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Everything posted by Traveller

  1. Did you boost Charisma in KSE? If you did and boosted it too much, this combined with her being at 100 Influence will make her appearance flip to the opposite of yours. This is a bug in the game engine, and while it cannot be totally fixed there are ways to make the bug less noticeable. In case you haven't already guessed, I boost attributes as well as I'm in the "play it for fun" stage. Anyway, to fix, you need the following mods: The Influence bug fix from House of Amon's Mod Pack. Dark Side Transitions. Those items are the basics necessary to make the bug less noticeable. Additional things I did for my own game were to extract Handmaiden's white garb from the game files and rename it to P_HandmaidenAD01.tga as well as modify underwear for the Dark Side. Copying and renaming Handmaiden's white garb fixes another influence issue during the cutscene where Handmaiden steals the Ebon Hawk. With the Influence bug in effect, she would be wearing black if you were light, and white if you were dark. Now she wears white all the time, which actually parallels Atris' "white does not necessarily mean good" motif. Modifying the underwear is a bit more complex. Kotor II by default uses one texture for all dark side underwear. For underwear, I took copies of the light side textures and renamed them as follows: P_VisasBA01.tga > P_VisasBC01.tga (NOTE: The only texture not needing editing in appearance.2da) PFBAMA01.tga, PFBAMB01.tga, PFBAMC01.tga > PFBAMDA1.tga, PFBAMDB1.tga, PFBAMDC1.tga PMBAMA01.tga, PMBAMB01.tga, PMBAMC01.tga > PMBAMDA1.tga, PMBAMDB1.tga, PMBAMDC1.tga Using KotOR Tool I edited appearance.2da so the Dark Side textures for all the player models and the NPCs were one of the new textures. I haven't yet done a TSL Patcher implementation, which would be so much easier. However, my time is limited right now....
  2. Steam doesn't write registry entries, which is why KSE doesn't work. Fix available here.
  3. Your issue is identical to one I had when a few years ago I was using SK90's Ultimate Appearance Upgrade. In that mod, the robe model Kaevee would wear was missing, and thus the game would crash. The ONLY solution was to completely reinstall the game, not use the Ultimate Appearance Upgrade, and delete the save game as well. Now, from looking at past threads of yours, I know that you have a tremendous number of mods in your Override. Other people have told you to cut down on the number of mods, and I agree with them. Because of the number of mods you have, there is absolutely no way to say for certain that the NPC Overhaul Mod is the cause of the game crashing when Kaevee is encountered. What is certain is that this mod was the source of my problems. I know this because prior to installing this mod, I had absolutely zero problems in completing the game. This was the absolute last mod I installed, and once I installed this mod, my problems began. I relied upon the backups TSL Patcher made of the modules to fix my game so I could complete it, though I normally back up the game directory in its entirety. Restoring the modules except for 001EBO fixed the problem completely. Therefore, I believe this mod makes too many changes to the modules to work properly with TSLRCM. ONLY 001EBO should be installed on a TSLRCM game. While 001EBO does edit the module itself to change the gun the HKs use, its changes are mostly .2da edits and additions to the Override.
  4. It appears your mod makes too many changes to the modules. I had the same problem The Eradicator had with the battle of Khoonda getting "stuck" after the first wave of mercenaries. Restoring the backed-up modules from the mod folder to the game fixed this problem and allowed the game to progress normally. This was on a fresh install, but the save game itself wasn't fresh. On my next play I will see if I can complete the game without texture issues and without glitches. If I can't, I can still make use of 001EBO, as I still have that part of the mod installed. It may simply be a coincidence that removing your mod fixed the Khoonda issue mentioned above, but the bulk of my mods don't duplicate files you include. Two of the mods I use that duplicate files you include happen to duplicate textures and a player portrait. Both of which are easily removed.
  5. To make sure I didn't have issues with mods I was no longer using I installed the game from scratch, then applied TSLRCM and the following TSL Patcher mods, in order. *NPC Overhaul Mod *Peragus Tweak *Trayus Rank Reform *Nihilus' Zombie Death *Rubat Crystal Fix After these mods I plugged in the few non-TSL Patcher mods and the host of reskins I use. None of which change the Sith in any way. I'll have to check and see if there's a compatibility issue between Trayus Rank Reform and this mod, because that mod is the only one that deals with the Sith at all, and I have 001EBO installed as I have the backup copy of the module from TSL Patcher. I installed the full mod, then applied Trayus Rank Reform after yours. Perhaps I should have applied yours after it? P.S. The last six words of your last sentence in your post take a rather accusatory tone, assuming the problems mentioned resulted from not reading the readme. Needless to say I take exception to the inference and suggest you edit your post.
