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  1. [Updated: December 16, 2019] # 00. Disclaimer # I thought making this Legends overhaul as a series would do good for my own pace in modding terms. # 01. Background # Legends. Why does this project called one? First of all, this series had not related at all with the Star Wars Legends; though it was very much inspired by them. It was called as one because I believe this would give me more freedom on how I wanted to shape the mod and its series. Referencing to the general term of Legend [Keep it noted that I have the following explanation edited for my likings, lol] - So, that's all for the introduction. And with the release of Selven and Lyn Sekla, I decided to put myself into a series of mod that will be called as Legends, and this will consists mostly on reskinning and re-building stats and also their attribution of the particular objects and if possible; some new custom items. These will be done as my playthrough goes while I decide which elements that I want to overhaul, while also considering the risk for it'd be game breaking or no. I'm going to take which path with the lesser risk, and which is more interesting for me. # 02. Planning # 1. Taris [Completed: January 1, 2019] Legends - Selven [Completed: July 9, 2018] [featuring Sithspecter's "High Quality Blasters for Modders" and DeadMan's "[K1] Vibrosword Replacement Pack"] Legends - Lyn Sekla [Completed: July 27, 2018] [featuring Dark Hope's "Girl with Ritual Tattoos"] Legends - Janice Nall and the Incomplete Droids [Completed: January 1, 2019] [featuring DarthParametric's "Female Armour Collar Fix"] 2. Dantooine [WIP/Updated: October 14, 2018] Legends - Belaya [WIP] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - Jedi Robes"] Legends - Sherruk [WIP] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - PC Head Reskins" and ndix UR's "Traditional Mandalorian Blades"] 3. Tatooine [WIP/Updated: March 24, 2019] Legends - Komad Fortuna [WIP] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack" and redrob41's "Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR and TSL"] Legends - Marlena Venn [Completed: March 24, 2019] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack"] 4. Korriban [Completed: August 20, 2018] Legends - Ajunta Pall's Blade [Completed: August 14, 2018] [featuring IRobert's "[K1] Vibroweapons Replacement Pack Retexture"] Legends - Ajunta Pall's Voice [Completed: August 19, 2018] [featuring VarsityPuppet's "Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance" in the preview] 5. Manaan [WIP/Updated: September 25, 2018] Legends - Mysterious Man [WIP] [featuring Dark Hope's "HD PMHA03" and redrob41's "Modder's Resource: Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR - K1 Model UVW Fixes"] 6. Kashyyyk [To be decided] 7. Unknown World [WIP/Updated: December 16, 2019] Legends - Elder Droid's Unique VO [Completed: December 16, 2019] # 03. Work in Progress # [Updated: December 16, 2019] Komad Fortuna "Legends" [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack" and redrob41's "Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR and TSL"] Belaya "Legends" [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - Jedi Robes"] Sherruk "Legends" [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - PC Head Reskins" and ndix UR's "Traditional Mandalorian Blades"] Mysterious Man "Legends" [featuring Dark Hope's "HD PMHA03" and redrob41's "Modder's Resource: Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR - K1 Model UVW Fixes"] # 04. Next Steps # [Updated: December 06, 2019] I'm really bad at planning so, something can just randomly pop-out, eventually # 05. Future Plans # [Updated: December 06, 2019] Pretty much # 04 # 06. Final Remarks # Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. Many thanks to you, for spending the time here.
