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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    To Install 1. Download: chunks.rar 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  2. Version 1.0


    This mod is a retexture of a majority of the effects for both Kotor 1 and Kotor 2. It basically started when I changed the spark texture, and then just kept on going. The mod assets are pretty simple to use, you just pick which texture you want to add to your game, and put them into your Override folder. The lightning has an alternate file in case you are interested in force lightning more akin to the movies (where it has no conjure animation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pasted from Readme: {..) Description: This is a retexture of all of the effects in both Kotor games. It's simple in design, but has a huge impact on the look and feel of gameplay. Included are changes to the Sparks thrown when weapons impact enemies or walls, the lightning and drain effects, the fireball and ion explosion textures, the rain and snow textures in K2, the shape and size of the explosion particles, and an alternative texture to the mine detection overlay which makes them less like a bright red ball. {..>To Install: Drop all applicable files into the Override Folder. If you don't currently have an override folder, then you'll have to create one. I have separated the textures into corresponding folders for easier choice of what you would like to install The files are also separated by game, since Kotor 2 has rain and snow, while Kotor 1 does not. {..<To Uninstall, either remove or delete the files contained in this download from your Override folder. {..<Compatibility: This mod uses a few model .mdl and .mdx files in order to fully change the spark retexture. If you have any of them already in your override, they may conflict. {..>Possible Future Changes or Additions: I am considering changing the explosion animation file and if possible, the very structure of explosions. However, that will probably be a bit later after I have read more into the effects files. {..<Credits: Stevo and Rece for testing my Spark retexture to ensure compatibility, TriggerGod for his permission to use his lightning texture as a base Adobe for their Photoshop, Lucasarts as both Bioware and Obsidian for making the Kotor games, The very special community on DeadlyStream for their constant feedback and assistance, And lastly, George Lucas, for creating the Star Wars movies which has since spawned its ever expanding universe...
  3. View File Explosion texture To Install 1. Download: chunks.rar 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. Submitter Dark Hope Submitted 11/04/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. File Name: My Realistic Improved Effect Retexture Mod File Submitter: Malkior File Submitted: 20 Feb 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This mod is a retexture of a majority of the effects for both Kotor 1 and Kotor 2. It basically started when I changed the spark texture, and then just kept on going. The mod assets are pretty simple to use, you just pick which texture you want to add to your game, and put them into your Override folder. The lightning has an alternate file in case you are interested in force lightning more akin to the movies (where it has no conjure animation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pasted from Readme: {..) Description: This is a retexture of all of the effects in both Kotor games. It's simple in design, but has a huge impact on the look and feel of gameplay. Included are changes to the Sparks thrown when weapons impact enemies or walls, the lightning and drain effects, the fireball and ion explosion textures, the rain and snow textures in K2, the shape and size of the explosion particles, and an alternative texture to the mine detection overlay which makes them less like a bright red ball. {..>To Install: Drop all applicable files into the Override Folder. If you don't currently have an override folder, then you'll have to create one. I have separated the textures into corresponding folders for easier choice of what you would like to install The files are also separated by game, since Kotor 2 has rain and snow, while Kotor 1 does not. {..<To Uninstall, either remove or delete the files contained in this download from your Override folder. {..<Compatibility: This mod uses a few model .mdl and .mdx files in order to fully change the spark retexture. If you have any of them already in your override, they may conflict. {..>Possible Future Changes or Additions: I am considering changing the explosion animation file and if possible, the very structure of explosions. However, that will probably be a bit later after I have read more into the effects files. {..<Credits: Stevo and Rece for testing my Spark retexture to ensure compatibility, TriggerGod for his permission to use his lightning texture as a base Adobe for their Photoshop, Lucasarts as both Bioware and Obsidian for making the Kotor games, The very special community on DeadlyStream for their constant feedback and assistance, And lastly, George Lucas, for creating the Star Wars movies which has since spawned its ever expanding universe... Click here to download this file