  6. Something I noticed in my last playthrough. On Dxun, the ritual followers in Freedon Nadd's tomb are missing their textures. At least one Dark Jedi on board the Ravager suffers from the same issue. In the case of the ritual followers I replaced the utc file by, if I recall correctly, extracting the original file from the templates using KotOR Tool. From there I overwrote the modified file in the mod with the original, then ran TSL Patcher to replace the file in the module. The Dark Jedi on board the Ravager I replaced with the identical files from the Trayus Rank Reform mod. Now they have robes! You may want to check for misspellings or spaces in the texture names.
  7. The XP issue isn't related to TSLRCM but a vanilla feature or bug depending on whom you ask. The NPCs left behind on the Ebon Hawk while the Exile and the party go running about do not earn any experience. There is a Party XP Bug Fix mod by Lit Ridl which will fix this. HouseOfAmon included a modified version with his Influence Bug Fix in the HOA Mod Pack. The black screen could just be a glitch, especially if it worked after a save and reload.
  8. The KotOR Collection DVD version of KotOR II and the Steam version apparently do not write registry entries when installing, thus neither KotOR Tool nor the KotOR Savegame Editor can find the installation without you looking for it manually. The fix for both is simple: a registry file. Use the registry file I provide below, but change the path to where you actually have KotOR II installed and remove the .txt extension. Steam: "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Knights of the Old Republic II" (32-bit) "Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Knights of the Old Republic II" (64-bit) KotOR Collection DVD: "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\SWKotOR2" (32-bit) "Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\LucasArts\\SWKotOR2" (64-bit) Once the file is saved, double-click on it and let it merge into the registry. Then KotOR Tool and the KotOR Savegame Editor should both work correctly. Source: SWKotOR2.reg.txt
  9. @OP: Jorran in the Enclave sublevel is bugged. His UTC file has "Minimum 1HP" checked when it shouldn't. Needless to say, killing him is impossible.The corrected file should be below, assuming the file attachment feature on the board works. Simply remove the .txt extension from the file and copy to the Override folder. I updated my copy of the full mod by copying this file to the 610DAN subdirectory and letting it overwrite the previous file. npc_jorran.utc.txt
  10. The video card is gven a warning for not meeting the recommended specs but the configuration utility doesn't fail the video card flat out. The OS on the other hand does fail because the configuration utility cannot detect anything later than XP.
  11. If they're transparent, then the texture is missing completely. If the texture changes in appearance.2da, there must be a .txi file made for that character with the same information in it. For example, I use the Shiny Mandalorians mod. That mod includes an appearance.2da file with the shine already set, but I can't use the included .2da file because TSLRCM has its own. Thus I'm required to edit the appearance.2da file from TSLRCM and add the CM_baremetal environment map to the Mandalorians. The mod includes the .txi files for each of the skins that make up the Mandalorians but if it didn't, the .txi files are simple text files with the name of the texture in them. For all the HKs and G0-T0 the same thing was done. These skins, along with the skin of Darth Nihilus' mask, are the last remnant of SK90's Ultimate Appearance Mod that exists in my game. Each skin has had a baremetal texture added to it using the .txi file, then the appearance.2da file edited.
  12. Question answered. As best as I can determine, this was nothing more than a computer glitch. I just completed the lightsaber training with Visas.
  13. I should be able to answer this question for you this weekend. I've been pretty busy this week so unfortunately I haven't had a great deal of time to play.
  14. Showstopper bug: Quick specifics: Female Jedi Sentinel/Jedi Master, KotOR Savegame Editor used to bump stats, starting credits, components, and chemicals. Planets completed: Peragus, Telos, Korriban, Dxun. Planets remaining: Dantooine, Nar Shaddaa, Onderon. Attempt to do the lightsaber training with Visas. After selecting your attacks attempt to engage in combat with the space bar and the game refuses to engage. Cancel combat and Visas turns friendly but the game refuses to disengage from combat. Exiting the game while in this state corrupts the save game. Prior to the lightsaber training HK-47 extracted the information he needed from the captured HK-50, thus allowing me access to the HK Factory later in the game. After exiting the game and restarting it, the HK-47/HK-50 cutscene fails to engage, thus leaving the HK Factory stuck on a score of 40 when it should be 90. Worse, the HK-50 is still in the Ebon Hawk through various additional cutscenes. I can revert to my previous save, which was at Izis Starport just after receiving my Starport Visa, but the more relevant question is whether any of my mods suddenly became incompatible or whether the game simply glitched. Mods: Dantooine Mechanic Fix Kill The Ithorian Influence Bug Fix 1.2 (confirmed compatible by me) TSL Patcher Mods: Peragus Tweak Rubat Crystal Fix Trayus Rank Reform Skins: Quarren and Sullustian (Head reskins) Reskins of HK-47, HK-50, HK-51, and G0-T0 Movie-style Blade Retextures Replacement Hilts Megapack Coruscant Skybox Textures Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox Textures Darth Malak's Armor Reskin Fixed Mandalorian Banners Handmaiden-style Underwear for Females Movie-style Jedi Master Robes Republic Soldier Reskins* Shiny Mandalorians T.W.O Blaster Rifle Pack T.W.O Heavy Blaster Pack *This is a KotOR I reskin that is compatible with KotOR II. KotOR II has an extra Republic Soldier head not found in KotOR I, which required me to extract said head file and edit it with Photoshop to match the other head files. Tested compatible with TSLRCM 1.7 and should be compatible with 1.8. Sounds: Big Bad Sound Mod, Mark II Ultimate Sound Mod
  15. Can't get you a screenshot since I completed Korriban without issue. But, thanks to Gamebanshee and a bit of work with Photoshop.... ...I've provided a graphic which I hope helps explain things. EDIT: Do check all three chambers however, since it is possible I have the wrong chamber in mind.
