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Everything posted by Desmond

  1. Sweet) Trailer is really kick ass! Now poor G0t0 will have his place to shine in full strengh) Now only one thing rimain needed to TSL - Malacor VI) Well, and compatible Genoharadan too)
  2. By the way - will there be any influetion altering dialogs on M4-78? If yes, then how many and for what charecters?
  3. By the way, why is it beta? What features(apart from TSLRCM and M478EP) wasn't released?
  4. But it looks kinda strange that HK-47 which really hate HK-50 do not haste to destroy his copies... It looks a bit out of character for me

  5. Reinstall game and TSLRCM - dialog on Goto yacht is desappeared... Pretty strange... Maybe it was wide-screen patch... By the way - one question. Why HK subquest was made as several fights? Couse in dialog HK said that HK will find them eventually... Why not to make it as an attack on the ship like Red Eclipse? Somewhere near end of game(while characters go to Telos for the second time). I just think it would look a bit more... logical...
  6. By the way, after M4-78EP will be done, will there be any new projects? Like a Malachor V expansion?
  7. Why I see alvost everywhere that team Gizka did horrible job with restoring TSL content... I never seen there version so I feel completely out of loop... Can someone explane me that?

    1. HK-47


      Explanation: Their version was never released. They all gave up on it and left one guy to do it all.

    2. Desmond


      So that what happened... Pity. I just keep wandering about their GenoHaradan and HK factory... Did they release at least some video or something?)

    3. Mandalore


      There was a leaked beta, but it's full of bugs.

  8. Yes. I use 1.8.1 version and can see change in main menu And to prevent stupid questions. No, I don't just install patch for TSLRCM 1.8.
  9. But doesn't this was restored?... Oh, hmm... strange I use only two modes outside TSLRCM: Well, I also install this skins I don't think that hilts or simple textures will work on dialogs But still, every time when my character on the dark side and I enter bridge I have to try to intimidate g0-t0 with my skills. G0-t0 answer that he is not amused and command to drain oxygen from the ship... What is more interesting - I was unable to receive this dialog as any lightside character... And by the way - I use steam version...
  10. Intersting, can I find somewhere the full list of TSL plotholes...

    1. Desmond


      Well, I prefer with TSLRCM)But all holes and unfinishes...

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Check ou the site I linked to, then check the thread here in the TSLRCM section on what was restored. That will answer your question.

    3. Desmond
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. On Nar Shaddaa Kreia has shown real sith power by slamming Hanharr through wall. So I was forced to fight with mercenaries with only Atton and T3-M4 in party... And by the way - if on G0-t0 yacht you will try to intimidate g0-t0, he will remove all oxygen, so characters will be rendomy put under choke effect. So... this is also working for all enemies. Yes, that realistic, but it kinda stupid when duros and twe'leks are simply dying while talking there lines. And If you take two droids on yacht and your character has heal skill he can simply stay and wait while all enemies dies by themselves. I personally think that is a sort of bug and enemies should be defended against that. Also is G0-t0 remove oxygen, why Breath control can't help?
  12. I personally think this mod isn't needed at all. From my experience Hanharr is already more powerful then his counterpart Mira. With Wookiee Rage, he is like armored train - and can cut through everything and everyone. Mira on the other hand is much weaker before turning her into a Jedi and after transformation only slightly better because of Knight Speed and Knight Valor. And do not forget that Hanharr gives some bonuses to the player... But still it may be quite fun to see Wookiee with lightsabers)
  13. What is needed to trigger Atton/Disciple scene at Malacor V? I wasn't able to do that with niether lightside Atton nor Darkside...
  14. Situation is getting ankward.. Then better it leave here. I didn't mean that game or TSLRCM is bad. In fact I meant that TSLRCM is really good mod and to not use it by hiding under "not canon" is simply stupid. Maybe this miscommunication is happend due to my limited knowladge in English. THen sorry
  15. If game require mod to follow the canon story, how game can be canon?) I didn't say that playing a dark side is a bad thing. It's just non-canon. With so many non-canonical things, it's a bit strange to ask at the first place about "does TSLRCM is 100% canon?" since game itself do not follow canon in many places. The other problem with playing darkside that it looks a bit... stupid. You can't be evil manipulator as Palpatine. You simply some thug with lightsaber (It's quite a pity actually. And compared with the light sided Malachor V, the dark side playthrough of it seems unfinished. How did Darth Traya capture all of the party? What happened to Hanharr? These are some of the questions I had.)
  16. Kotor 2 is not a canon itself. After all it not only doesn't let you to play exectly canonical story(Meetra has a handmaiden as a companion. Which is impossible in game) but let you to be a dark side jerk(can't find another word for it. Dark path in game is somewhat stupid and plane brutal. And it has somewhat lame insted of ending...)
  17. Thanks) Well, I'm not obsessed with canon (after all, you can't play as canonical Exile, since the canon female Exile HAS Handmaiden in the party...) Just wanted to understand is it canon or not since it based on Obsidian work.)
  18. But right now I have about 10 shortsaber and 1(originally created with Bao-Dur) normal lightsaber. So, is they are completely random and has no connection between them, chance for that situation(10 shortsabers) to occur is 0,33^10. This value is very, very low. And on my previous run I has only double bladed lightsabers. Again, chance for that to occur is 0,33^10... And have such unique rolls in two playthrough... Simply strange)
  19. Can someone tell will this mode contradict with SW canon? I mean, as I konw, master Vash canonically died at Korriban. So this mode is non-canon or it will somehow made to now break canon story?
  20. Not completely sure it is a bug but still strange... Here is something strange with lightsabers "drops" Looks like it is echoing from small choice - player lightsaber. Of course I already playing TSLRCM for a second time. (By the way transparent HK was healed after I began to use steam version... strange...) Lightsabers are awfully same First I choose double saber and only the non-double-saber I found was named a short saber at the Dxun Sith tomb. Now I've created one bladed saber and by the time that I got to Malachor V, I was able to find only more short lightsabers... That's simply... well, it doesn't look like random at all
  21. I have a question. I see that this patch modified droids as well. Will TSL still be compatible with Droid Enhancement mod? And should I reinstall this mod if I used it before with TSLRCM on steam version?
  22. All HK become transparent as soon as I install TSLRCM. Remove TSL and reinstall pure Kotor 2 - all HK normel, return TSLRCM - again HK agan transparent... What the hell?
  23. To be more correct Kotor 1 break canon by itself 'couse it is allow player to fall on dark side) So I think new content is pretty good idea But if you would like to do NG+ I think you should try to extend role sistem by adding some skills from Kotor 2(like pinned shot) and adding more force powers. Couse original game is simply disbalansed with owerpowered lightsabers
  24. After installing TSLRCM game begin to crash every time I go outside of Ebon Hawk in Prologue. Even if I skipp this it's still problems - transparent HK units and always game crash in Nar Shaddaa(when Goto held "briefing" with mercs). What is it and how it can be healed?