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Everything posted by Blue

  1. I understand where you are coming from. I felt if I was going to throw my hat in the ring I needed to do something different and the xoreos team are definitely doing things the right way building it in C++. I also felt JS would be more accessible for collaboration and ease of testing. Thanks for the feedback! 😃 I would love to get some contributors on board! I've been working on cleaning up the code and trying to get it as presentable as possible. I also want to make sure the project structure and design principals are set before I open it up just yet that way people coming in know where to start and where things should go... I will keep you posted xoreos is an open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later). The goal is to have all games using this engines working in a portable manner, starting from Neverwinter Nights and ending with Dragon Age II. - This is the description from their GitHub project page. |
  2. Yeah it's using WebGL which was originally based off of opengl es I believe. Though WebGL 2 is now the current standard I'm not sure if the Rendering Engine I'm using fully supports it yet. BTW I'm using Three.js to handle all the opengl interfacing. I'm still using the built in shaders that come with it which supports pretty much all the stuff KotOR seems to require except the animated bumpmaps for water... I'm probably going to have to write a custom shader for that. What kind of modern functionality are you thinking about?
  3. Win 95 in Electron now that just brings a smile to my face 😃. Yeah combat won't work until I get more of the scripting actions working. I did try to hard code some combat stuff early on until I realized it was controlled with scripts for the most part so I put it on the back burner for the moment. Without counting I think i'm close to a hundred or so script actions handled but there are like 8 hundred or so in TSL. Good thing is i've written both games to share code for the most part so K1 get the benefits TSL gets in that department. Percentage wise it's honestly hard for me to say at this point as most of the games rely on scripting and every time I add code to handle a new script action more of the game comes alive. It's still really early I guess is all I really feel safe saying at this point. lol good one 😄! Yeah the Atton grin is weird bastila's legs do something similar in both games. Could be something to do with skin weights but i'm not sure. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. ///// 01. Background ///// A couple of years back I had an idea to create a new modding suite for both KotOR games. My original idea was something along the lines of Kotor Tool on steroids with a built in 3d module editor. As time went on I learned a lot about the game and it's systems getting me to a point where my editor could load an entire module complete with 3d models, sound, waypoints, triggers, walkmeshes, and more. I then realized my knowledge of the underlying engine wasn't up to snuff because I kept making bad design choices on how I linked everything together. Fast forward about a year later after I've poured through about all the Docs and Resources I could find on the original games and the NWN Engine they spawned from. The project has now expanded to include game engines for both games. Yeah I know what you are thinking "Well that escalated quickly" and I have to agree because I never thought I would ever attempt to recreate the original KotOR games let alone in JavaScript lol. ///// 02. The Big Question ///// And now to the big question i'm sure a few of you have asked at this point... Why write something like this in JS? Well because it's fun. I do a lot of work with JS when i'm working on websites and am constantly blown away by everything it can do. It's also cross platform and at it's core platform independent. The original scope was also just for a Modding Suite with some 3d sprinkled in so it made more sense then. ///// 03. The Other Big Question ///// Why not just write your stuff in C++ and contribute to the xoreos team. Well that's simple i'm not even close to being well versed enough in C++ to contribute in any meaningful way to that project. I mean for the most part I can look at C++ code and understand it and get the gist of what it's trying to do. I wouldn't have even had a shot at this if it wasn't for them I owe so much to what they have discovered so far . I do wish them well and hope that once I publish the code they can hopefully find some stuff they can port the their project. And yes I do plan on making this an opensource project so anyone can contribute. ///// 04. Credit ///// I want to be sure and give credit where credit is due. I am totally standing on the shoulders of everyone who came before me. I could not have gotten this far if not for all the people who have shared their knowledge on these and other forums. @bead-v @DrMcCoy to name a few were instrumental in helping me get this far as the MDL/MDX format was really the bane of my existence for a while. Also all of the tool makers who shared source code allowing us to follow in their footsteps. I can't begin to mention everyone by name but if you have put anything out there in regards to cracking a file format or how the internal game mechanics work there is a good chance I have read it and have been helped by it! ///// 05. End Game ///// I really don't have an endgame per se. I just really have a lot of fun doing this in my spare time. I would love to someday have the entire game playable with this engine and finish the modding suite. In the mean time I will post updates when I have stuff to show. ///// 06. Ok That's Enough Talk ///// Source Code: Public Alpha Build: Website: Online Demo: I'm sure by now you're ready for me to show something. So without further delay here is some footage from TSL enjoy! ///// Screenshots ///// I copied the post template from this thread
  5. I like the idea of a Wiki! How would the editing process work for that? Would you need a certain permission level or would it be some sort of submission process? It would also be nice if a discussion thread could be linked with wiki articles. Similar to how the get support feature works in the downloads section for different files. I found the discussion in the MDL/MDX thread very helpful and organic as multiple theories could be presented and tested. Then the most accurate info could be added to the wiki. If the editing process isn't very difficult my above suggestion might not even be warranted.
