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Version 1.1.1
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 12.12.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! If you plan on using it, install the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack mod SECOND! (The Tweak Pack is optional and is NOT required for this mod to work. Do NOT install "Fixed Male 01 Clothing" or "K1 Outcast Clothing Fix" from this mod as these fixes are included in THIS mod!) If you want to use it, install the Restored Content for K1CP mod BEFORE this mod. Make sure you install the NPC Diversity Pack mod BEFORE this mod in its entirety for best results! Once you're ready to install the mod, simply click on this mod's TSLPatcher.exe and you'll be faced two options. This mod comes in 2 parts, and since these parts are optional you'll be given two installation options. The "K2 to K1 Clothing Install" shall install the ported K2 clothing component of the pack whilst the "K1EP Clothing Install" shall install the K1EP component of the mod, for more details on these installations please refer to the "Description" section of this readme. Click which install you'd like to install, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Once the installer has finished, click the INSTALL.exe again and repeat this process. Description: In terms of commoner clothing, Obsidian added various new outfits for their NPCs in Kotor 2. The default 'potato sack' outfit was given a stylish facelift, the bloodied Outcast outfit was replaced with the Refugee outfits we see today and on Telos we saw the introduction of a new noble outfit. This mod will port those Kotor 2 clothing textures to Kotor 1... but with a twist! The Kotor 1 Community Patch does the same thing as Obsidian did, it replaced K1's 'potato sack' outfit "N_CommM01" with Kotor 2's default outfit and Gendar's bloodied Outcast outfit "N_CommM07" was replaced with an Refugee outfit. This mod won't do that, instead, K1's 'potato sack' and K2's default clothing shall be two different outfits NPCs can wear. The removal of the clothing replacement is most pronounced in the Outcast village where almost every NPC now wears a Refugee outfit instead of the K1 bloodied Outcast outfit... except for the Outcasts infected with the Rakghoul disease, their clothing shall still use the K1 bloodied Outcast outfit texture. This mod shall also add the K2 noble outfit, but even this outfit has a twist of its own! In K2, the male noble outfit was blue whilst the female noble outfit was purple... in this mod, you will find 2 noble outfits across the galaxy: a blue male and female noble outfit and a purple male and female outfit. In the latest 1.1 update, I've added the new clothing from the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource. This will come in the form of an alternative installation which will work great with the previous K2 to K1 Clothing component. In addition to the K1EP clothing, I've added compatibility for the latest update of the Restored Content for K1CP Demo, if you have that mod installed the new clothing added in this mod shall be gloveless as they are in that mod. If you aren't familiar with any of the above mentioned outfits, please check the screenshots on the mod page so you'll know whether or not this mod is for you. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel and for making the K2 textures! SpaceAlex: For releasing the K1EP as a modder's resource! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File K1 Clothing Pack A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 12.12.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! If you plan on using it, install the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack mod SECOND! (The Tweak Pack is optional and is NOT required for this mod to work. Do NOT install "Fixed Male 01 Clothing" or "K1 Outcast Clothing Fix" from this mod as these fixes are included in THIS mod!) If you want to use it, install the Restored Content for K1CP mod BEFORE this mod. Make sure you install the NPC Diversity Pack mod BEFORE this mod in its entirety for best results! Once you're ready to install the mod, simply click on this mod's TSLPatcher.exe and you'll be faced two options. This mod comes in 2 parts, and since these parts are optional you'll be given two installation options. The "K2 to K1 Clothing Install" shall install the ported K2 clothing component of the pack whilst the "K1EP Clothing Install" shall install the K1EP component of the mod, for more details on these installations please refer to the "Description" section of this readme. Click which install you'd like to install, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Once the installer has finished, click the INSTALL.exe again and repeat this process. Description: In terms of commoner clothing, Obsidian added various new outfits for their NPCs in Kotor 2. The default 'potato sack' outfit was given a stylish facelift, the bloodied Outcast outfit was replaced with the Refugee outfits we see today and on Telos we saw the introduction of a new noble outfit. This mod will port those Kotor 2 clothing textures to Kotor 1... but with a twist! The Kotor 1 Community Patch does the same thing as Obsidian did, it replaced K1's 'potato sack' outfit "N_CommM01" with Kotor 2's default outfit and Gendar's bloodied Outcast outfit "N_CommM07" was replaced with an Refugee outfit. This mod won't do that, instead, K1's 'potato sack' and K2's default clothing shall be two different outfits NPCs can wear. The removal of the clothing replacement is most pronounced in the Outcast village where almost every NPC now wears a Refugee outfit instead of the K1 bloodied Outcast outfit... except for the Outcasts infected with the Rakghoul disease, their clothing shall still use the K1 bloodied Outcast outfit texture. This mod shall also add the K2 noble outfit, but even this outfit has a twist of its own! In K2, the male noble outfit was blue whilst the female noble outfit was purple... in this mod, you will find 2 noble outfits across the galaxy: a blue male and female noble outfit and a purple male and female outfit. In the latest 1.1 update, I've added the new clothing from the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource. This will come in the form of an alternative installation which will work great with the previous K2 to K1 Clothing component. In addition to the K1EP clothing, I've added compatibility for the latest update of the Restored Content for K1CP Demo, if you have that mod installed the new clothing added in this mod shall be gloveless as they are in that mod. If you aren't familiar with any of the above mentioned outfits, please check the screenshots on the mod page so you'll know whether or not this mod is for you. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel and for making the K2 textures! SpaceAlex: For releasing the K1EP as a modder's resource! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/03/2023 Category Skins K1R Compatible No
Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope y'all having a good time. I am here to ask; Are there any consequences for a model that is missing a letter(s) on its node? I'm pointing to the vanilla comm_a_m model which appeared in the game as Asian commoners head appearance. Particularly this variant: Big thanks to @Thor110 for referencing Simple Model Viewer on [WIP] Expanded Galaxy Mod thread; very helpful tool to provide quick-detailed screenshot for the model and its texture! Here's also a screenshot of the model's information, opened with MDLedit: As we can see there; usually in any other head models [including its counterpart comm_a_m2] they are written as eyeRA and eyeLA respectively, which leads me to asking the forum about the matter. I hope the information provided is sufficient, and many thanks for considering this.