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Version 4.0.0
Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Description Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class. You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers. Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for. Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there. You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed. Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items. Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not. Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris. A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well. Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly. The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove. After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations. If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages. On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely. They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber. Install/Uninstall Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream. If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version. You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked. There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break See the docs folder for more information. Compatibility Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training. Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors Nexus ModPub Other Links Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 -
View File Jedi From The Start Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Description Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class. You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers. Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for. Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there. You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed. Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items. Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not. Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris. A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well. Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly. The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove. After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations. If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages. On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely. They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber. Install/Uninstall Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream. If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version. You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked. There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break See the docs folder for more information. Compatibility Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training. Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors Nexus ModPub Other Links Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 Submitter darthbdaman Submitted 06/19/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
I can't start a game. I installed it earlier today after a fresh install of KOTOR2 through Steam. I clicked play after creating a character then it would load for a second then crash. I installed all the files in the correct places to the extent of my knowledge. I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? When I first installed today. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Using Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (Updates are included in the Steam version. Skip this question if you are using that.) 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh installation 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? I haven't tried it 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? N/A 8) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Not using any other mods. 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? I got through creating a character then when I clicked play the loading screen started all black, then it would load for one second and crash. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes 11) Have you tried using a different save game? No other saves 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes. Several times after restarting my computer, re-installing the mods, and re-installing KOTOR2 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
Hey there, first time poster here. I just downloaded the restoration mod since I just got the Steam version of TSL. I've installed the mod in the correct folder and the game starts up fine up to the title screen with the correct logo to say that the mod is installed. As soon as I attempt to start a new game it brings up the loading screen, the bar fills all the way then just stops and doesn't move on to the next screen due to the program not responding. This happens every single time without fail, I've had the game running fine before installing the mod. I've uninstalled the entire game and reinstalled it twice now to attempt it again and still have the same loading screen crash each time. Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it? Cheers.