  6. I have been working on a few KotOR related tools/apps on and off over the past few years. In that time i've had a heck of a time tracking down knowledge on the various file formats that the game uses. While some are still accessible on the old NWN Developers site with wayback machine, there are subtle differences in some of the files when it comes to KotOR. Over the years various modders and teams have cracked and deciphered crucial information in these areas. All of this info is very scattered and can require tracking down threads on various sites and or getting a hold of tool authors to share source code and info about such things. The MDL/MDX thread from 2016 is one thread that comes to mind as one that could benefit from this approach, seeing as after a while it just gets buried in the Modding forum smushed in between other modding questions and WIP threads. I'm proposing a new forum dedicated to organizing and cataloging the past and future info about file formats and general engine. I believe this may help further the development of tools and engine assets for new and existing modders and coders. I would love to hear other's thoughts on this!
  7. It does kinda kill the mood... Maybe we should rename this topic to Civil War lol.
  8. Good to know. I have to admit I didn't read the fine print. I'll try to give it a go with my model viewer i'm working on. Not sure when it will come up but i'll be sure to report back if i find anything useful. Edit* I've talked to DrMcCoy a little. He keeps an eye on the forums over here so he's a good point of contact if you need one.
  9. It is possible to decompile the Kaurora.exe with dotPeek from JetBrains though I'm not sure that the Kaurora in the download section of DeadlyStream is built with the latest version of the source code. I've been working with the MDL format myself over the past couple of months and will be sure to share anything I discover as well. Don't forget to talk to the guys who are working on xoreos if you haven't already. They may have some insight and might benefit from anything we discover.
  10. That is a very misleading comment as what I have been referring to is requests made since the deed has been done. Your point on presentation of the files on their website is not a very strong one as it is just aesthetic in nature and i'm sure they would love to hear your feedback on how they could improve the presentation of the mods. That sir is a total cop-out in my opinion. can't do what they do without any financial backing... if they were able to store that much data without any financial backing or donations I would very much like to learn a thing or two from them. And if theft of your intellectual property is truly the problem then it being a less visible outlet is a complete contradiction to your claimed offense. That sounds an awful lot like witch hunting to me. So they make money on ads to pay for the hosting of mods (DeadlyStream does so as well) so that everyone can get them for free... That does not make them evil or guilty until proven innocent. You can have that opinion but with out facts of actual intent to steal files to make money off of it, it is just that your opinion and is not a valid thing to hold against them. So you are embarrassed by old mods that you created and you want them scrubbed from existence so that the only ones that are available are the ones that are up to your current standards? That seems like a weak stance to base your crusade off of. As i'm sure they were not looking to intentionally embarrass you. (you asked them to remove them and i'm sure they will) The point that they didn't ask is in my opinion offset by the fact that they are letting the authors claim and manage the content so they can gain back control. If you were mad at first it should be pointless to be mad now because you got what you wanted the community is getting what they want and everyone can be happy if they choose to be. i'm not sure you get to decide what is and is not worth saving. And this whole upholding their rules of having permission or ownership I can see as flexible when the alternative is them being lost. And yet in the end you still are able to get back control and have your way. This tirade is totally pointless because of that and until they do it again or refuse to give you ownership of your mods it is a non issue and people can begin to heal and move on now that the mods are safe and everyone is happy that wants to be. At this point i'm not sure how much more I can contribute to this thread. I feel I have done the best I can to convey my opinions on this matter. And if anyone can ever prove ill intent then you can be sure i'll be backing you up faster than you can blink.