  2. Version 1.1.0


    This mod made readjustments to Marlena Venn, both her appearance and positioning on the Dune Sea - to further improve the gameplay aspects from encountering her, and bring a fresh-new experience with her new looks and some other stuffs! # Background # When I met Marlena the first time I know that she's special - in a mysterious way, lol. Yeah, I catch her mysterious side so I did a makeover of her - appearance wise. About the positioning - it bugged me where she was placed so I moved her. Particularly when the conversation was initiated, so with her new placement it looks like she did make the conversation first. And that's how I see the encounter should start. # About this Mod # This modification makes unique appearance for Marlena Venn of Dune Sea [Tatooine], also reposition her to a new spot and replace her recorded voice with the filtered version so it sounded like an actual playback straight from a droid. GIT positioning preview: Encounter quick-preview [Outdated - v1.0.0]: Ah-ha! It also makes Marlena equip a Blaster Pistol, some Credits, and a Repair Kit. Here's a breakdown of why's: Blaster Pistol: because she was "through planning", she wants to make sure of everything Credits: well, she planned on going shuttle somewhere - it just makes sense for her to carry some Repair Kit: some leftover from earlier tinkering with the droids Those new content was made to connect with jc2's "Kill Marlena". I have tested them together on my playthrough and they work like a charm! A truly-fun content worth installing for you - Dark Siders! Just make sure to install this mod last of them. Without it there'll be no change of plot whatsoever and those additional stuff wouldn't have effects. # Final Remarks # There's always room for an improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] and then hit the [Install Mod ->] button. Uninstallation: replace the installed files with what was stored inside the generated 'Backup' folder. Particularly tat_m18aa.mod; put that file back to 'modules' folder manually and overwrite when prompted. To uninstall the Voice Over simply put back its backup to streamwaves \ m18ab \ 10wi06 folder - overwrite when prompted. Compatibility: will be compatible with mostly anything, including jc2's "Kill Marlena" - just make sure to install this mod after every mods has. Though haven't being tested with Kainzorus Prime's "[KotOR] NPC Overhaul Mod" and N-DReW25's "K1 Gameplay Improvement" installed, presumably they'll be compatible. But be advised that compatibility issue of this mod working along with them is not yet confirmed. Will not be compatible with any mods that force-overrides tat_m18aa.mod or messing with this mod 2DA entries. For this mod to be effective you should at least load a saved game before entering the Dune Sea - Tatooine [tat_m18aa] module This mod is play-tested with KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: I'm asking you not to redistribute this mod - I'd like to stay in touch with them so I know where to provide support. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to give credits to SpaceAlex, BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of this mod assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant here is a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me the chance to finish the mod SpaceAlex for "Modder's Resource: K1 Enhancement Pack" which base cloth texture included with the development of this mod DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for all his work that I look up too - I learned a lot from his mod setup and been practicing a lot using their method jc2 for "Kill Marlena", which a factor for this mod to be developed ROTNR for "Creating Module Files in KotOR" which guides me on packaging the custom module Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool TK102 for K-GFF stoffe and Fair Strides for the most useful TSLPatcher and ERFEdit VarsityPuppet for 2DA Editor Alpha bead-v for MDLedit and KOTORmax ndix UR for tga2tpc Werner Rumpeltesz for PlainEdit.NET Notepad++team for Notepad++ Adinos for "Simple Model Viewer" which very helpful to provide a quick preview of potential appearance for used model and texture All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without you! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor - thanks! The place is so much fun! :jarjar: -eb
  3. Version 0.5.0 Beta


    KOTOR1 Gameplay and Immersion Rebalancing By: NecroAvalon Full details in the ReadMe file.
  4. View File [K1] Marlena Venn "Legends" This mod made readjustments to Marlena Venn, both her appearance and positioning on the Dune Sea - to further improve the gameplay aspects from encountering her, and bring a fresh-new experience with her new looks and some other stuffs! # Background # When I met Marlena the first time I know that she's special - in a mysterious way, lol. Yeah, I catch her mysterious side so I did a makeover of her - appearance wise. About the positioning - it bugged me where she was placed so I moved her. Particularly when the conversation was initiated, so with her new placement it looks like she did make the conversation first. And that's how I see the encounter should start. # About this Mod # This modification makes unique appearance for Marlena Venn of Dune Sea [Tatooine], also reposition her to a new spot and replace her recorded voice with the filtered version so it sounded like an actual playback straight from a droid. GIT positioning preview: Encounter quick-preview [Outdated - v1.0.0]: Ah-ha! It also makes Marlena equip a Blaster Pistol, some Credits, and a Repair Kit. Here's a breakdown of why's: Blaster Pistol: because she was "through planning", she wants to make sure of everything Credits: well, she planned on going shuttle somewhere - it just makes sense for her to carry some Repair Kit: some leftover from earlier tinkering with the droids Those new content was made to connect with jc2's "Kill Marlena". I have tested them together on my playthrough and they work like a charm! A truly-fun content worth installing for you - Dark Siders! Just make sure to install this mod last of them. Without it there'll be no change of plot whatsoever and those additional