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Everything posted by Hegirae

  1. Are any of these fixes going to be incorporated in the next version of TSLRCM? Fixed Proficiency/Focus Feat Icons Prologue sensor droids fix Luxa Hair Fix Boma Beast Teeth Fix TSL Head Model Fixes Thanks.
  2. PastramiX, here. I've pretty much disowned the two mods, TSL Music Overhaul and TSL Ambience Overhaul; I made those when I had no real idea what I was doing concerning modding, and are really just a waste of bandwidth and hard drive space. They essentially were all just tweaks to the equalizer, and after playing the game for a good while I noticed that the conversion to MP3 tended to add to load times far too close to comfort for myself. The HQ music pack by Obsidian is all you need, and chances you probably already have it.
  3. Hi all, My question is two-fold: 1) has anyone been able to get Kotor Tool properly working on Windows 7 x64, without any irksome runtime errors, and 2) has anyone been able to figure out how to get the paths pointing towards a Steam installation of TSL? With the latter problem, Kotor Tool can't autodetect the installation path of TSL, so I have to input it manually. However, that doesn't resolve the error, as it still won't let me access any .erfs, and it seems to depend on an entry in the Windows registry that specifies the TSL installation path. Any answers would be appreciated.
  4. I think we should differentiate between two types of difficulty here. There's "difficult" in the sense that enemies hae attacks that do an incredible amount of damage to your party, and that will most likely result in the death of many if not all of your team. Here, reloading and reloading and reloading a save is to be expected. Notice how this doesn't touch upon how much HP the attacker has, only how strong his attacks are. The second definition of "difficulty" is opposite: enemies have a high number of HP, but their attacks do a normal to negligible amount of damage. Here, there's a very minute chance that you and your party will die and have to reload a save; the defeat of your enemies are inevitable, so there's no impetus to fret about your party, since there's no real danger. The HK Factory would fall under the latter definition of difficulty. Enemies have high numbers of HP, but HK-47 has an even higher level than them, so there's no way in which he can die. The only problem to this scenario is that it takes bloody forever; everything seems like a chore, and you eventually want to be done with the whole thing. Frankly, it's worse than Malachor's grind, because at least there everyone died after three or so lightsaber attacks. I actually really enjoyed Nar Shaddaa after T3 got the transponder codes, and Atton, T3, and Mira had to run to Akkere. Why? It was difficult, in the first sense. My finger was on the F9 key, having to quick load every minute. But you know what? It was fun; it was a challenge that I knew that I could win, I just had to change my tactics and find something that worked. If anything, I want the HK Factory to be challenging, but like the Nar Shaddaa NPC-only section.
  5. I can't seem to teach a Jedified Disciple any new forms, fighting techniques, or Force powers via dialogue; is that intentional, or just a slip up?
  6. I have to admit, unfortunately, the HK Factory is infuriatingly difficult. By that, I don't mean that HK-47 dies every 10 seconds, but rather the combat is sluggishly tedious. Any HK model takes a good minute to 90 seconds of constant fire to finally give up the ghost, and this is with a fully-modded Droid Assassin's Rifle, plus any grenades and Ion Strikers that I can get my hands on. Statistically, HK-50s seem to have ~1500 HP for a Level 29 HK-47, and HK-51s seem to have ~2000. Multiply this factor by the ubiquitous three-droid squad, and it takes anywhere from three to five minutes to clear a room. This becomes unplayable in the final leg of the factory, when you encounter the ~10-droid HK squad by the factory control console. Then, say you go to halt production of the HK-50s, not only do you have crawl through the ten or so to the production console, you then have to carve your way to the HK-51 assembly area, defended by the seemingly-more-powerful 20 or so HK-51s. In short, nerf the HP of the HKs by, say, 40%, and this section would be tolerable. Also, I have no clue how to get the HK-51s to ally with '47. What exactly is the correct trigger? I deactivated the HK-50 line first, but now the 51s are seemingly hostile as well? Just how does this work?
  7. I'm really puzzled by this, and this very much might be a bona-fide bug. I've been trying to initiate lightsaber training with Kreia, and I have two single-bladed lightsabers in my inventory, but I'm still being told that I need two. I also have two short lightsabers as well, but alas, no dice. More to the point: what conditions need to be met in order to trigger lightsaber training? Do both the Exile and Visas need to have lightsabers equipped, or do they just have to be in the inventory? Or am I just doing everything wrong?
  8. Having the Darth Nihilus' Saber subfolder installed with TSLCRM 1.8 causes bugged animations and a CTD about 4/5 the way in the Visus-Nihilus cutscene. In short: don't install that section if you're using 1.8.
  9. Got a real showstopper here. During the Visas-Nihilus cutscene, after the line "Yes... this disturbance..." and while Nihilus is speaking, the game freezes and eventually CTDs. Also, when Visas is Force choked, Nihilus doesn't turn around and outstretches his hand; he's completely stationary. Note that other than several reskins, I also have Pergaus Tweak and Trayus Rank Reformation installed, if that helps. Edit: Nevermind, I found the problem. I had the Darth Nihilus' Saber section of VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans mod installed, and that caused the crippled cutscene animations and CTD. Please make note of this on the download page, if possible.