  11. And DeadlyStream has ads just for kicks eh? I'm really surprised to see this being repeated in this thread. Making money to support file hosting is a must. That's why places like FileFront go down because they can't do it for free.
  12. Your post here (If i'm understanding it correctly) seems to be defending your right to not have your mod uploaded to another platform. Fine I get that. I'm not sure anyone else in this thread has stated otherwise. For me I'm just pushing back against this bring out the pitch forks and skewer those horrible people at Nexus for daring to try and do their part in preserving the hard works of others. You may not like or agree with how they went about it (Which I think you have made evidently clear in your many posts on this thread). But they are still honoring the wishes of the mod owners I don't see why there is still so much flack when mod owners are still getting what they want in the end. If they were ignoring your requests I could see the hostility as warranted. So why not take the approach of working with them to find a peaceful solution before crying out in the streets that they have stolen you intellectual property? I still do not see what all the fuss is about. Nexus is a solid platform that many people trust in. I've never used it for anything other than some Dragon Age mods because it didn't have meaningful support for KotOR games. I don't see how you can proclaim it as a mess when only a few people have spoken up negatively about it. And you still haven't answered my question as to how this is any different from It's still on another server that you didn't consent to and by the way you don't have a lick of control if it's on there or not as far as I know. Please don't take me the wrong way either. My intent is not to inflame, I just want to make sure people are being justly represented.
  13. Hey guys just wanted to throw my 2 cents into the conversation. What is the purpose of modding in the first place? For me the purpose has always been to share something useful with others who share my passion for KOTOR that it may in the end help or make someone happy. The stance of intellectual property seems to be a shaky one to me as the basis of all of our mods is that of LucasArts & BioWare's original intellectual property, and without the original intellectual property it would be worthless. Now i'm not saying modders don't have the right to their mods or to have done with them as they see fit. I just think it's a little silly to be so uptight about something that in the end is just a mod... for a game... Even then I don't remember Bioware or LucasArts giving explicit permission to the community to handle their game in this way. It was always the common conception that they would leave us alone as long as our mods were not of a commercial nature or of a pirated nature. On the matter of stolen content: I'm not sure if this was added to the mod listings after this all started. If you were going to steal something I don't think you would put this on your ransom note. From what I can see they have been willing to comply with this statement and have done so with at least SithSpector's mods. No harm no foul I say. If they wanted to steal away the credit and accomplishments of the mod authors I would be just as upset as some of you. Seeing as their efforts seem to be in good faith and not to achieve malicious ends I think it's more than ok to give them some time to make sure everyone's concerns are heard and given a chance to be met. With that said I feel it is very immature and down right childish to take such a vicious stance against a team who seems to want to do something for the good of the modding community as a whole. The thing is a lot of these mods were made by people who no longer maintain or even care about their mods anymore. It seems crazy to hold up something like this so that every last modder can be contacted even if for some that would be almost impossible. I'm not sure why is getting a pass from people when their content was uploaded to their servers without permission as well. I think we could all benefit if we were more open to mods being on as many decent hosts as possible so that this sort of mass archiving isn't needed in the future. I'm also very disturbed by some of the emails I see in this thread as they seem to be written in a nasty way to the guys over at Nexus as the opening line of dialog. When there was no proof of malicious actions to begin with. If you want people to be respectful of you then the proper way would be to politely let them know of your concerns or intentions and if they refused then it would warrant something more hostile.
  14. Thanks for letting me know! I had to recreate the installer script from scratch... I must have over looked it. I should be able to put out a fix soon.
  15. Whew! Ok everything is compiled and updated. The download page on the site has been updated with the new installer. You can also get the link for the 7zip file for manual installations in the about section. *As a note if you are using the installer please uninstall the previous version as the installer has changed for the new one. Take it for a spin and let me know if you are having any more issues. Thanks! Edit: Here is the source code if anyone is interested
  16. OK I have finally been able to track down the bug. I have to admit this is a very new problem that I have never run into before. It was actually a problem with the application icon that I created and bundled with it. For some reason xp couldn't work with it and it caused the application to crash. I will be looking into a fix and update you all once it's live. Edit: On further investigation it looks like I was using a .png instead of a .ico. xp doesn't support .png for app icons.