stuff wouldn't have effects. # Final Remarks # There's always room for an improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] and then hit the [Install Mod ->] button. Uninstallation: replace the installed files with what was stored inside the generated 'Backup' folder. Particularly tat_m18aa.mod; put that file back to 'modules' folder manually and overwrite when prompted. To uninstall the Voice Over simply put back its backup to streamwaves \ m18ab \ 10wi06 folder - overwrite when prompted. Compatibility: will be compatible with mostly anything, including jc2's "Kill Marlena" - just make sure to install this mod after every mods has. Though haven't being tested with Kainzorus Prime's "[KotOR] NPC Overhaul Mod" and N-DReW25's "K1 Gameplay Improvement" installed, presumably they'll be compatible. But be advised that compatibility issue of this mod working along with them is not yet confirmed. Will not be compatible with any mods that force-overrides tat_m18aa.mod or messing with this mod 2DA entries. For this mod to be effective you should at least load a saved game before entering the Dune Sea - Tatooine [tat_m18aa] module This mod is play-tested with KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: I'm asking you not to redistribute this mod - I'd like to stay in touch with them so I know where to provide support. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to give credits to SpaceAlex, BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of this mod assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant here is a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me the chance to finish the mod SpaceAlex for "Modder's Resource: K1 Enhancement Pack" which base cloth texture included with the development of this mod DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for all his work that I look up too - I learned a lot from his mod setup and been practicing a lot using their method jc2 for "Kill Marlena", which a factor for this mod to be developed ROTNR for "Creating Module Files in KotOR" which guides me on packaging the custom module Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool TK102 for K-GFF stoffe and Fair Strides for the most useful TSLPatcher and ERFEdit VarsityPuppet for 2DA Editor Alpha bead-v for MDLedit and KOTORmax ndix UR for tga2tpc Werner Rumpeltesz for PlainEdit.NET Notepad++team for Notepad++ Adinos for "Simple Model Viewer" which very helpful to provide a quick preview of potential appearance for used model and texture All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without you! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor - thanks! The place is so much fun! :jarjar: -eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 03/23/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
  5. View File KOTOT1 Gameplay and Immersion Rebalancing KOTOR1 Gameplay and Immersion Rebalancing By: NecroAvalon Full details in the ReadMe file. Submitter NecroAvalon Submitted 03/01/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  6. Greetings, and Happy Holidays, fellow Jedi! I have a question which - There is a custom module [B] which is copy-paste from vanilla [A], and the only difference is the skyboxes texture it uses [and that I assume no alternatives other than to make a custom module it based on]. I wanted the PC to warp to B from [C] -which is a custom module also- but upon arriving, the NPC placement is different from A and looks like it's having different state of boolean too. Can anyone help me with guessing what could be wrong or missing to make it work as expected? The procedure of warping should be something like this: A --> C --> B Much thanks for considering this.
  7. View File [K1] Tach's Grunt Readjustments Tach's Grunt Readjustments This mod made readjustments to Tach's taunt/grunt heard in the Upper Shadowlands and Lower Shadowlands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's always room for an improvement so - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] and then hit the [Install Mod ->] button Uninstallation: put its backup back to the streamsounds folder. Overwrite when prompted Compatibility: will be compatible with mostly anything This mod will have direct effect anytime and anywhere it is installed This mod is play-tested with KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: you can redistribute the mod and/or get creative with its content as you see fit - just don't sent them to Disney... Credits: All of ya! Special Thanks: DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for all his work that I look up too - I learned a lot from his mod setup and been practicing a lot using their method Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool stoffe and Fair Strides for the most useful "TSLPatcher" and "ERFEdit" DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor - thanks! The place is so much fun! :jarjar: -eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 04/01/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. Version 4.1.19f.0075


    Tach's Grunt Readjustments This mod made readjustments to Tach's taunt/grunt heard in the Upper Shadowlands and Lower Shadowlands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's always room for an improvement so - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] and then hit the [Install Mod ->] button Uninstallation: put its backup back to the streamsounds folder. Overwrite when prompted Compatibility: will be compatible with mostly anything This mod will have direct effect anytime and anywhere it is installed This mod is play-tested with KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: you can redistribute the mod and/or get creative with its content as you see fit - just don't sent them to Disney... Credits: All of ya! Special Thanks: DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for all his work that I look up too - I learned a lot from his mod setup and been practicing a lot using their method Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool stoffe and Fair Strides for the most useful "TSLPatcher" and "ERFEdit" DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor - thanks! The place is so much fun! :jarjar: -eb