  16. Minor issue in the Shyrack Caves. Each of the chambers in the caves has two entrances. The leftmost chamber (if looking at the chambers from the main entrance) is missing a trigger on the entrance that leads deeper into the caves. The end result is that if someone takes the bugged entrance into the chamber, the Deadly Tuk'ata within do not become hostile until attempting to leave the chamber through the other entrance.
  17. Ahh, you've got your stats set through the roof via cheats. Once your influence exceeds a certain amount, visually all the characters will appear as the exact opposite "alignment" as you while still acting as the right "alignment". This is a bug in the game engine itself, and the guys here cannot fix that. There is an influence bug fix mod available which will correct the problem to an extent, but it was not written by the TSLRCM crew. I did link to it in another post, but I'm about to get back to playing the game. Search my posts and you should find the link.
  18. I'm actually describing two issues here, though related. Throughout the Prologue, spoken dialogue cuts off mid sentence, but the text box describing what to do remains up on the screen. The solo mode spoken dialogue in the Prologue doesn't get past the first word before getting cut off. The text box describing it is immediately replaced by the quest update box. As I said, neither is a gamebreaker. Since the text remains up on the screen for almost everything in the Prologue it's easy enough to read the text. The solo mode dialogue however requires one to read the journal to find out what was said. Fortunately, I know how to play the game so I can skip the Prologue in the future. I simply wanted to see the changes
  19. Not a showstopper, but in the Prologue, several of the spoken lines abruptly end mid speech. For example, the dialogue that explains about using solo mode to get 3C-FD to operate the door controls cuts out after the first word. Most of the other affected lines actually cut out about halfway through the line. Once you actually get to Peragus, everything proceeds normally.
  20. No, because I use the processor affinity command in my shortcut and the sound skipping still occurs.
  21. Late to the discussion as I don't check this forum much. However, 90SK's problem with Kaevee was a problem I had, and the solution for me was to completely reinstall TSL and the RCM. However, when I did the reinstall I didn't include 90SK's mod, with the exception of his Nihilus mask reskin. TSL with the RCM installed has been working properly ever since. I'm no modder, so I can't pin down what the culprit could be. I do however think that the problem lies in the robes themselves.
  22. Regarding Influence, it is a bug but one that only happens if you cheat. Under ordinary circumstances the bug should never come into play. While I use the Influence Bug Fix due to cheating after legitimately completing the game I don't believe it should be included. However, at the same time I agree with House of Amon (the Bug Fix author) in that HK should start off and remain dark like he did in the original KotOR. To the best of my knowledge even without the Bug Fix installed it's not possible to turn HK light anyway.
  23. List your mods, because that "one problem" you mentioned having means something is conflicting with the RCM. For example, my problem was that at the start of the Battle of Telos I appeared in the hangar at Citadel Station instead of the Ithorian Compound. The end result was that I could never get the canon ending (Malachor V destroyed using the Mass Shadow Generator) because the HK Factory would not trigger. I ended up having to completely reinstall the game as well as all my mods.
  24. Force Fashion II is not compatible with TSLRCM.
  25. With TSLRCM it's not automatic. After acquiring the transponder codes you have to fight your way from the Docks to Tien's shop. It's not an easy task either. At a guesstimate you have four encounters with a total of some 35-40 opponents to fight between the Docks and Tien's shop. That doesn't include the dozen or so Gand heading from Mira's hideout to the Docks. It sounds like you have an incompatible mod in your Override. You might want to list the mods you're using so the more knowledgable members of the forum can tell you what's up.