  17. I'll need some info so that I can try to recreate the error as reliable as possible. What XP service pack are you on? Is it a 32bit or 64bit version of xp? Thanks!
  18. Hey guys! Looks like someone is talking about me lol. I just had someone hit me up over PM about the XP issues. I haven't looked at that code in a while so I'm not sure exactly why it is not behaving on XP. I'll try to look into that this week and see if I can figure it out, seeing as i'm on Win7 it might take a bit. I will also gather up the code and throw it up on GitHub just in case other people might want to take a stab at it. If you would like to ask me any questions be sure to fire away and i'll do my best to answer them. Thanks!
  19. Good finds! I was about to reply with the links you edited your post with. I'm currently looking into the format myself. If I find anything more I'll be sure to share. Where would we be without good ole WayBackMachine . It's a shame that we have to work so hard to find all this scattered info. Everything I find i'm saving to my computer. It would be nice to get everything compiled in one place for easier future reference.
  20. Hello everyone! As the title suggests i'm looking for info on the file structure for ingame models from KotOR & KotOR II. I know there ins't any one source that can be pointed to as all of the breakthroughs on the subject have happened by multiple modders over the years. I have need of this info for a modding project i'm working on. I hope that with your help we can compile what is known together so that we all can benefit from it. As an aside to the main question i'm also interested in any other info out there on WalkMeshes, Lightmaps, & such. Thanks! Edit: A few links have been dug up by sELFiNDUCEDcOMA on post Copy & Pasted here just in case. -by CChargin -by Torlack
  21. Blue

    Kotor Apeiron

    I was sent a link to the projects website by a friend who knew I liked KOTOR. Needless to say as soon as I saw the first screenshots I was immediately uninterested as it looked nothing like KOTOR. Didn't scratch that nostalgia bug for me. At the same time if they can pull it off more power to them... there has to be someone who would like it
  22. View File KotOR Scripting Tool - 2021 About Kotor Scripting Tool Kotor Scripting Tool is my attempt at a scripting interface for nwnnsscomp.exe. I originally designed this tool to aid me in my scripting efforts back in the day. My desire was to create a scripting tool with some of the creature comforts that today's coders have come to expect. The core features that were important for me were the ability to have NWScript function name Auto Completion and Syntax Highlighting. If anyone is interested in helping to extend its functionality be sure to check out the link to the GItHub repo below. Anyways that's enough rambling for now! Happy Modding! Features include: Compile .nss Scripts Syntax highlighting AutoComplete Suggestions (Beta) Tabbed Text Editor Advanced Find & Replace Browsable nwscript function list Browsable nwscript constants list Zip Archive Download and extract the zip file. Once extracted navigate to the directory and run Kotor Scripting Tool.exe This program was compiled in C# with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework if you do not already have it downloaded you will need to download it [here]. The source code has been released on my GitHub account Submitter Blue Submitted 07/09/2012 Category Modding Tools  
  23. Version v0.1.5.0


    About Kotor Scripting Tool Kotor Scripting Tool is my attempt at a scripting interface for nwnnsscomp.exe. I originally designed this tool to aid me in my scripting efforts back in the day. My desire was to create a scripting tool with some of the creature comforts that today's coders have come to expect. The core features that were important for me were the ability to have NWScript function name Auto Completion and Syntax Highlighting. If anyone is interested in helping to extend its functionality be sure to check out the link to the GItHub repo below. Anyways that's enough rambling for now! Happy Modding! Features include: Compile .nss Scripts Syntax highlighting AutoComplete Suggestions (Beta) Tabbed Text Editor Advanced Find & Replace Browsable nwscript function list Browsable nwscript constants list Zip Archive Download and extract the zip file. Once extracted navigate to the directory and run Kotor Scripting Tool.exe This program was compiled in C# with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework if you do not already have it downloaded you will need to download it [here]. The source code has been released on my GitHub account