th3w1zard1 31 Posted October 2, 2024 @TrappedDean the relevant logs from your post (not fully complete) [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Movie-Style Rakatan Holograms Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\[K1]_Movie-Style_Rakatan_Holograms_v*.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Dark-Side Ending Cutscene Enhancement Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\[K1]_Dark_Side_Ending_Cutscene_Enhancement_v*.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Elder Droid Unique VO Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\[K1]_Legends_-_Elder_Droids_Unique_VO_v*.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ajunta Pall's Swords Revamped Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Ajunta*s Swords.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ajunta Pall's Blade Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\[K1]_Legends_Ajunta_Pall's_Blade_v*.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: JC's Mandalorian Armor Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\JC's Mandalorian Armor for K1 v*.zip] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Weapon Base Stats Rebalance Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Weapon Base Stats Re-balance K1.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Gaffi Stick Improvement Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Gaffi Stick] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Quarterstaff Replacement Pack Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\QSRPK1.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Dantooine Training Lightsabers Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\DantTrainingLS*.zip] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Logical Datapads Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Logical Datapads.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Realistic Visual Effects Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\visual_effects_k1.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: NPC Alignment Fix Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\NPC_Alignment_Fix*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance.7z] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: JC's Romance Enhancement: Pan-Galactic Flirting for K1 Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\JC's Romance Enhancement - Pan-Galactic Flirting for K1 v*.zip] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: JC's Romance Enhancement: Biromantic Bastila for K1 Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\JC's Romance Enhancement - Biromantic Bastila v*.zip] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ultimate Character Overhaul Patches Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\JC's Minor Fixes - Compatibility Patch*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ultimate Character Overhaul Patches Instruction #3: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\KOTOR 1 Community Patch - Compatibility Patch*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ultimate Character Overhaul Patches Instruction #5: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Republic Soldier's New Shade - Compatibility Patch*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ultimate Character Overhaul Patches Instruction #7: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Miscellaneous Compatibility Patches*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ultimate Character Overhaul Patches Instruction #11: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Better Twi'lek Male Heads - Compatibility Patch*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Name: Ultimate Character Overhaul Patches Instruction #13: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\JC's Mandalorian Armor - Compatibility Patch*.rar] [2024-09-14 20:40:26] [Error] Some components failed to validate. Check the output/console window for details. If you are seeing this as an end user you most likely need to whitelist KOTORModSync and HoloPatcher in your antivirus, or download the missing mods. you are simply missing some archives. ensure you downloaded everything and you set the Mod Directory correctly. It seems a lot of your missing archives are compatibility-patch-related. Those are usually part of Ultimate Character Overhaul. Check that download page again and ensure you have the compatibility patches you need downloaded. If you aren't sure, just literally download anything and everything you see on these mod pages and let ModSync figure it out. Broadly, when you are using ModSync, you should start by unchecking everything. Check one thing at a time only after verifying manually that you have the archive downloaded with the correct name. You can do a few at a time and press 'validate' so it'll be obvious which mods are having the issue. Generally, it is not recommended to blindly install everything, while modsync makes it easier it is still important to determine if you actually want the functionality a certain mod is offering... in many cases you may not need/want it. ModSync fully supports picking and choosing the mods you want to install within the list, providing full modularity. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MontyFromage 0 Posted November 14, 2024 There seems to be an issue with the .toml file pertaining to the Jedi From The Start mod. [ERROR] Name: Jedi from the Start Instruction #2: 'HoloPatcher' Issue: Destination cannot be found! Got '<>' [Error] Some components failed to validate. Check the output/console windows for details. If you are seeing this as an end user you most likely need to whitelist KOTORModSync and HoloPatcher in your antivirus, or download the missing mods. Within the .toml: [[thisMod]] Guid = "76a59a8a-44d5-467c-a3a7-46d20c654945" Name = "Jedi from the Start" Author = "darthbdaman" Description = "Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all of the tutorial messages and railroading, to create a more immersive opening experience." IsSelected = false ModLink = [""] Restrictions = ["ded317d1-09c1-477f-bef6-91d8a86132a8", "9b99ee39-b1a0-4045-a703-cc6d72e427dd"] InstallAfter = ["e782d4ee-4f65-4bc3-9c98-f372694d4582"] [[thisMod.Instructions]] Action = "Extract" Overwrite = true Source = ["<<modDirectory>>\\Jedi from the Start*.7z"] [[thisMod.Instructions]] Action = "HoloPatcher" Destination = "<>" Overwrite = true Arguments = "0" Source = ["<<modDirectory>>\\Jedi from the Start*\\installer.exe"] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sandmampfer 1 Posted February 16 Hi there! I just recently found this interesting tool and i am in love with it! 😍 When i compare the experience of using this bad boy and doing a full mod build installation by hand... Oh how many hours of my life i will never get back. 😢 I always get both - excited AND desperate - when i find another mod that might earn a spot in my permanent list, because i know it will most likely take a clean fresh reinstall and complete new mod setup to get it to run. And now - THIS! 🎉 Using the TOML fils you generously provided, installing the famous mod builds by snigaroo is a piece of cake! But there are some parts of the builds i would rather leave out and other mods i would love to add in. De-selecting a mod from the build is simple, but how do i add another one to the list? How do i add the installation instructions for KOTORModSync? (for both - simple override mods and TSLP/Holowan-Installer) I`m afraid my english isn´t good enough for self-teaching/learning by doing when it comes to the technical details of this tool. can someone explain to me, step by step, like I´m 5 how i can add new mods?😅😬 I would love to use this to create my own Mod build TOML to use and alter when needed in the future. Thanks in advance! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites