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  1. Version 1.3.0


    There is nothing more central to a Jedi's life than a cool outfit, except maybe a sweet saber to boot. So why put on robes with missing textures on their backsides when you could be impressing Sith Lords with your nice getup? Why settle for the shadow of a limberjack when a cool silhouette is half the reason you don the cloak? Let's fix up the game's robes! This mod will provide you with some fixed up versions of all the game's robe models -- that's both the thicker and thinner variants of the Jedi robe, the Jal Shey armor, Kreia and Visas' robes, and the Handmaiden's hooded robe. All models will have various issues fixed up, as well as fitting shadows. Any outfit that uses one of these models, regardless of texture/color, will be improved for you, and that includes any new robes from any other mods (just make sure they don't replace one of the listed models in the below Included Files). Fans of Movie-style Jedi Master robes by DeadMan or of svösh's Robe Collar should read the Compatibility section below for how to install the included patch that makes these mods work together. This mod also fixes the floating shadow head issue when dual-wielding melee weapons, as well as a minor game error caused by a mismatched model name. As of version 1.3, I have also fixed a base game glitch where female robe models had twitching hands -- the animation's clipping fix is still there, just without the twitching issue. And since it's 2024, I figured what the heck: as a bonus, all included models are now higher-poly (slightly). The boots, as well as some spots by the knees and shoulders which looked especially blocky now look smoother and more in tune with the rest of the model. See the above pictures for the difference. Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. For those who have the Aspyr patch, once in-game, I recommend turning on soft shadows if you have not already (OPTIONS->GRAPHICS->ADVANCED GRAPHICS->SOFT SHADOWS). Note that this may impact game performance. If you have TSLRCM installed, check the Included Files section below for any file listed with an asterisk (*). These files are already in your override after installing TSLRCM, so you should delete those versions in order for the new ones to work. The new versions already include all the changes made in the base TSLRCM version, and I have included a folder labeled "TSLRCM backup" which contains those older versions should you need to back them up. If you installed TSLRCM via Steam, you can find the relevant files to delete in "Steam\steamapps\workshop\485537937\override". Uninstallation: Place the files included in the "TSLRCM backup" folder into your override if using TSLRCM, and then remove "Ultimate_Robes_Repair_For_TSL" from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: This mod is fully compatible with any mod which does not replace any of the files listed above. If a mod does include any such models, you will have to pick which version to use, and remove the other from your override. If using TSLRCM, make sure to install that mod first, and make sure that any files listed with an asterisk above are successfully replaced by this mod. See the Installation section for more details. This mod is compatible with head mods such as Visas Reduced Model Clipping. Any texture mods that add new or alter robe skins are compatible with this mod. However, many robe mods will attempt to replace model files (.mdl/.mdx) as well, rather than just textures (.tga/.tpc), so keep an eye out for what files are included with other mods. For fans of Movie-style Jedi Master robes, DeadMan was gracious enough to allow me to create a compatibility patch for anyone who would like to use that mod alongside this one. Simply take the files included in the Compatibility Patch folder out into your override in place of the versions included in the main mod folder. Make sure these versions also replace the ones used in the Movie-style mod and TSLRCM. I have similarly created a patch for svösh's Robe Collar and any mods which use it. The patch merges all of our edits. Installation is the same as for the Movie-style patch. It should work for mods such as Achilles TSL Robe Mod (TSLRCM Edition). Compatible mods include Jedi Journeyman Robes by Stormie97, which uses a different model as its basis, and much of Effixian's work, such as Effixian's Lore Keeper's Robes, Strider Robes, and Handmaiden Clothing Reskin. Acknowledgments: Thanks to seedhartha, NdixUR, Symmetric, and Purifier for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. I would also like to thank DeadMan and svösh for allowing me to make use of their models to create a compatibility patch for this mod and their respective ones. I would also like to thank muitafruita for pointing out some additional issues with Kreia's robe models that needed fixing, and DarthParametric for being the one to recognize how to fix them. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
  2. View File Robes With Shadows For TSL There is nothing more central to a Jedi's life than a cool outfit, except maybe a sweet saber to boot. So why put on robes with missing textures on their backsides when you could be impressing Sith Lords with your nice getup? Why settle for the shadow of a limberjack when a cool silhouette is half the reason you don the cloak? Let's fix up the game's robes! This mod will provide you with some fixed up versions of all the game's robe models -- that's both the thicker and thinner variants of the Jedi robe, the Jal Shey armor, Kreia and Visas' robes, and the Handmaiden's hooded robe. All models will have various issues fixed up, as well as fitting shadows. Any outfit that uses one of these models, regardless of texture/color, will be improved for you, and that includes any new robes from any other mods (just make sure they don't replace one of the listed models in the below Included Files). Fans of Movie-style Jedi Master robes by DeadMan or of svösh's Robe Collar should read the Compatibility section below for how to install the included patch that makes these mods work together. This mod also fixes the floating shadow head issue when dual-wielding melee weapons, as well as a minor game error caused by a mismatched model name. As of version 1.3, I have also fixed a base game glitch where female robe models had twitching hands -- the animation's clipping fix is still there, just without the twitching issue. And since it's 2024, I figured what the heck: as a bonus, all included models are now higher-poly (slightly). The boots, as well as some spots by the knees and shoulders which looked especially blocky now look smoother and more in tune with the rest of the model. See the above pictures for the difference. Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. For those who have the Aspyr patch, once in-game, I recommend turning on soft shadows if you have not already (OPTIONS->GRAPHICS->ADVANCED GRAPHICS->SOFT SHADOWS). Note that this may impact game performance. If you have TSLRCM installed, check the Included Files section below for any file listed with an asterisk (*). These files are already in your override after installing TSLRCM, so you should delete those versions in order for the new ones to work. The new versions already include all the changes made in the base TSLRCM version, and I have included a folder labeled "TSLRCM backup" which contains those older versions should you need to back them up. If you installed TSLRCM via Steam, you can find the relevant files to delete in "Steam\steamapps\workshop\485537937\override". Uninstallation: Place the files included in the "TSLRCM backup" folder into your override if using TSLRCM, and then remove "Ultimate_Robes_Repair_For_TSL" from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: This mod is fully compatible with any mod which does not replace any of the files listed above. If a mod does include any such models, you will have to pick which version to use, and remove the other from your override. If using TSLRCM, make sure to install that mod first, and make sure that any files listed with an asterisk above are successfully replaced by this mod. See the Installation section for more details. This mod is compatible with head mods such as Visas Reduced Model Clipping. Any texture mods that add new or alter robe skins are compatible with this mod. However, many robe mods will attempt to replace model files (.mdl/.mdx) as well, rather than just textures (.tga/.tpc), so keep an eye out for what files are included with other mods. For fans of Movie-style Jedi Master robes, DeadMan was gracious enough to allow me to create a compatibility patch for anyone who would like to use that mod alongside this one. Simply take the files included in the Compatibility Patch folder out into your override in place of the versions included in the main mod folder. Make sure these versions also replace the ones used in the Movie-style mod and TSLRCM. I have similarly created a patch for svösh's Robe Collar and any mods which use it. The patch merges all of our edits. Installation is the same as for the Movie-style patch. It should work for mods such as Achilles TSL Robe Mod (TSLRCM Edition). Compatible mods include Jedi Journeyman Robes by Stormie97, which uses a different model as its basis, and much of Effixian's work, such as Effixian's Lore Keeper's Robes, Strider Robes, and Handmaiden Clothing Reskin. Acknowledgments: Thanks to seedhartha, NdixUR, Symmetric, and Purifier for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. I would also like to thank DeadMan and svösh for allowing me to make use of their models to create a compatibility patch for this mod and their respective ones. I would also like to thank muitafruita for pointing out some additional issues with Kreia's robe models that needed fixing, and DarthParametric for being the one to recognize how to fix them. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 05/10/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  3. Version 1.2.0


    I have created a simple mod that adds the shadows for robes used in Robes With Shadows For TSL to your K1 game, for those using any of JC's robe mods that adds TSL-style cloaks. Having at least one of the mods listed below is a requirement for this one, and they must be installed beforehand. This is compatible with all included versions of the mods by JC, and any textures you are using with it. 1. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1: for those who want to use the more classic looking Jedi robes of TSL in their K1 game. 2. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1: for a blend of the K1 and TSL style. 3. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1: for party member specific robes. Installation: First, install at least one of the mods listed above if you have not already. This mod is specifically for people using one of those mods. If you would like to create backups of that mod's original files, just create a copy of the files listed below, before installing the versions that come with this mod. To install this mod, download the 7z file and unzip anywhere on your computer. You can extract 7z files with native programs like Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Once the files is unzipped, find the subfolder with the name corresponding to which JC mod you are using, and copy all files within to the override folder of your game, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\override". When prompted, overwrite the versions of the files currently in your override with the new versions. Uninstallation: Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override. Which files you have can vary by which JC mod you are using. Included Files: -PFBIL.mdl -PFBIL.mdx -PFBIM.mdl -PFBIM.mdx -PFBIS.mdl -PFBIS.mdx -PMBIL.mdl -PMBIL.mdx -PMBIM.mdl -PMBIM.mdx -PMBIS.mdl -PMBIS.mdx -JC_BastilaBI.mdl -JC_BastilaBI.mdx -JC_JoleeBI.mdl -JC_JoleeBI.mdx -JC_JuhaniBI.mdl -JC_JuhaniBI.mdx Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Texture mods do not typically pose compatibility issues for mods like this. This mod requires either JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1, JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1, or JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1 to be installed first. Acknowledgments: Big thanks to JCarter for his port of TSL robes to K1, and for giving the community permission to work with his models. The robes included here are just the ones from his mod with edited skeletons, so most of the work here was done for me. I also want to thank Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, modeling work would be much tougher without you guys. I would like to thank Salk as well, for suggesting this mod. This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
  4. View File Robes With Shadows For K1 (JC's Port) I have created a simple mod that adds the shadows for robes used in Robes With Shadows For TSL to your K1 game, for those using any of JC's robe mods that adds TSL-style cloaks. Having at least one of the mods listed below is a requirement for this one, and they must be installed beforehand. This is compatible with all included versions of the mods by JC, and any textures you are using with it. 1. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1: for those who want to use the more classic looking Jedi robes of TSL in their K1 game. 2. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1: for a blend of the K1 and TSL style. 3. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1: for party member specific robes. Installation: First, install at least one of the mods listed above if you have not already. This mod is specifically for people using one of those mods. If you would like to create backups of that mod's original files, just create a copy of the files listed below, before installing the versions that come with this mod. To install this mod, download the 7z file and unzip anywhere on your computer. You can extract 7z files with native programs like Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Once the files is unzipped, find the subfolder with the name corresponding to which JC mod you are using, and copy all files within to the override folder of your game, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\override". When prompted, overwrite the versions of the files currently in your override with the new versions. Uninstallation: Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override. Which files you have can vary by which JC mod you are using. Included Files: -PFBIL.mdl -PFBIL.mdx -PFBIM.mdl -PFBIM.mdx -PFBIS.mdl -PFBIS.mdx -PMBIL.mdl -PMBIL.mdx -PMBIM.mdl -PMBIM.mdx -PMBIS.mdl -PMBIS.mdx -JC_BastilaBI.mdl -JC_BastilaBI.mdx -JC_JoleeBI.mdl -JC_JoleeBI.mdx -JC_JuhaniBI.mdl -JC_JuhaniBI.mdx Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Texture mods do not typically pose compatibility issues for mods like this. This mod requires either JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1, JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1, or JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1 to be installed first. Acknowledgments: Big thanks to JCarter for his port of TSL robes to K1, and for giving the community permission to work with his models. The robes included here are just the ones from his mod with edited skeletons, so most of the work here was done for me. I also want to thank Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, modeling work would be much tougher without you guys. I would like to thank Salk as well, for suggesting this mod. This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 08/25/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes