re-skinning I do. How would I do it using that?


Gimp actually works very similar to Photoshop, except that Photoshop has a different user interface.


One of the most important things you need to know, is how you work in layers so that you don't have to start over if you make a mistake or don't like your result. In fact, my best advice to you, is to make a new layer for every major change you make to the image and LABEL your layers so that you can find them easily. There are a few tutorials about the net that give you the basics of Gimp use; I found this one via google Gimp Basics List There is also a breakdown of how to do layers there as well. I would suggest that you use the links at your own discretion, but the Youtube ones are almost 100% safe and those already include all you would need to retexture.

(Ironically the main GIMP website is down, though)


You can also hopefully find tutorials through a google search as well; though once again, you have to enter websites at your own discretion, but enough about that...



Personally, what I do to retexture is to either run a couple of filters to change the color or to paint a layer over the existing one and change its blending mode, but I'm sure you will develop your own system.


I also make sure to have references in order to keep my work looking consistent with canon and the look I'm trying to convey.


If you need any assistance or tips, feel free to PM me in the meantime.




I personally am also interested in what ideas you have for the robes. Could you maybe post a few of the reference images and ideas you have?

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I personally am also interested in what ideas you have for the robes. Could you maybe post a few of the reference images and ideas you have?


I will not be able to post any Images until the weekend. (It's Monday now) Because KotOR and TSL are not on my computer so I can't do any screenshots yet. I will eventually have some up here though. Also thanks for your help on GIMP.

Edited by Ninko

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I will not be able to post any Images until the weekend. (It's Monday now) Because KotOR and TSL are not on my computer so I can't do any screenshots yet. I will eventually have some up here though. Also thanks for your help on GIMP.


No Prob.

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Just wondering if there was another way to take a screenshot, besides the Print Screen button?

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Here's a lengthy explanation on how to get those screenshots from Æon's Advanced Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords FAQ:


How to get clean (HUD-free) screenshots in KotOR II?


Change: Clean screenshots are no longer possible in KotOR II (other than in First Person View).


In your KotOR II games folder there is a configuration file called "swkotor2.ini". You will need to edit in a text editor. In that file under the "[Game Options]" line add one more line: "EnableScreenShot=1" (without quotes), save the changed file (I hope you backupped it prior to editing!). Run KotOR II, during the game hit the Print-key (to the right of the F12-key). This will let you take an in-game screenshot of your on-screen action in tga format, alas *with* HUD.


Note: This will *not* work for any cut-scenes or Bink movies shown in the game! Use Fraps to screengrab the in-game cut-scenes.


If you can't use/convert TGA pictures, you'll not be able to do any skinning. It's one of the most basic requirements of re-skinning something.


I was wondering: was it a little premature to announce a work in progress thread, if you have not consulted any tutorials? You have a lot of questions about things but I'm not seeing a lot of ideas of what you wanted done other "it would be neat to have a lot of robes" and "I need a lot of help too!"


I recommend going here for starters . . . LucasForums' Skinning and Modelling Tutorial Section and then letting us know what's next.

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Here's a lengthy explanation on how to get those screenshots from Æon's Advanced Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords FAQ:




If you can't use/convert TGA pictures, you'll not be able to do any skinning. It's one of the most basic requirements of re-skinning something.


I was wondering: was it a little premature to announce a work in progress thread, if you have not consulted any tutorials? You have a lot of questions about things but I'm not seeing a lot of ideas of what you wanted done other "it would be neat to have a lot of robes" and "I need a lot of help too!"


I recommend going here for starters . . . LucasForums' Skinning and Modelling Tutorial Section and then letting us know what's next.


Ok well I didn't realise until a few days ago that I don't need help from other people on the mod. I only needed a few bits of information, after all, I'm still learning how to do all of this. And I already know hwo to convert a .TGA to a .JPEG /.JPG file

Edited by Ninko

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Ok well I didn't realise until a few days ago that I don't need help from other people on the mod. I only needed a few bits of information, after all, I'm still learning how to do all of this.


That's why I'm implying that it may have been premature to announce a work in progress thread. That's what I'm going with there. I'm not trying to be cruel when saying this, really!

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That's why I'm implying that it may have been premature to announce a work in progress thread. That's what I'm going with there. I'm not trying to be cruel when saying this, really!


Don't worry it's fine. When I get the chance to take some screenshots, I will put them up on this thread. But first I will have a go at skinning, if I do not succeed at doing the skinning, then I will just keep the normal robes and make new sorts of robes, but same textures, as the old ones.

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I would like to see an ROTS-Anakin style roble that looks like the Jedi Robe. All that would be needed is some recoloring. Maybe you could get some help from Achillies. His robe mod is great!

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