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Found 4 results

  1. jc2


    Version 1.7


    SHANILIA - THE Grey Jedi Merchant Includes TSLPATCHER installer! The mod includes new items, a new character, new dialogues options on Manaan. Shanilia is designed to be immersive and keep pace with the canon of that you create in kotor! She reacts to your decisions, she reacts to your alignment, she reacts to your gender. Shanilia isn’t a flat character with one emotion! She was written by two different writers to keep the flavor of realism! Content includes: New Robes, datapads with background information on Shanilia, a Jedi Holocron, and a few weapons! K1R compatible! INSTALL: Unzip, and run tslpatcher. Manual install, see readme. 1.6aa Removes K1R incompatible files, which are all the files that make up Resisting Arrest -DS Manaan. Simple remove "man26_selambush.dlg" from your override (If you have K1R installed) and that will prevent and/or fix the bug. To be safe, you can remove all the files associated with that Resisting Arrest. For K1R compatiblity, install K1R, then Shanilia, then K1R compatible files located in Shanilia. Ignore if you do not have K1R. Non-vital files: pcexile.dlg : man26_tyvark.dlg : kor39_utharwynn.dlg The intention of pcexile.dlg file was to allow the PC to remain on Manaan after DS completion of Manaan, this is already possible in the vanilla game, however, this was included as a more simple and obvious solution. It is an optional install, if it causes problems there is no need to install this mod's version of pcexile.dlg man26_tyvark.dlg, merely adds some merchant related dialogue. (minimal content) kor39_utharwynn.dlg, adds an option, which can later be discussed with Shanilia, if and only if the PC goes to Korriban after the Leviathan. (minimal content) These files do add to the mod, but if you are worried about incompatibilities, now you'll be a bit more informed about my mod. Please See Readme for information on how to get the most out of Shanilia! Short Credits list: FairStrides, Bead-v, nato, RealRece, Bioware!
  2. Since JCarter426 made a blog about it, I'm going to do it. Cannot let my freeloading identity of jc2 go to waste! With further ado, much further. I offer you a warm welcome to what my colleague calls a "mod round up," which actually is a decent title, albeit a bit boring. *shot fired* Here is my equally as mediocre attempt at informing whatever public audience I might have about the status of my mods. Welcome to jc2's Modding CHECKUP - EXTRAVAGANZA ! Alright, it's been nine months since I've released LME and I've heard of no bugs, only a few spelling errors. The dlg editor eats all of your apostrophes if you copy and paste text into that, I learned this way later, and, as it turns out, I use a fair amount of them in my content. But, still, I'm glad to know that my testing and my testers were able to find all of the major bugs. So for those who care greatly about grammar, well, there are a few lines that might hurt your eyes, my apologies. LME remains at version 1.00. until someone reports some bug or I get around to playing through it and find the bugs/typos myself. Shanilia was updated to 1.7 version. There were several dialogue options that would get locked because of poor scripting, just resulting in less immersive content. I went to all the effort of adding them in, only for them to be bugged, so that's been fixed. Minor overall, but still important to the added content for Shanilia to speak about Jolee, Korriban, Manaan, Leviathan, etc... Not sure if my portrayal of Revan in that mod was as good as it could have been, but it was nice to have someone who actually knew Revan still care. The Sith betray you and the only one that actually admires what you did as Revan is Canderous, so Shanilia is meant to off-balance that and reveal a bit more about the Mandalorian Wars. And thanks to this update more of that content can be explored. Train the Disciple was released, which allows the PC to train the Disciple in the ways of the force, just like Atton and other companions can be. It was designed to be compatible with any Disciple mod, for it uses its own jc2_disciple.dlg file. It's sister mod, Train the Handmaiden, was updated to 2.00 to match the genius of Train the Disciple and also be compatible with other Handmaiden mods, in the same way. Save Mission 1.5a is the current version. It was updated slightly, reworked some of the lines to better match responses/replies and fixed a typo. I now understand why modders do not want their files scattered across the four corners of the internet, because they'd have to update all of them, which is tedious! Just deadlystream and nexusmods alone cause me a headache to update. Not that either site are not modder friendly, far from it, just tedious to document all the changes, update readme, update description, screenshots, files, etc... According to Deadlystream: Improved Grenades 3,848 downloads Revenge on Sassy Sith Lady 3,664 downloads While on nexusmods: Save Mission 4.2k downloads, 3.1 unique downloads Train the Handmaiden 4.3k downloads, 3.4 unique downloads Very strange to me that these different communities would value different mods, but as someone said, being on /r kotor's mod build list affects the download count, which is the case for the deadlystream mods. However, the nexusmod mods do not have the blessing of /r kotor but stand quite tall on their own. *Cough cough* maybe Train the disciple & handmaiden might be included some day *cough cough*
  3. List any bugs here, if you want. Give any feedback here, if you want. Insert any random comments here, if you want. You get where this is going..... So let's switch over to something new. Shanilia updates may happen after I patch whatever bugs arise. I didn't want to rush production and release more content to Shanila, without first making sure that everything is 100% straightened out. Wait what? You didn't test Shanilia out JC2? No, I did. But bugs can arise and feedback (hopefully) will come with suggestions to fix, replace, modify, add, remove certain aspects. The idea is to polish, before adding more. And to be honest, I have become biased and glued to the character myself and another have created. Hard to see the issues, problems, misconceptions, plot holes, etc... News/ potential future of Shanilia If people actually like Shanilia, here's the possible next steps. >Add Sidequest >Bring in backstory for Ferroh (accidentally misspelled as seen in the screenshot) >Introduce Hynpar >Incorporate those two characters into sidequest >Add lightsaber >Possibly add an alternative ending, as suggested by a respected modder That's about it, if you have any ideas, then feel free to share them. -JC2
  4. Does anybody have any experience with photography? Could they give me a few basic pointers regarding how to take solid photos? Or could someone act as a reviewer of the photos I take, and give advice. Reason: What I'm trying to do is, is take a few screenshots of several Custom battles scenes in kotor1 and put them inside a cutscene. Don't worry about which or how, I've got that covered. If you know nothing about photos, but would still be willing to be a reviewer. I would love to get your feedback as well!